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Principal Fired For Using School's Computer Room To Mine Cryptocurrency ( 54

"A Chinese headmaster has been fired after a secret stack of crypto-currency mining machines was found connected to his school's electricity supply," writes the BBC. An anonymous reader quotes their report: Teachers at the school in Hunan became suspicious of a whirring noise that continued day and night, local media report. This led to the discovery of the machines, which were mining the crypto-currency Ethereum. They racked up an electricity bill of 14,700 yuan [£1,600, or about $2,100]...

The headmaster had originally spent 10,000 yuan on a single machine for use at home, but allegedly decided to move it to the school after he saw how much electricity it consumed... A total of eight mining machines were installed in the Hunan school's computer room between summer 2017 and summer 2018... The deputy headmaster also became involved in the scheme and allegedly acquired a ninth machine for himself in January, which was also installed at the school. The computer network in the building became overloaded as a result of the mining activity, according to reports, and this "interfered" with teaching.

All the money earned through the mining operation has now been claimed by the local official responsible for "discipline inspection."
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Principal Fired For Using School's Computer Room To Mine Cryptocurrency

Comments Filter:
  • LOL (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 10, 2018 @08:41PM (#57623630)

    The entire cryptomining philosophy laid out bare here: Cause and convert someone else's electricity spending into personal profits.

    If Enron was still around, they definitely would be lobbying in favor of cryptocurrency.

    • by Kaenneth ( 82978 )

      It can be done ethically; miner powered water heater for example.

      • It can be done ethically; miner powered water heater for example.

        No it can't. Its a mathematical nonsense to suggest it can be.

        Any useage of power is always a fairly simple equasion of X: work + Y: entropy. You can try and reclaim as much of y was possible and thats fine, but its the x thats the problem here. When your cryptomining the y part doesn't distinguish between "A: Did I find the code" and " B: Didn't find the code" for a more accurate A + B + Y, and the whole key to cryptocurrencies being secure a

        • by wulfhere ( 94308 )

          I don't say this often, but I wish I had modpoints. +100

        • by Kaenneth ( 82978 )

          So you think we should abolish everything?

          Nothing is Perfect, duh. But the vast bulk of the energy can be recaptured, so that it is not 'stealing' people's power.

          • Could you at least try and read the comment before reflexively answering?

            My whole point, which you'd know if you read it, is that it doesn't matter. The vast majority of energy use by crypto mining is wasted hash attempts, and that energy *can't* be reclaimed because it'd violate thermodynamics

            • by mysidia ( 191772 )

              The vast majority of energy use by crypto mining is wasted hash attempts, and that energy *can't* be reclaimed

              The energy consumed by logic circuits is erasing state, and ALL that energy is released as simple waste heat.
              The ability to "reclaim" the energy is not necessary, because the whole purpose of a space heater is ALL the heat is waste heat and
              to release waste heat in order to heat the room. .... There is no fuel or energy loss in a chemical process such as in fuel combustion heaters. That is wh

        • by mysidia ( 191772 )

          No it can't. Its a mathematical nonsense to suggest it can be.

          It's not mathematical nonsense.... All the energy consumed by a Cryptominer is dissipated as heat.

          That said, miners take more energy to produce the silicon and are more expensive than a simple coil.

          Also, in many places... other sources of fuel for heat such as heating oil or natural gas are more cost efficient, so there's that....

          But its not very unethical to call a miner a "networked space heater" --- if its been programmed to work as one

        • by jtgd ( 807477 )

          Lets shelf this idea until we've unleashed Fusion , or big space-mirror power or something that means "B" doesn't matter anymore

          But making crypto-mining cheap and easy destroys it.

  • He have bought the German-engineered Be Quiet silent case fans to replace the cheap Chinese knockoffs.
    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      ASIC miner. Do the math needed just for the task. Using a lot of power. Needs a lot of cooling as it does the one task really well and very quickly.
      That allows much more that to be done for the task rather than using a powerful home computer that won't be as good at the task given the same time.
  • must be an poor network power is more likely to overload with mining.

  • by JaneTheIgnorantSlut ( 1265300 ) on Saturday November 10, 2018 @09:35PM (#57623790)
    Sounds like an interesting job. How do I apply?
  • by gnasher719 ( 869701 ) on Saturday November 10, 2018 @09:38PM (#57623802)
    He wasn't really fired for mining crypto currency. He was fired for adding $2,100 to the school's electricity bill, plus probably causing significant wear on eight computers owned by the school. Absolutely should have been fired for that.

    I also would completely agree that crypto currency mined on school computers, with the electricity paid for by the school, should be property of the school.
  • by William Baric ( 256345 ) on Saturday November 10, 2018 @10:21PM (#57623920)

    I doubt a single school principal has the knowledge to do this here.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • If u read further he made enough to retire well. :)
  • There's one giant mistake. I'm fairly certain that Ethereum miners use like 1kbps tops to operate. I know DAG files are created but I don't think they're that bandwidth heavy. There is no way that they "interfered with teaching" from network congestion. That is simply impossible.
    • There is no way that they "interfered with teaching" from network congestion. That is simply impossible.

      Maybe he wouldn't shut up about it to the students.

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
