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Doritos Creator Art West Dead at 97 178

The creator of Doritos has died in Dallas at age 97. Despite being the bane of keyboards and mouse wheels, Art West's famous snacks have become a staple in the geek diet. Doritos officially arrived in the U.S. in 1964 and has since expanded to 23 flavors. Art's Daughter Jana Hacker told The Dallas Morning News that the family plans on "tossing Doritos chips in before they put the dirt over the urn."
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Doritos Creator Art West Dead at 97

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  • Thanks (Score:4, Funny)

    by djdanlib ( 732853 ) on Monday September 26, 2011 @03:21PM (#37519626) Homepage

    Well, I guess he had to cash in his chips eventually.

    Thanks for the flavors, sir!

  • so long, and thanks for the chips!

  • Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants!
  • by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) on Monday September 26, 2011 @03:27PM (#37519696) Homepage Journal
    You know....kinda sad, but also kinda angry.

    I mean, as a kid...I used to like doritos. Heck...I remember when they had plain doritos....not sure when they stopped those and only started the flavored ones.

    But I'm a bit mad now...this guy contributed to the crap food we in the US eat on a regular basis. Highly processed foods, with no nutrition....contributing to the high obesity rate we see out there today.

    But then again...I guess I can't put the blame on this guy....hey, they taste good. Trouble is, people abuse fast food today. A bag of doritos in my house when growing up, was a rare occurance....maybe for a special weekend if we were going to grill out burgers or the like. It cerainly wasn't day-to-day food., goodbye Mr. Doritos Inventor Guy....thanks for a fun treat.

    It is just too bad, that somewhere in the past couple generations, we've lost parents that actually care about what their kids eat....than actually had at least ONE parent that knew how to cook and prepare a nutritious meal, and knew the importance of that, and at least the insistence of at least sporadic family sit down meals.

    It isn't your fault that a 'treat' is now viewed as a regular daily fucking food by so many Americans that are so fat, that if they drop the bag on the floor at their feet, they can no longer easily see the fucker sitting there.....nor can their 2nd grade kids...

    • I have to agree with you, food dosn't make people fat, people make themselves fat, parents deserve the full blame for childhood obiesity, not McDonnalds, not Doritos or Count Chocula. Stupid genX parent "OMG that darn cartoon mascott is making my kid want unhealthy food, my kids are asking for unhealthy food and getting fat on it because of these evil marketers". No it isn't the marketers, it's your dumb ass who buys your kid everything they ask for, they are kids you are a parent, it's your flipping job to
      • by PaulBu ( 473180 )

        Back to cave man times parents had to teach their kids not to eat ... frogs -- I guess their lesson was lost on ancestors of French people! ;-)

        Just had to, because I went through that sentence several times to parse it, in absence of punctuation it was not easy...

        But you and GP are right! And I feel ambivalent as well, but they sure do taste good!

        (Damn, did I actually make a grammar nazi comment? :( English is not even my first language, sorry, man!).

        Paul B.

      • Uh, you obviously don't have children. Stick some bright, colourful melodic thing in front of them and they will want it, no matter what the parents say. Back in caveman days they didn't have target markets and children oriented programming. Sure, parents should be stronger, more discipline etc etc BULL FUCKING SHIT. Stop showing this SHIT to my kids.
        • Stop letting your kids watch TV you don't approve of.

        • Uh, you obviously don't have children. Stick some bright, colourful melodic thing in front of them and they will want it, no matter what the parents say. Back in caveman days they didn't have target markets and children oriented programming. Sure, parents should be stronger, more discipline etc etc BULL FUCKING SHIT. Stop showing this SHIT to my kids

          They had PLENTY of flashy, shiny ads for food and toys when I was a kid too.

          More often than not, when I saw something on tv that I wanted, my parents used thi

        • Why don't *YOU* stop showing it to your kids? Hit the off button, change the channel... and/or if you mean in a store, distract their attention with a toy or, I don't know, talking to them?

      • I have to agree with you, food dosn't make people fat, people make themselves fat, parents deserve the full blame for childhood obiesity, not McDonnalds, not Doritos or Count Chocula.

        When you can fully define the concept of 'choose', then you get the privilege of determining where blame lay for peoples' poor choices.

        Your final definition must take into account the internal and external incentives, self-image and cognitive dissonance, peer pressure, blood sugar levels and nutritional effects, the apparent conflict between conscious and subconscious, the apparent notion that conscious decision-making occurs AFTER the action impulses have begun, the role of the pleasure center, and the pr

    • by vlm ( 69642 ) on Monday September 26, 2011 @03:42PM (#37519876)

      But I'm a bit mad now...this guy contributed to the crap food we in the US eat on a regular basis. Highly processed foods, with no nutrition....contributing to the high obesity rate we see out there today.

      Please reread the original article

      age 97

      Yeah I know, anecdote is not data, etc. But your rant is not gonna sit well about a dead nearly centurian. Sure, no corn and he might have lived to 110, but I think 97 is pretty good... If I "only" make it to 97 I'll be pretty happy. Pissed that I didn't make it to 98, but still pretty happy.

      Also your rant is nonsense, regardless if corn and its byproducts are healthy, if it were not nutritious it would not make farm animals and people fat.

      The final nonsense of your rant is the dorito was invented in 1964, about 40 years before widebodies started beaching themselves at the local walmart. I'm just guessing here, but I don't think it's the doritos.

      non-nutritious would be stuff like sawdust, non-digestible fiber, cellulose plants in general...

      I think you're confusing nutritious with good, just like some clowns confuse "natural" or "organic" with good.

      In summary, I agree with you that corn and corn byproducts are not good for anything but fattening up cows and pigs before slaughter, so I try to eat as little corn and corn byproducts as possible. But your arguments are incredibly counter productive.

      • I cant disagree with anything you say, but where the hell did the corn come in? I reread the article looking for what I missed, but the OP didnt mention corn once, and yet you disagree with his stance on corn. Do you know something I dont?

        Surely your not assuming corn is the most harmful ingredient in Doritos, because my permanently orange stained fingers would argue otherwise.

      • But your rant is not gonna sit well about a dead nearly centurian.

        You don't have any idea if he ate his own product. He may have lived to 97 because he knew what was in Doritos, and so chose not to.
        • by EdIII ( 1114411 )

          Well I don't know if it is a rumor or urban legend, but old man Hormel was said to have condemned SPAM as the worst offense against humanity, second only to World War II (SPAM was invented in 1937). He wholly regretted his part in its creation.

          He said it was so bad, vile, and nasty that sending it to our troops was a mistake. We should have air dropped it on the enemy.

          If true, I highly doubt he was eating it either.

          Of course, I don't even know if that is true or not, but SPAM is some nasty looking crap in

      • by Jonner ( 189691 )

        In summary, I agree with you that corn and corn byproducts are not good for anything but fattening up cows and pigs before slaughter, so I try to eat as little corn and corn byproducts as possible. But your arguments are incredibly counter productive.

        You've obviously never eaten fresh, good tortillas as opposed to the crap in a bag which is the subject of TFA. It's fine if you don't personally like things made from corn, but to dismiss a grain which has been a staple for many cultures throughout history as only good for "fattening up cows and pigs before slaughter" seems ignorant and short-sighted at best. Which grains are fit for human consumption, oh great fount of wisdom?

        • by vlm ( 69642 )

          Which grains are fit for human consumption, oh great fount of wisdom?

          Absolutely none. Its a paleo-diet fundamentalist position. That doesn't mean you should never eat them, just avoid them as much as possible. A special treat is OK, as long as you don't have "special treats" every day...

          My ancestors did not eat genetically engineered factory farmed grains for 4.5 billion years, and were pretty darn successful.

          Then, depending on the grain and famines, etc, they "recently" started shoveling down grains like water and now they all die of diabetes and liver cancer and heart d

      • In summary, I agree with you that corn and corn byproducts are not good for anything but fattening up cows and pigs before slaughter, so I try to eat as little corn and corn byproducts as possible.

        And it is hardly even suitable for that. I assume you already know about the stomach acidosis that afflicts corn-fed cows; this is why they require the large and continuous doses of antibiotics. There is also an important difference in fat type between corn-fed versus grass-fed meat. Grass-fed meat is high in the kinds of fats that are (this week) considered healthy, whereas corn-fed meat, being obese, is full of saturated fat.

    • You should emote at Coca-Cola and Pepsico, as well as the fast food chains. Then after doing that for a couple of hundred years, worry about processed snack foods.

    • It is just too bad, that somewhere in the past couple generations, we've lost parents that actually care about what their kids eat....than actually had at least ONE parent that knew how to cook and prepare a nutritious meal, and knew the importance of that, and at least the insistence of at least sporadic family sit down meals.

      Not just caring about what we eat, but teaching us some self-control. My mother wouldn't stop me from scarfing those Nacho Cheese Doritos when we got a bag. She was just too soft on me, bless her heart.

    • Sorry, but I and all of my Gen-X neighbors cook decent meals and sit down to supper every evening with our families. We police our children's diets, and we only scarf down a bag of Doritos once a month or so -- as a cool treat.

      If anything, we're stricter on our kids than our parents were. My mom never purposefully bought "organic" food -- there was no such products in the 80s. Sometimes, they gave us cupcakes or cookies at school! (gasp!) I was allowed Kool-aid whenever I wanted it. Heaven forbid I let

    • Sweet Jesus man, find a cross and we will nail you to it, you miserable bastard. Seriously, we need your diatribe about junk food; it's not like we haven't heard it all of our fucking lives. How about we find you, capture you and fuck with you. We put you in a cage and starve the shit out of you and when you are about to die, we toss you a bag of Doritos and see if a. you eat it. b. if you do, does it save your life? Too much? Not enough? Not enough, ok, then we give them to you a chip at a time, and play "

    • It is just too bad, that somewhere in the past couple generations, we've lost parents that actually care about what their kids eat....than actually had at least ONE parent that knew how to cook and prepare a nutritious meal, and knew the importance of that, and at least the insistence of at least sporadic family sit down meals.

      I think you've mistaken Ozzie and Harriet for a documentary - it's not. It's fiction. Seriously, as with so much else, there never was such a golden age except in rose tinted and se

    • Uh, I'd hate to interrupt your diatribe on nutrition, but, the reality is, Doritos have a *lot* of nutrients. Highly processed foods are also highly nutritious. The science just doesn't add up for you.

      The problem isn't corn or fast fast food, it's over consumption of food married with low activity rates.

      Please stop your nonsense ranting. You look like an idiot.

    • by slim ( 1652 )

      I'm more ambivalent - no, angry - about the "staple of the geek diet" statement in the summary.

      What the hell has "geek" come to mean? Some awful stereotype of pallid fat socially inept outcasts sat in the glow of a computer screen stuffing junk food in our mouths?

      Bollocks to that.

      A geek is meant to be intelligent. Intelligence looks at the evidence and sees that eating properly makes you happier and more effective.

      Like the parent says - Doritos shouldn't be anyone's "staple".

    • by jdavidb ( 449077 )
      You sound upset. I really think that maybe you would be happier if you'd turn off the news a bit more and get out and exercise or something. Take your kids.
  • Just what did this guy "create"? Corn chips (no)? Adding absurd flavors to an otherwise perfectly good snack (that seem to be someone else's later invention)? Or just the marketing name for his corn chip?
    • by ari_j ( 90255 )
      According to Wikipedia, the original flavor in 1964, and only flavor available until 1972, was Taco. Perhaps flavoring was novel at the time, but Wikipedia also points out that Doritos was the first brand of tortilla chip to be launched nationally. So I'll go with your last option: He accomplished essentially a marketing coup.
  • The real cause of death was that he found an old Dorito 3D chip behind his couch and, like all Dorito's 3D's, it cut the crap out of his mouth and throat and he bled to death.
  • by Ukab the Great ( 87152 ) on Monday September 26, 2011 @04:01PM (#37520106)

    Are the Dorito's he's buried in merely symbolic, or do they also perform some sort of preservative function as well?

  • Let's just go ahead and blame a Doritos-brand chip being stuck in the submitter's keyboard (and the editor's spell-checker) that caused Mr. Arch West's name to be misspelled in the story.
  • However, when watching old Trek Reruns on You Tube, I lose all sense of pride and down a bag of the damn things.

    Most unfortunate.

    I also get the Doritos Angst sometimes while coding or looking at SVN bug report filings.

    Good Heavens!

    God help me.


    PS: On top of that, every Doritos bag is 100% GMO corn too, so I realy hate myself afterwards eating that crap.

    • by Jonner ( 189691 )

      PS: On top of that, every Doritos bag is 100% GMO corn too, so I realy hate myself afterwards eating that crap.

      Yeah, engineering is bad. People never should have modified food crops. Look how far cows have come eating unmodified grass!

  • How much do you pay for those overpriced tortillas in the US? (in the UK it's about $3 for 250g. A multibuy deal price brings it down to $2.30)
  • R.I.P. College lunch: Doritos and a quart of Miller beer.
  • tata (Score:4, Insightful)

    by trb ( 8509 ) on Monday September 26, 2011 @04:35PM (#37520478)
    Good-night, salty prince.
  • I just bought a couple bags of Taco Flavor (the original) in their original-design packaging (think Pepsi Throwback for Doritos if you haven't seen these).

    Then I got back to my hotel and read this.

    I'll dump a bag out on the floor in his honor.

  • I will observe a moment of silence and enjoy a "big grab" bag tonight in his honor.

    You think I'm kidding.

  • Stoners everywhere are bummed.
  • It's people. Nacho Cheese is made out of people.

"Confound these ancestors.... They've stolen our best ideas!" - Ben Jonson
