Phelps Clan Tweets Intent To Picket Jobs Funeral Via iPhone 699
It comes as no surprise that Margie Phelps of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church has already declared the church's intention to picket Steve Jobs's funeral. What is interesting, is that she did so using an iPhone. The 142 characters of wrath read: "Westboro will picket his funeral.He[sic] had a huge platform; gave God no glory & taught sin. MT @AP: Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has died at 56."
Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:5, Funny)
Rebels mad cuz I used iPhone to tell you Steve Jobs is in hell.God created iPhone for that purpose! :)
She's just confirming what Apple fans already knew: God works at Apple.
That's a bittersweet reminder of my Roman Catholic upbringing. Whenever I did something good like played the trombone well or scored well on a test, I was instructed to pray to Jesus for working through me to do something so good. Whenever I screwed up, well, all those powerful forces like God and the Devil were suspiciously absent and the fault was solely mine.
Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:4, Funny)
Also: Whenever life is going well, praise the lord for your good fortune. Whenever your life hits a snag, your faith is being "tested".
Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:5, Informative)
Ok, I've swung to the other side about WBC. These people are not sincere.
They just want to make headlines, and publicity is the only god that they worship.
Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:4, Informative)
I'm guessing the Phelps aren't like this, but I remember reading a letter to the editor in some mainstream magazine where the author said something like, "I don't understand how people can act this way. Their souls will be delivered to eternal torment in Hell. We HAVE to keep trying to change them to prevent that!"
Despite religion being mostly a community of mythologists, some people feel that Hell is as real as an oncoming bus while you're standing in the road. You NEED to listen! You need to get out of the road! Can't you see!
It's a little spooky.
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That might be the official press release... but...
I really hate the fucking fucks that gave these twits national audience or some semblance of credibility. They were annoying enough when they stormed into Lawrence KS 20 years ago. May they rot in hell.
Can't someone get the IRS involved...?
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You thought they were sincere?
Their whole schtick is to be assholes and then sue anyone who confronts them.
Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:5, Interesting)
Fred really got going in '92 or '93, and I had a couple of friends that would counter protest over the next few years before we left town for college or military service.
I'll tell you this, they sincerely hate the people they protest. You can sense it in them when they are around, although their usual weekend rounds at the local churches is usually pretty low key other than the obscene stick figures on their signs, which I don't care for my kids to see.
What Fred's family really gets out of this though is that their protests bring condemnation. I suspect they sell this to the congregation that they are being good Christians being persecuted like the early Christians who were tortured and executed by various means. By ostracizing his followers from everybody else in town, they reinforce their members' dependance upon one another like any cult, and the family probably sees pretty good revenue in the collection basket.
A couple of his kids (he has a very large family, 2 or 3 are at odds with the rest of the family) wrote a book about Fred and the things that went on during the 70s and 80s. I think I once read some of it online. Very disturbing stuff.
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Actually, I thought the Comic-Con counter protest was the best response to the Phleps family that I've ever seen. It reduced them to ridicule and, via sheer numbers, made them seem pathetically small to boot. (About 4 Phleps followers versus dozens, if not hundreds of Comic-Con "protesters.")
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Frankly, journalistic style sheets need to be updated so that they are always referred to as Westboro Baptist "Church", including requiring TV presenters to make finger-quotes when using the word "Church".
Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:5, Informative)
They just want to make headlines, and publicity is the only god that they worship.
They want publicity, yes. Because they want somebody to assault them or violate their civil rights, so they can sue.
This page [kanewj.com] explains how they work pretty well. Basically, they're all lawyers, and the moment something happens, they sue, and all their paperwork is perfect.
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Or someone should do something more long lasting than a punch, like chopping their balls off, and see how funny they find it then.. that would really "fix" their wagon :p
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The Roman Catholic god is an asshole.
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"One of the deep mysteries to me is our logo, the symbol of lust and knowledge, bitten into, all crossed with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order. You couldn't dream of a more appropriate logo: lust, knowledge, hope, and anarchy."
--Jean-Louis Gassee
Seems she'd be better off considering it a case of successful divine stealth-marketing, then, rather than mucking it up with her own universally-reviled (including by other theists) form of trolling.
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It's funny, right, that certain subsets of people can separate success and failure by source? I usually see this in terms of right-wingers who feel that their own success is earned by them alone, while their own failures are attributable to being let down by others. This then somehow translates into a belief that anyone else who fails is at fault, and thus is not worthy of empathy or a safety net.
Were I a psychologist, I think study of this phenomenon could occupy the next decade of my career. I find the
Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm an adult with faith but his complaint seems more than warranted.
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I'm an adult with faith but his complaint seems more than warranted.
Sounds less to do with the religion and more to do with those practicing it. What makes religion religion as opposed to a mere collection of rituals and superstitions are the people that indoctrinate. Sometimes they take a path of free knowledge and guidance, sometimes the path is to beat it into the heads of the young.
I know which of the two paths represent at worst a benign influence on human civilization and which path at best is responsible for intolerance and oppression.
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Why can we not judge a religion based upon those who practice it? I thought that the purpose of religion was to mold behavior (telling you how to live a "good" life). Shouldn't it also teach people how to teach the religion "correctly". How do you know you don't have it backwards? Maybe your experience is the "exception" that we should ignore yours and just look at the other path to judge the religion. Or did you really mean to say that when judging a religion (or just your religion) we should just loo
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That is why your confused. The purpose of religion is to make you feel better about the choices you make, and to make you a part of an extended family so you can feel like you belong.
Humans are lazy. The easist way to feel good about yourself is to compare yourself to some one else. So you find or make up something that you dislike about another person that you can push them below you.
Some try to step above such pettiness but few really do.
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"What makes religion religion as opposed to a mere collection of rituals and superstitions are the people that indoctrinate."
that IS religion.
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Umm...but that's sort of common in Christianity. "Praise God the doctor saved him!" And then, sure, when you miss the throw to first in little league, you receive an entirely different exclamation to God.
The doctrines of many religions seem to mean well. It's the practitioners who cause the problems. So if THAT'S what you meant, then I'm cool with you. :-)
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Or, really, "praise God, the doctor saved him from the deadly disease that God gave him." Whether you believe in God or not, this is a completely nonsensical statement. And as you say, as far as I can tell it's not really the message that the Christian church was supposed to be teaching anyway. Sigh.
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You Misunderstand My Fond Anecdote (Score:3)
I'm sorry your childhood was rough.
I'm sorry if I lead anyone to imply my childhood was rough. That was merely an anecdote about how people "with faith" often see a given event or action. Then after the event or action is prescribed to be "good" or "bad" (often subjective in and of themselves) they will say that it was "God" or the "Individual" at work. This often perplexed me as a child and, like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, its place in the toolbox of control became very clear to me later in life around age 16. I do not call this a
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Well, actually, if you look at what a lot of mainstream Bible Belt churches teach, it's actually Satanism. It's not just using Satan as a threat: it's genuinely worship not of the God described in the New Testament, but of a God who plays favorites (Satan, not the Christian God, who causes it to rain on the just and unjust alike). Who rewards his followers here on earth, not in Heaven. Who encourages us not to turn the other cheek but to answer any injury with a far harsher injury, likely delivered rand
Re:You Misunderstand My Fond Anecdote (Score:4, Interesting)
Your "Christian" god is heresy, as you're describing the conception of Christianity as viewed by Marcion of Sinope, who was excommunicated for it.
Christians would do well to research their religion fully, and they will perhaps realize their religion is morally detestable, and that anybody who opens their eyes and questions it is kicked out, lethally if the tempora's mores are willing. (Forgive me, Cicero.)
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I'm sorry your childhood was rough. Please, don't attribute that kind of harsh upbringing to a religion.
Your joking, right? I mean come on. The Catholics have certainly refined institutionalized guilt, but the notion that we are inherently flawed and need the intercession of some invisible man in the sky goes all the way back to the book of Genesis, and that notion is the very foundation upon which all Abrahamic religions are built. Harsh upbringing (and worse, much worse) may be directly attributed to this bullshit all too often.
Oh dear, no (Score:3)
It cannot go "all the way back" because in reality Genesis (from its first word in Hebrew, Bereshit) is one of the later books to be added to the canon. It is a convenient reference of creation myths of several Middle Eastern societies, put in by a society that really wasn't that interested in how things started. It was the Catholic Church first, and then the P
Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:5, Insightful)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent
Is God able to prevent evil, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is God both willing and able to prevent evil?
Then how does evil still exist?
Is God neither able, nor willing to prevent evil?
Then why call him God?
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-- Epicurus
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Evil enough to eliminate all human free will to avoid any incidence of it? No.
That would be "evil", not "good", to do.
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So was it HUMANS or GOD doing the molestation?
You've missed the point of the post.
It's irrelevant if humans or god were doing the molestation. It's the fact that god either allowed it to happen through inaction, didn't know it was happening - or worse knew it was happening and didn't do anything about it. Either way, god is not what Christians purport him to be.
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He was not unique. I can attest that all Catholics are indoctrinated this way. It's been said that the quickest way to become an atheist is to grow up in a Catholic household, because of this kind of religious mindscrew.
Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:5, Insightful)
I can attest that all Catholics are indoctrinated this way.
I can attest that not all Catholics are indoctrinated this way. I can however attest that people with a narrow mindset will say things like this.
Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score:5, Informative)
Your reply is suspect because Catholics must defend their faith and honesty is not required by your Church in dealing with outsiders or the flock.
I cite the ONGOING pedophile scandal(s) throughout the Catholic world as examples. There is zero reason to believe your assertion over the FACT of more than ONE BILLION dollars being paid out in settlements/hush money and the FACT of pedos being hidden from the law and the FACT that this was systematically done.
Even the Vatican's most primitive followers are sometimes having second thoughts.
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/18/world/europe/ireland-recalibrates-ties-to-roman-catholic-church.html [nytimes.com]
Before anyone mods this Troll, use the search engine of your choice and have a look at Church exploitation and corruption worldwide.
So far only one predator got real justice:
http://articles.cnn.com/2003-08-24/us/geoghan_1_joseph-l-druce-worcester-county-district-attorney-defrocked-roman-catholic-priest?_s=PM:US [cnn.com]
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i'm pretty sure they don't have to dunk you in magic water if you want to become an atheist.
the problem is there's no "exit ceremony" in these wackjob cults except ones involving death. if i could be un-baptised, i would. until then, i consider myself an atheist.
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I am a Christian Biker Geek
This means I am Christian first and an avid motorcyclist and a programmer and systems administrator. I also ride with the Patriot Guard http://www.patriotguard.org/ [patriotguard.org] to help shield families of our fallen heros from these despicable people of this so-called church.
Please do
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No, but it does make you irrational.
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Christians acting like Christians merit publicity.
The body count of their murderous superstition down the centuries stands witness that churches are more than just social clubs for the old and stupid.
Attention Whores (Score:5, Insightful)
Nothing but attention whoring, they shouldn't be given press at all.
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But they HAVE to be given press (Score:3)
so the in crowd can head nod and act all smug with their belief that all Christians or people of faith are really like this. For no other reason is such a person newsworthy, it is very much like the bit on Scary Movie, The press only wanna interview the most ignorant person they find.
This has to be a troll (Score:2)
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This is actually worth exploration.
If you know about how the Phelps cult works, you know that alongside brandishing their ridiculous picketing signs, they like to sing reworked versions of mainstream music. I recall hearing them do a modified version of a Gaga song not long ago. You could take them to court and sue for creating derivative works and unlicensed public performances. Considering they are making money doing this, there's definitely room to demand damages.
I'd love to see them try to defend them
Mistake (Score:4, Funny)
Westboro Baptist Church doesn't want to incur the wrath of hardcore Apple fans. They just don't know it yet.
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I'm readying the pitchforks right now.
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I'm readying the pitchforks right now.
Wouldn't Vaseline or Crisco be more appropriate?
Imagine the headlines: Westboro thugs brutally buggered by impassioned Apple fans. SF police stand idly by, thinking it's just a wild party they weren't invited to.
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I got to admit, if it's one group of hackers I would not mess with, it's the Apple group. I would think that the style of hacking they would use is .... 'total discomfort' IE: things working slowly, gps giving wrong direction, email delays, your spelling checker making mistakes .... stuff that would just make your life a living hell.
Oh the ipad would still work, but sure as heck it would be a nightmare. They would, in honor of Jobs, make the life of these people amazingly difficult, but I don't think they w
I can't wait to see them come out... (Score:3)
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Is this mutual destruction assured?
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Zealot on zealot action at 11!
Also in Starcraft! Only in PvP, of course.
Preview of their signs (Score:3)
Unfortunately, these are probably 'way more intelligent than what these assholes will really display.
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I hope the Onion parodies this. The photoshopped picket signs might be worth a laugh.
Why spread the vile? (Score:5, Insightful)
Posting stories on Slashdot / Putting it on CNN is only helping them get what they crave : Attention.
Some problems are best ignored - then they'll fade away out of frustration when they realize they're not getting the attention.
Blah blah - free press - I get it. I'm not asking for a law but common sense to take place.
People love dirty laundry - D. Henly.
I think you meant "bile"... (Score:5, Insightful)
Why do people help these people spread their vile?
"Vile" isn't a thing one can metaphorically spread.
Unless you're talking Vegemite or Marmite - that shit is spreadable vile incarnate.
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"Vileness," on the other hand, can be spread.
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"Vileness," on the other hand, can be spread.
The "Creamy Vileness" is easier to spread than the "Crunchy".
Because it's news. (Score:2)
You are free to ignore it.
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Haters gonna hate (Score:2)
The Westboro people turn my stomach.
Good for a laugh (Score:2)
Media Wh**es (Score:2, Funny)
What attention wh**es. They are like the Kardashians with a bible instead of a sex tape.
I can't wait to protest Fred Phelp's funeral. (Score:2)
Too true (Score:2)
I'm glad SOMEONE is picking up the slack and giving god glory by picketing at funerals.
Maybe once their done reglorifying god, he'll get off his ass and stop all these genocides and famines.
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Thank you Westboro (Score:2)
You show precisely why religion is so evil and debilitating to society and why those who believe don't grasp the simple concept that they are bowing down to a narcissistic dictator.*
Further, I find it amazing that people have no problem idolizing/worshiping/whatever someone who was obviously a hippie. Long hair, no job, bumming off of others for food and shelter, preaching peace and love. If that isn't the definition of a hippie, I don't know what is. Whatever happened to working for what you want rather
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** Why is God a guy? Why can't he be a she? Was it because the stories were written by men during a time and in a region where women were (and to some extent still are) considered property and subservient to men?
I've tried referring to the Christian God using non-gender pronouns. It really pisses people off when you refer to their god as 'it'. Even more so than referring to their idol as 'your god' (note lowercase) which immediately tells them I don't share their beliefs and don't want to pretend that I'm religious. Or sometimes I ask them to clarify which god they are thanking, because there are several hundred possibilities.
In case you're wondering, I'm not truly atheist. I'd say I'm agnostic as I don't belie
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Patriot Guard (Score:5, Informative)
All we need are the Patriot Guard in black turtlenecks to even up the numbers.
Taught sin? (Score:2)
Can we please start ignoring these people already? (Score:2)
You know why they picket such funeral? Because they want attention. Please, please, just ignore these idiots. Please stop giving them headlines.
terrorists (Score:3, Funny)
Don't you look at these people, who cheer when others die and think - wish I had a military drone of my own on stand by?
Phelps is an idiot (Score:2)
Phelps and his crowd is nothing but a bunch of pinheads who haven't bothered to pick up the bible. If you bother to read it, how is the gospel to be spread? By showing love for your neighbor, for your enemies, and generally not being a douchebag. Even further, the whole thing about "judge not lest ye be judged" - that is not referring to not saying to your friend "Hey. you know, you really ought to not cheat on your wife" but judging one's eternal destination. On their web site, they have this posted: "Mat
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Oh - and how did Steve Jobs "teach sin?" Do Macintoshes turn you into a sociopathic pedophile? Do iPhones make you start a cult where you start judging people and proclaiming them to be in the lake of fire (or in the case of pastafarians, the lake of spaghetti sauce)? What does Ms. Phelps have to say to justify her condemning of people despite the bible she
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ack! /s/one/won/
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Why? Because it is about a popular figure in "computers and IT." In case you noticed, one of those popular figures died the other day and now a lot of events associated with this popular figure will occur.
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Vultures (Score:2)
I've already had people on my facebook shilling quack cancer cures saying "If only...".
The body doesn't have to be cold before the vultures swoop in.
newsflash? (Score:2)
He[sic] had a huge platform
[sic]? Should Jobs not be referred to as a 'he'? Was Jobs a woman? What am I missing here?
How? (Score:2)
To picket his funeral, they will need to find it. I can't imagine Jobs' family is going to have a large public affair. Would be very atypical of how he did things.
Its not apple fans. its tech fans (Score:2)
Anger and hate makes people stupid (Score:2)
I seem to recall there were studies to this effect. But you know, any time people are emotionally charged, their rational minds are effectively blocked. And the longer your rational mind is blocked, the more it atrophies. The mind (the conscious and functioning pathways of the brain) are like ALL parts of the body.
Bones, in zero gravity, lose strength. Muscles, when left unused, become weaker. The intellect of a person, when not being used, is left to wither.
Anger, hate and even lust or love are emotio
God no glory? (Score:2)
Via Twitter from iPhone (Score:2)
LOL. Will she display signs at the picket with her iPad?
Steve Jobs was Buddist (Score:2)
Jobs tried several eastern religions. I don't know if he practiced and worshiped Buddhism religiously, but he certainly advocated independent thinking as based on quotes like this. In my opinion, this philosophy served him well.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone elses life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow
142 characters? Someone can't count. (Score:2)
Westboro will picket his funeral.He had a huge platform; gave God no glory & taught sin. MT @AP: Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has died at 56.
140 characters exactly. Count them again.
And what's with putting [sic] after "He"? Twitter updates are required to be grammatically correct now, including spaces where grammatically necessary?
Bring It On, Assholes (Score:3)
Isaac Asimov (Score:3)
“If I am right, then (religious fundamentalists) will not go to Heaven, because there is no Heaven. If they are right, then they will not go to Heaven, because they are hypocrites.”
Isaac Asimov
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