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Idle Entertainment

Crew Builds a Flying House Modeled After UP! 56

The people at National Geographic have built a house modeled after the one in the movie UP! for a new TV series called How Hard Can It Be?. The house flew for about an hour and reached 10,000 feet. There was no report of anyone spotting The Beast of Paradise Falls.

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Crew Builds a Flying House Modeled After UP!

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    It depends on if you want the house to land in one piece and contain any survivors...
  • by Stenchwarrior ( 1335051 ) on Monday March 07, 2011 @04:55PM (#35410860)
    Would have been a neat video had they not placed the damn banner so it took up 1/4 of the screen.
  • I sure hope they recycled that helium. Aren't we supposed to be running out?

  • The gizmodo page is a generic link which takes me to a frontpage.

    Here is a proper one! http://uk.gizmodo.com/5778006/the-house-from-up-has-been-built-in-real-lifeand-it-flies [gizmodo.com]

  • MythBusters should try this. I am sure they could do better. ;)

    • by Thud457 ( 234763 )
      Yeah, Mythbusters should do this.

      I'm sure they could misinterpret the story and come up with a way to completely flub it despite the fact that it has already provably been done. Thus ensuring loads of Aspberger's fueled hate-mail from internet experts detailing exactly how they got it wrong. Thereby allowing for sizable ratings when they eventually get around to repeating the test, this time not so egregiously screwing up the parameters.

      Not that I have an opinion on the matter or anything...
    • by mark-t ( 151149 )
      They don't need to. It's been done now. There's no myth to bust.
    • Mythbusters is now going to see if something in an animated cartoon is really doable? What next? will they paint a tunnel opening on a rock wall and see if the road-runner can really go through it?
    • MythBusters should try this. I am sure they could do better. ;)

      Mythbusters already has done something similar. The myth was about helium baloons causing a person to fly away when the grab a whole string of baloons. They actually got a child to sit in a harness like chair and raiser her off the ground, I think she was four or five, tipping the scales at oh, 50 lbs more or less. Their method appeared sound, findout how many helium ballons it takes to lift 1 lb then calculate the amount of balloons it would take to lift the test subject. First result based on original cal

      • by antdude ( 79039 )

        Ah I remember that one, but they didn't do a house. Didn't they use a dummy kid (like Buster), not a real one?

    • They tried something similar after an urban legend/myth of a military pilot that failed out of flight school. He was so desperate to fly that filled weather balloons with helium and attached them to a lawn chair. According to the myth, the man got up fairly high over restricted air space causing Air Force jets to scramble. You could imagine when the pilot radioed, "Uh, we got some guy in a lawn chair attached to weather balloons.
  • There seems to be some hedging on that point. Seems like a waste of good He without two people in costume going along for the ride.

  • that it should require heavy gloves, hats, and coats?
    • I have some experience flying 15 foot diameter balloons for research. If you use a regulator to control the flow of He then the regulator can get frosty. If you skip the regulator and just use a CGA580-to-hose-barb adapter, then it will ice over pretty quickly and you'll be glad you have work gloves. Our experience was that as long as there was still humidity in the air to freeze, it wouldn't get colder than 0 Celsius. Which was exactly what we expected. Oh, and skipping the regulator sounds like a good
    • by bws111 ( 1216812 )

      I think the gloves, hats, and coats are better explained by the line 'working through the night in near freezing temperatures'.

      • Right. But were the "near freezing temperatures" caused by the expanding helium?
        • by bws111 ( 1216812 )

          Probably because they were in the California High Desert. It doesn't say when this was filmed, but it certainly gets very cold there in winter.

  • "Up!" is a skinflick by Russ Meyers. "Up" is the Disney film.
  • So *this* is why we have a pending helium shortage?

  • The Up house was designed after a friend of mine's house in Berkeley. He'll kill me if I reveal the location, but the Pixar director had been eying the house for years apparently and through a mutual friend made acquaintance with my friend, the owner. They sent a team from Pixar over to take pictures and measurements and from watching the movie, the animated house is pretty darned similar. So these guys have essentially re-built a house in already standing in Berkeley and floated it. FWIW.

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