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Indian Man Avoids Washing For 35 Years 12

An Indian man, who has seven daughters and a wife who must be chronically congested, has not washed himself in 35 years. He believes that not washing will ensure that his next child will be a boy. Instead of bathing and brushing his teeth, Kailash "Kalau" Singh stands on one leg next to a bonfire, smokes marijuana, and says prayers to Shiva. "It's just like using water to take a bath. A fire bath helps kill germs and infection in the body," Kalau was reported as saying. Kalau now tills fields after he had to sell a grocery store he owned, when people stopped shopping there due to his "unhealthy personality."


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Indian Man Avoids Washing For 35 Years

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  • well.. (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Hillview ( 1113491 ) *
    He seems to be insuring that he'll never have another child.. so who's to argue when he says his 'next' child will be a boy?
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by DittoBox ( 978894 )

      I don't align with feminists very often but there's a reason why they insist that in some cultures marriage is just a license to rape.

  • by youn ( 1516637 )

    An indian man who hadn't cleaned himself up for 35 years joins a fridge clean up effort... and the fridge explodes... 50 people sent to the hospital.

    A bystander reports, "wow! that was cool, never saw a fridge explode like that. I didnt even know such colors existed"

    A member of the swat team cautions, "you gotta be careful with approaching fridges with rotten stuff, they are dangerous... wash at least once a year before getting close to one."

    The genetic engineering community, in an unprecedented communique

  • he probably just rolls around in them, and they're ready
  • by Anonymous Coward
    My neighbor from freshman year has ancestry in Kerala, South India. Due to his extreme laziness, he takes showers twice a month and changes clothes twice a month. If he gets any lazier or decides to use "I want a son" as an excuse, I'll bet you he can go the rest of his life without taking a shower.
  • It's a boy! (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Honey, we just had a boy! Yes, I know we haven't had sex in 35 years, but this must be the work of Shiva. Now, go take a bath!

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
