Star Wars Prequels

Revenge of the Sith Easter Eggs 569

Ant writes "Via TheForce.Net, a StarWars.com article with a great list of Easter Eggs from the third prequel movie, Revenge of the Sith. There were many cameos and hidden images." From the article: " It's tiny, but visible enough to send a warm fuzzy through the hearts of original trilogy fans. In the establishing shot of the expansive Senate docking bays, there's a tiny Millennium Falcon easing into frame. And it's not just a non-descript Corellian freighter; it's on good authority -- namely George Lucas -- that this is the infamous hunk-of-junk before it came into the ownership of either Lando Calrissian or Han Solo."
Role Playing (Games)

Prestige Classes of the Old Republic 15

Wizards of the Coast is running an article on their site giving d20 stats for prestige classes used in Knights of the Old Republic II. If you've been dying to make a Dark Side Assassin, then, you've finally got the excuse. From the article: "Dark side assassins were originally trained by the Sith to be the ultimate hunters. The assassins' unique abilities served the Sith in their battle against the Jedi. After the Battle of Ruusan and the scattering of the Sith forces, this changed. Dark side assassins became less common as the Sith went into hiding, but their deadly purpose remained -- to destroy the Jedi."
Star Wars Prequels

Lucas Confirms Star Wars spin-off TV series 447

Mictian writes "In a rare public appearance at the Star Wars Celebration III (his previous fan event appearance was in 1987), George Lucas confirmed that he's working on two TV series. One will be a full 3D animation series (with 30-minute episodes) of the recent Cartoon Network Clone Wars shorts, and the other a live-action series, that will be set in the time between Episodes III and IV, but won't feature the main characters. Production is expected to begin in about a year."
Star Wars Prequels

Water Spectacular in Episode III? 441

An anonymous reader writes "From StarWars.com: 'With the prequel trilogy lacking in elaborate musical numbers, Aaron McBride and the rest of the Art Department were given the task to create visuals for a new spectacular in Episode III.' Lucas didn't piss off enough people with Jar-Jar?" The link is to an image of a Mon Calamari(?) woman in some sort of performance outfit. A water spectacular ala Esther Williams, perhaps?
Star Wars Prequels

2005 Star Wars Fan Film Entries Online 147

Marty Broxterman writes "The 2005 Official Star Wars Fan Film awards are underway, and the 16 finalists are now online. Three of the best entries are: Sith Apprentice - Darth Vader and other baddies duke it out to be the Emperor's new lackey in this parody of 'The Apprentice' - very funny, and the sequence with Darth Vader's "talent" has to be seen to be believed; Tiny Toys - Where a woman must defend herself from a pint-sized army of Star Wars toys. Almost a Kill Bill parody at times... amusing; and One Season More - a completely CGI rendition of one of the songs from the "Star Wars Musical" that's been floating around the web for a few years - some amazing animation. Voting for the contest takes place here."
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Revelations - May the Force Be With You! 628

n0alpha writes "For all you Star Wars fans out there, if you've been less than satisfied with the last two episodes of Star Wars, fear not. There is a new episode coming out soon -- but I'm not talking about Revenge of the Sith. On April 16th, 2005 the world will be blessed with a brand new episode, Star Wars Revelations. This is an independent film, completely put together by volunteers and organized by Panic Struck Productions, but don't let that fool you into thinking it is sub-par. Visit their website to view a trailer."
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Sith Trailer and the O.C. 377

williamw83 writes "CNN is reporting that the Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith trailer will make its debut during none other than Fox's "The O.C." The article is candid in pointing out that 'as an avid superhero fan, Seth Cohen, the main character of "The O.C." played by Adam Brody, would likely relish the event.' The trailer will air during the March 10 episode, at sometime between 8 and 9PM EST. The article also makes note for those not wishing to tune into the TV drama that "the new trailer will be released in movie theaters beginning March 11.""
Star Wars Prequels

One Last Campout for Star Wars Fans 480

theodp writes "27-year-old graphic artist Jeff Tweiten lives on a periwinkle blue, fold-out futon on the sidewalk in front of the Cinerama Theatre in downtown Seattle. He is not homeless, but camping out for 139 days. Waiting. For what, you wonder? Tweiten is waiting for Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, which opens May 19. And yes, he's keeping a blog. 14 days down. 125 to go." In other Star Wars news: dbottaro writes "Who wants a JL421 Badonkadonk? NAO Design has built a functional Sandcrawler, ala Star Wars Episode IV. Complete with blaster-deflecting sidewalls, full interior carpeting, seating for five and a 400 watt stereo system." Reader dankinit writes "For all you Star Wars fans, a Darth Tater Mr. Potato Head will be released in February by Hasbro Inc. The new covers for the Episode III books due out a month before the movie were also posted today."
Puzzle Games (Games)

LEGO Star Wars Video Game 174

_xeno_ writes "LEGO, everyone's favorite plastic building block company, is creating a Star Wars video game. Yes, that's right. A video game based on the LEGO Star Wars sets, which are of course based on Star Wars. GameSpot has a preview of the game. It covers the three prequel movies, allowing you to play through levels containing LEGO friends and allies. At first you can only play with characters appropriate for the level, but you can unlock other characters to swap in as you play through the game. Because the world is based on LEGO blocks, there are puzzles that involve the creation of LEGO structures to bridge gaps. It's scheduled for an April release, just before "Revenge of the Sith" opens." I guess this would be an...ahem...puzzle game.
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Episode III Teaser Trailer Today 510

gotroot801 writes "TheForce.net reports that the Episode III teaser trailer will be available today for viewing on several TV shows in the US (MTV's TRL, Access Hollywood) and Australia (Today Show). In addition, starwars.com Hyperspace members and AOL customers will be able to download the trailer today."
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars DVD Box Set Released 536

dealsites writes "CNN reports that George Lucas is releasing the Star Wars DVD box set early on September 21, 2004 due to piracy concerns. Lucas had intended to release the box set of the original 3 movies after Episode III: Revenge of the Sith was released. However, he mentions that due to piracy concerns the profits are being eaten up and there might not be a market for the films at that time. The box set contains the changes that Lucas has made from the original releases. CNN also reports on the top 5 major changes. Lucas is quoted as saying that he never intends to re-release the original 3 movies in the first CNN link."
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars DVD Set Previews/Reviews 465

Reducer2001 writes "USA Today has an article up that has a couple more details about the upcoming Star Wars DVD release. The cantina shootout between Han Solo and the green-snouted bounty hunter Greedo is virtually identical, but now it seems their guns fire almost simultaneously." Reader Jutebox150 writes "Time magazine has an early preview of the Star Wars DVDs and gives some justification for Lucas issuing the updated versions of the trilogy and talking about his many mental and physical battles to finish filming. The article also describes a 2.5 hour documentary by Kevin Burns that traces the origins of the saga. 'The first cut of Star Wars,' Burns' narrator says, 'was an unmitigated disaster.'" Reader spoco2 writes "The Star Wars Original Trilogy is due for worldwide release on the 21st on DVD, but the first reviews are appearing already in Australia (obviously of the PAL version). Yes, they are the SEs with even more differences (Now Gredo and Han shoot at the SAME time!). I'm afraid I'll be waiting for the day when George reconsiders and releases the untouched originals."

Tiny Moon is No Space Station 59

An anonymous reader writes "With today's image release, Cassini's tour of Saturn's remarkable system of 31 moons has taken the probe past one of the ringed planet's natural wonders: Mimas. The 250 mile wide satellite suffered a catastrophic impact that opened a wound one third of its diameter and nearly split the moon in half. Today, Mimas bears a striking resemblance to the original Star Wars' Death Star, which wreaked havoc on planets using its laser-focusing dish. In place of the laser dish, Mimas carries a crater peak the size of Mount Everest."
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 537

HaloZero writes "The title was publicly revealed today in a special presentation to a packed audience of Star Wars fans at Comic-Con International in San Diego, California. The title wasn't the only surprise for those in attendance at the presentation. Click here for news about even more Star Wars DVDs in 2004 and 2005, surprise celebrity guests, new planets in Episode III, and more."

C-3PO Joins R2 in the Robot Hall of Fame 122

dev_alac writes "The BBC is reporting that C-3PO has been inducted into Carnegie Mellon's Robot Hall of Fame, along with Asimo, Shakeyboy -- "the first mobile robot to reason about its actions," Astroboy, and of course, Robby the Robot of Forbidden Planet fame. There, he joins such other legendary mechanical beings as Hal 9000, R2-D2, and Sojourner." Update: 06/20 08:27 GMT by T : Yep, it's a near-dupe of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette story linked the other day.

NASA's Personal Satellite Assistants 152

colonist writes "Wired News reports on the Personal Satellite Assistant (PSA), a spherical robot about the size of a softball that uses air jets to move in the microgravity environment of space vehicles and habitats. Described as a cross between Star Trek's tricorder and Star Wars' lightsaber training droid, the PSA has 'sensors for measuring gases, temperature, and air pressure' and performs 'video conferencing and can communicate with electronic support devices such as computer servers, avionics systems, and wireless LAN bridges'." We mentioned these a few years ago - looks like they've come a long way since then.

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