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Slashdot's Disagree Mail 167

I get a lot of mail from obviously unbalanced people. Enough in fact, that I've often wondered if there was a institution that allowed their patients to only read Slashdot. We've even had a few visits from some questionable individuals. A man who tried to bribe me with a car if I let him "reverse engineer" Rob Malda's Life comes to mind. He insisted on Rob being present for the process and couldn't explain to me what it entailed, so I suggested he leave. The personal visits are rare, however, compared to the amount of mail I get. Here are a few of my favorites; let's hope these people have started to take their medication. Read below and don't be worried if you don't understand all of it.

This guy seems to be a little upset that the bottom has fallen out of the criminal mind-reading market. Luckily he seems to have made up for it by predicting earthquakes on the side.

On Mon Sep 8, 2003 ********* wrote:
"I am on two projects, actually the telepathy work went dormant when I found the demand sluggish although a trained reader might avoid some of what criminals want. Violence and sex can be read as images.Quake forecasts are useful to survive and this is where the activity is going in. Neither project is quite what other people are into as discussion. Indeed the tenor of both activities is observation observation observation. Mistakes in either area kill people. Warnings are of course not what people want. Quakes can be planned around. Finding oneself in an elevator with a serial killer might demand a skilled avoidance. There is a risk I will learn something else from a more informed person in your site. What a bore to load on more stuff people will want me to shut up about, but maybe sneaky tips to survive can help me to suffer longer."

This guy is part of your standard tinfoil-hat crowd. I appreciate that my response back is what will determine if free speech lives or dies.

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 ****** wrote:
"hi there Just trying to shed some light on your troubles with new laws. I believe thatALL governments have found a "legal" loophole to create new "laws" and that is making every person ie man woman and child a corporation or SLAVE. How can they do that ? by simply having you identify yourself willingly as such. Look at your issued drivers license and such if your name is all in CAPITALS you are no longer entitled to the human rights or even your inalienable rights ( God given rights )If you do not believe me check your birth certificate some may find their name in upper and lower(capital an small letters) if this is so then try to get your drivers license changed to your Proper name designating you a man ( free man ) or woman.Check the Magna Carta of 1215 these rights and priveledges are forever and if they have been removed then you cannot trust any other laws as these came straight from the King at that time and if he can lie to you what chance do you have of getting any support from anyone else? I believe we need laws and a way to enforce them but when human rights are being violated then Everyone has a voice and has to use it. He who does not stand up and fight for liberty and freedom deserves neither liberty or freedom. If no reply I will acceptall freedom is gone."

Finally we have this man, who shows us why you should never mix "The Matrix," a sociology book, and anti-psychotic medication.

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 ******* wrote:
"There is something extremely wrong with every single person in this world. They seem to be part of a pointless simulation.

"The Matrix" has portrayed this idea somewhat, yet we watch it and go back to our daily lives. Yet in this very life, underneath the seeming diversity in people's opinions, values, talents, and interests, there is something that makes everyone the same. It is as though this planet is populated only by mindless fakes, objects that provide the appearance of intellect on the surface but are based on only mechanical reflexes and primitive thought patterns.

I don't really care if anything I say has been said before, if it was portrayed in movies, in books, or in the lyrics of some useless song. With 6 billion people covering the globe at any given time, thousands and thousands of years of written literature, probability dictates almost any combination of words has occurred numerous times. Yet there is clear evidence there was no action, so those words, just like the people who spoke them, must have been just more fakes. I am forced to use this language (also created by the fakes) because there is no alternative, so everything I write here could be misunderstood to make me sound like one of them, but it will be the action that I take and the dedication that will separate me from them.

In my estimation the fakes that occupy this planet don't make up 99%, but more like 99.9999999% of the population. I know this because I've searched, and in my search have so far only found one true ally (I have found him via the internet as well). But even with those numbers we would not give up because there is no logic in giving up.

The people on this planet are all fakes because the societies have made them this way. Ideas that populate people's minds have no logic or purpose. Concepts such as religion, god, morality, individualism, freedom, identity, happiness, love and billions of others are all just memes. Like parasites they infect the minds and spread from one person to the next. They have no point or purpose; they exist without any logical basis or foundation. The fakes are completely controlled by them, and they will never see beyond them. To not be controlled by them one must do more then just realize that they exist. One must resist any ideas that have no point, endlessly question, and never accept imperfection or compromise in any answer.

We (myself and my ally) are different though. While we have had the limitation of existing only in these societies, something has made it possible for us to resist being indoctrinated into becoming one of those fakes. We have no arbitrary wants, needs, desires, or preferences.

If this world continues to exist the way it is then nothing in it will ever have a point. It will always be just a product of random evolution, one with no importance or relevance. The only logical goal is to dedicate our lives to increasing our numbers, those that aren't fakes, so that in thousands of years our numbers may be such that the fakes would no longer be a threat to progress.

Those that join us must see every other person occupying this planet as the enemy, and us as their only allies. Like us they must have dedication only to taking the most logical action, and to nothing else.

To tell you more about us, we've posted some personal information about ourselves on a website. You'll also find past responses to us on that webpage.

Obviously anyone reading this email is most likely just another fake. Do not simply reply to this email, if you do your message will almost certainly be ignored. If you do wish to communicate, first demonstrate your interest by taking the effort to find us online, one of the ways to do that is described below.

Use a major search engine to search for every combination of any two words from the list below. The order of the words shouldn't matter as long as you do not search for them in quotes. Also when you pick the right combination you shouldn't need to look at more then the first matches.

There is no trick to this and this isn't meant to be quick, it should, however, be fairly clear if/when you find the right site. The following search engines were verified by us, please use any of them as other search engines may simply not list us correctly: MSN, Lycos, InfoSeek, FastSearch, LookSmart, HotBot, InfoSpace, Ask.com, AllTheWeb, Teoma, WebCrawler, AltaVista.


If this can't be solved, or if you never reach us, there should be no reason for you to give up as we will never give up and thus there will always be some way to find us."


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Slashdot's Disagree Mail

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For God's sake, stop researching for a while and begin to think!
