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Bus Company Says Thin Drivers Deserve Better Pay 54

In an attempt to promote good employee health, a Lithuanian transport company is paying thin drivers better salaries than their overweight co-workers. Over 100 drivers were weighed to determine their BMI. "We just wanted to promote a health lifestyle," said Vilius Lauzikas, director of Busturas, the transport company in question. The local union and donut loving drivers aren't fans of the new policy. "We cannot call it nothing other than a mockery. If they (the company) do not reconsider we will appeal to the courts," a union representative said.


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Bus Company Says Thin Drivers Deserve Better Pay

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  • Re:Illegal? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by poptones ( 653660 ) on Thursday November 11, 2010 @03:26AM (#34194010) Journal

    You're awfully arrogant for a man whose entire premise is failed from the start. You keep harping about people overindulging as if that's the entire cause of the problem. It isn't. As someone who has been "naturally fat" since a child and who has managed to get the weight off only to watch it come back again, I can tell you without doubt I eat far less NOW than I did before I essentially doubled my weight. When I was in my mid twenties I lived at the gym - went in the morning, went again at night. I weighed under 180 and easily consumed 10,000 calories a day. Many nights I would end my day by stopping off at the convenience store on the way home and buying a box of Entemann's chocolate chip cookies and a quart of skim milk; I would then chill an hour in front of the TV before going to bed and down THE ENTIRE BOX OF COOKIES AND the quart of skim milk.

    The difference then and now is THEN I WASN'T FAT because I went to the gym. So you're not bitching about me consuming too much, you're bitching about me not giving a shit enough to go to the gym. Well fuck you, charlie - it's twenty miles to the gym fo rme now and I haven't the luxury of spending a few grand a year on shaping my body.

    I burned off those calories then - but I CONSUMED MORE then than now. So what you are really bitching about is just you offense at seeing
    someone who has the NERVE to actually BE fat in public. Do you also bitch about those overpumped apes that pretend to fight one another on television? How about the bricklayers and steel workers?

    I can assure you, the governator didn't get to be the terminator by sipping water and eating rice cakes. Maybe we should do something about all those humans working long hours in construction? After all they can consume pretty much what they want and never get fat - my dad did that. He was a pipefitter and could eat damn near anything without gaining a pound because he was working a physically demanding job all day.

    It sure seems you would benefit from listening to SOMEONE who's "telling you what you're capable of understanding" because it sure seems you have a basic lack of understanding on this topic.

    We subsidize sugar AND corn then cram those sweeteners into every last bit of our food. We inject steroids into cows so they make even more of a product that is already ridiculously underpriced on the wholesale market; we inject other steroids into everything else just to make it bigger, then pretend that's not going to come back on us when we eat the very thing we artificially pumped full of growth hormones. We're shipping manufacturing jobs overseas by the truckload, idling people who are then sedentary AND depressed about their living conditions and we are surprised we have so many fat people? It boggles the mind.

Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
