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Trade Your Bible For Porn 227

An anonymous reader writes "Atheist students at the University of Texas at San Antonio announced that any student over the age of 18 will receive pornographic materials if they trade in religious materials. From the article: 'Leaders of this atheist campaign allege that porn is no worse than what's written in religious texts. A university spokesman says that this controversial cause is completely legal, though he admits a majority of the students on campus do not agree with it.'"


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Trade Your Bible For Porn

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  • Re:Stunts (Score:2, Interesting)

    by denobug ( 753200 ) on Wednesday March 03, 2010 @11:48AM (#31346222)

    It's like Dr. House said, "If religious people could be reasoned with there would be no religious people."

    Same can be said about atheist proponent. Some of of them could not be reasoned with to share with the "why" people choose to believe there is a God. They don't respect your stance on believing in God. They just want to make a point and show their positions are superior than others. They are no better or no worse than the religious zealot in any religion, be Christianity, Muslim, Buddhist, or even Hindoism.

    I need to make it clear that I am a Christian and I SUPPORT the use of any scientific tools for new scientific discoveries, so long as it is ethical determined by the respective field (no I'm not going to dictate what is "ethical" for the doctors when I'm not an expert in medical field, although I can tell you very clearly what is ethical and what is just plain wrong in my field of work). Any true believer of God can tell you (including me) that we belive in the existence of God not because it is easy to believe in. In fact we were not won over by clever arguments. Rather it is through our life experience we choose to belive that there is a God, and the God we believe in (i.e. choosing a religion). In fact one of my cousins who was raised in an atheist family choose to believe in God and attending church services regularly overseas, which there are no peer pressure to join a church, you have to want to do it youself.

    So what am I saying here? The point I'm trying to make is that at least there are some of us Christian believers respect and value our scientific educations (and training) a great deal. But that does not make us less of a beliver. What it does however is to see through the folley of both religious and atheist zealot whose sole concern is to propel their own philosiphy and has no true concerns for the wellfare of others around them.

    Lastly, I think House is real smart and funny! I love the show. But you have to admit that you want to choke him a occassionally (mentally) if he is your co-worker for being a world class jerk...

  • Re:Stunts (Score:2, Interesting)

    by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot <> on Thursday March 04, 2010 @04:38PM (#31362242) Homepage Journal

    Btw. this one statement caught my eye...

    "By far, more murders were committed by explicitly atheistic regimes than religious ones in the 20th century"

    Could you please expand on that? Are you referring to military, or something smaller in scope? I'm trying to identify if religion (or lack of) has anything to do with it...

    I am referring to the mass murders by the regimes of the USSR and China, responsible for somewhere between 75 million and 100 million human deaths combined.

    I would say atheism played a role in two ways: first, in that because atheism is itself an ideology, these fascist regimes were set on wiping out any ideologies that posed a threat. This is not unique to atheism, of course, but it's distinctly different from having a regime that has no ideology.

    Second, in that because it was an atheist regime, as opposed to an explicitly pacifist ideology (such as some branches of Christianity or Buddhism, for example), there was no restraining factor within the ideology itself. But again, this is not unique to atheism.

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