Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Promotions 26

Lincoln wrote in to tell us the Promotional Campaign for Phantom Menance. He writes "I just received a secret memo from a large media organisation that revealed all of Lucasfilm's promotional plans for Episode One! It is every Star Wars geek's dream come true: 8 billion Star Wars cans of Pepsi New 5 minute Trailer coming soon (there's a new version posted at my site as well) 100 million gaming cards $1 million in cash to be won Episode One video releasein 2000 Episode One on 3,000 screens" It wouldn't be Star Wars without mega promotions.
Star Wars Prequels

Vanity Fair pictures are now online 22

Lincoln writes "We've got someone to get us a First Bound copy of Vanity Fair - the pictures are now online!" That didn't take very long at all. The other major news is that Lucas has been saying that there probably won't be an epilogue trilogy as originally planned.

Evening Quickies

Weld Pond sent us a link to Hacker News Network, a new web mag that covers computer security and the computer underground. Joseph McDonald wrote in to inform us that someone has been registering typos of our Domain name. I'm flattered. I guess we're big now. An anonymous reader sent us a link to Da French Linux Page which looks strangely familiar. Contrary to what you may read elsewhere, it does not use any of my code, but the design is (ahem) borrowed (and uncredited). Lastly for the evening Star Wars news wrap up, derf wrote in to say that Entertainment Tonight will be showing the Prequel Trailer on TV in its entirety tomorrow evening for those who couldn't download the mpeg, were annoyed by the quality of the net version, don't live anywhere where they showed it in the theater yesterday, or just can't wait until friday. And ToiletDuk (who definitely wins Most Amusing Email of the Day) put together a wallpaper package (.Z) or a BMP. It's pretty good. I downloaded my copy of the trailer, watched the first few seconds, and as xanim chewed it to shreads, I decided to just abort and wait until friday. It'll be much inspiring on the big screen then on my piece of crap laptop. I can hold out for 48 hours (shake shake shake) really I can.
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Prequel Photos and Trailer Online

For those of us that live in the vast majority of the world, mpegs of the Star Wars Prequel trailer have appeared all over the place- mirrors are hard to grab, but you can hopefully get it from here, here or from starwars.com. Also, Ped Xing sent us a link to a page containing several pictures from the Prequel. Ewan looks awesome, and check out the double ended Light Saber. What I need is to speed up time and.. oh, nevermind.
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Trailer-See it Today!

drix writes "Quite possibly the only reason any of you would even consider seeing Bug's Life (The Phantom Menace trailer) was originally due out November 20... this has gotta be the only time I've seen so many people excited about the release of a two minute film clip. Anyways, if you live in any of these cities, the force really is with you, because they're advance screening it tomorrow before and after showings of Meet Joe Black and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer. Is it really worth the price of admission? " Yep, it might be time for a move tonight. Update: 11/17 09:10 by CT : Michael Wilson wrote in to say that you can call 1(800)405-9800 for a free Star Wars poster.
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars: Episode 1 Teaser Sheets

danimal writes "Over at StarWars.com they have posted pictures of the ST:Episode 1 teaser sheets. The only thing that comes to mind is "why did they put 'Episode 1' on the sheet and not 'The Phantom Menace'?"" The image is pretty sweet. Does anyone know what movies the trailer will be attached to later this month? The Pixar/ILM/Lucas connection says Bugs Life, but I wanna know- hell they could attach it to some terrible romantic comedy starring the chick from Ally McBeal falling in love with block of velveeta cheese and I'd pay to see the trailer anyway. Maybe I have issues?
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Episode I Trailer Nov. 20

CrusadeR writes "The Star Wars official site posted that the trailer to Episode I: The Phantom Menace will be in theaters on Nov. 20th in the United States and Canada." Anyone know what flicks it'll be attached to? Does Bugs Life open that weekend?
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars II & III to be filmed in Sydney

Peter Williams writes "The second and third prequels for the Star Wars saga are to be filmed in Sydney Australia, in the renovated former showground studios. Filming is set to begin in 2000. The studios have really only been used for the forthcoming Keanu Reeves vehicle, The Matrix and the Babe sequel. Pig in the City. "
Star Wars Prequels

Star Wars Episode 1 Title

Indomitus writes " For those Slashdot readers who are interested in the upcoming Star Wars prequels, the title of Episode 1 has just been announced officially on Starwars.com. The title of the movie? Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Some people like it, some don't. For a good explanation of the title in context of what we know of the plot, check out AICN."
Star Wars Prequels

George Lucas Talks about new Star Wars movie

Yoda writes "The official Star Wars site just launched a new RealVideo series called ""Making Episode I". The first segment has George Lucas talking about the new Star Wars movie on the day he sat down to write its script in 1994. It's entertaining without giving any of the story away. "
Star Wars Prequels

StarWars/X-Files Info

As usual, Harry has the good stuff when you want to know about the most important movies. Check out AICN to read a summary of the new X-Files Movie Trailer (which is pretty cool sounding) but much more important is a pretty strong confirmation that we'll be able to see a Star Wars Prequel Trailer attached to the X-Files movie! I can't believe that we hafta wait a whole year yet.
Star Wars Prequels

Lego & Star Wars

Matthew Miller sent us this link where you can read about one of the cooler things to happen to Lego's recently. Not only are they robotic, computer controlled, toys, but next year they will be based on Star Wars. I can't believe that I still have another year to wait until the first prequel.
Star Wars Prequels

Cool Prequel News

A new topic here at Slashdot is the Star Wars Prequels. I don't know about you guys, but I eat up every nerdy tidbit I can find, so I felt I should share the big ones with the rest of you. Harry Knowles has some great spoiler scoops on his site. Don't follow the link unless you like the spoilers. These aren't big plot spoilers, but there are some pretty interesting notes about the charachters. My roomate and I watched the entire Star Wars trilogy every weekend for like a year and half while doing homework. In 10 years I hope I can watch all 6 movies the same way.

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