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Man Tries To Trim Tree With a Shotgun 19

When faced with a problem, the only thing in Antonio Chiaia's toolbox appears to be his double-barrel 12-gauge. The 74-year-old was arrested for using his shotgun to try to get rid of a tree limb in his backyard. He told police that he couldn't reach it with his saw so he thought he might be able to shoot it off. Police charged Chiaia with unlawful discharge of a firearm and second-degree reckless endangerment.


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Man Tries To Trim Tree With a Shotgun

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    I've seen it done successfully on several occasions. There really is very little risk to anyone nearby. Using a gun other than a shotgun could end up being a problem (or someone dumb enough to use large sized shot).

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Stargoat ( 658863 )
      That was the first question I asked myself, "How big was the branch and what sized shot?" Then I wondered, "What kind of stupid bastard uses a side-by-side for trimming a tree? A pump or semi-auto is much more practical, as reloading in a pain in the neck. A Remington 870 is nice and durable, and as long as you aren't using the Wingmaster version, that would probably be best." Then I thought, "I wonder if the old man was entirely in his faculties." After that, I read this post and wondered "If I was en
      • I would go with the Remington 11-87. No need to pump and tire out the arm with the 870, and it shoots soft so you can get away with using deer slugs. That should bring down any branch given enough time.
        • I never much cared for the idea of cleaning gas operated semi-autos. But I can definitely see the advantages of the 11-87, particularly if you were using the extended magazine model. How does is durability when compared to the Remington 1100?
  • Jeez dude, call a tree and lawn service.
    • It was the 4th of July, and birdshot coming down somewhere isn't going to hurt anything. If he used a slug, then yeah, he's a moron.

      • by Dr_Ken ( 1163339 )
        Oh yeah? Ask Dick Cheney's hunting partner about that, [wikipedia.org] Mr. clone.
        • I really hope you're not serious.

          Getting hit by falling shot is not anything remotely similar to being shot, and trying to equate the two is just plain stupid. I'm sorry, but it is.

          • by Dr_Ken ( 1163339 )
            At the risk of being thought stupid clone, what ah.. is the difference ? The velocity of the lead pellets striking you is about it. What is the terminal velocity of falling pellets as opposed to the muzzle energy of the same pellets being shot at you? (Just asking, I don't know.) But whatever the difference is, I think we can agree that this goof mentioned in the news story is a poster boy for the Sarah Brady-types without a doubt.
            • I don't know, but I'm bored and I'll take a go at finding some stuff.

              http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_velocity [wikipedia.org]

              Higher speeds can be attained if the skydiver pulls in his limbs (see also freeflying). In this case, the terminal velocity increases to about 320 km/h (200 mph or 90 m/s), which is also the terminal velocity of the peregrine falcon diving down on its prey. And the same terminal velocity is reached for a typical 150 grain bullet travelling in the downward vertical direction — when it is

              • I've been hit by falling shot. It's not a big deal. It falls with about the force of rain. Remember how light it is.

                I have also taken a close ranged 7.5 shot ricochet to the face, maybe 10 meters there and another 12 back. It stung like the devil, but did not break the skin.
  • my dad used to shoot moles in the yard with a shotgun all the time. come home from school and he would be sitting there in a lawn chair, sipping coffee, shotgun in hand. a little dirt would roll off that mole hill and BLAM... no more mole. It was probably illegal technically in that area, but population was sparse enough to do it safely, plus he was just shooting at the ground anyway.
  • and every screw looks like a nail

If at first you don't succeed, you are running about average.
