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Parenting Official Says Lesbians Make 'Better Parents' 30

Stephen Scott, director of research at the National Academy for Parenting Practitioners, says that lesbian couples have traditional couples licked when it comes to raising children. He cites research that suggests children with two female parents are more aspirational than those with opposite-sex parents. From the article, "Research at Birkbeck College, part of London University, and Clark University in Massachusetts suggests that same-sex couples make good parents because children cannot be conceived accidentally — parents must make an active decision to adopt or find a sperm donor. "


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Parenting Official Says Lesbians Make 'Better Parents'

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  • Hmmm (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Stargoat ( 658863 ) <stargoat@gmail.com> on Monday November 16, 2009 @10:20PM (#30125024) Journal
    I knew one little girl who was raised by two mommies. It was interesting. With her mom around, she was a little beast, yelling at me, an adult, if I was walking into the neighbor's yard to chat with him, "You're not allowed there" or if in the kitchen, "You're not allowed to eat that". Etcetera etcetera.

    But when her mommy wasn't around, she was a perfect angel, a little precious sweetheart you'd love for a daughter who would sit on your lap for hours while you told her stories - asked politely to hold your hand when you crossed the street. Her mom was putting her up to telling people off. Very unpleasant behavior, really.

    But that aside, what are women teaching our children anyway? To sit still in a classroom, and then an office? Not to make waves. To work your eight hours, buy your meat at the store, go home watch Dancing With The Idols, and sleep to do it again tomorrow?

    That's a load of BS. It's time for men to be men. We should be able to hunt. We should be able to confront each other. We should be encouraged to compete and to play and to roughhouse.

    In an effort to increase the role of women in society, we have changed the role of men. That's why more girls go to college today than boys. That's why girls do better in school. That's why women under 30 make more than men. Congratulations, society has changed. Women did not become winners and equal to men, but rather men lost what they were and what made life fun.
  • by moxley ( 895517 ) on Tuesday November 17, 2009 @10:32AM (#30128568)

    with your "have traditional couples licked.." pun....

    You're referring to cunnilingus.......yes, see, because the article is about lesbians...yeah...nicely done. You, sir, are a treasure...

    But in all seriousness, I think that it ridiculous that people are against same sex parents; it's not like those of us who are heterosexual have done such a great job - plenty of people do, but plenty of people don't...If someone wants to raise a child and is going to give that child/children love and take care of them, then it shouldn't matter what their gender attraction is. Parents are parents, and the people who have this hatred or bias towards gey people need to get over it, because gay people have been around since the beginning of time and they'll be around - it seems to be inherent in nature.

    It makes me wonder why people fight it, but then I remember that often the staunchest anti-gay legislators and politicians are the ones who are secretly gay.....

What is research but a blind date with knowledge? -- Will Harvey
