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Android Displays Hardware Hacking Input Devices Build Idle

Android Kinect Projector Interface 45

An anonymous reader writes "A guy who goes by the online handle DDRBoxman decided it would be fun to blow up his Samsung Galaxy Nexus display onto the wall by connecting his phone to a projector. He then connected the whole thing to a PC and, thanks to Microsoft's open-source Kinect platform for Windows, he was able to create a custom ROM that mapped out the phone interface to the Kinect sensors. Pretty neat!"

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Android Kinect Projector Interface

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  • by Osgeld ( 1900440 ) on Wednesday January 25, 2012 @02:43PM (#38821415)

    instead of giving some shitty repost site more ad traffic? []

  • Astroturf More (Score:5, Informative)

    by phantomcircuit ( 938963 ) on Wednesday January 25, 2012 @02:46PM (#38821441) Homepage

    thanks to Microsoft's open-source Kinect platform for Windows

    This was done using [] not the microsoft SDK.

  • by Anonymous Coward


  • by itchythebear ( 2198688 ) on Wednesday January 25, 2012 @03:59PM (#38822255)

    This might be great for some type of whiteboard app.

    If I need a whiteboard at work, I just plug in my phone to a projector and scribble w/e I want down. If I have a meeting later in the day I can just plug my phone into the projector in the conference room and can have my co workers instantly collaborate on my earlier notes. If I get home and feel like looking over or adding to my work notes, I can easily do so.

    Of course the downfall to this whole idea is the fact that each location would need an available kinect and projector. I wonder how long until we can cram similar technologies into a phone though.

    • by unrtst ( 777550 )

      If it performs anything like the video shows, I'll pass. Reminds me of working on my old G1 when I was near max capacity on the system partition (wasn't rooted; couldn't move apps to SD card; ran like SHIT).

      Don't get me wrong... I'm sure it was a fun tech demo. It's just awful in many respects.

      IMO, what would be far cooler would be to:

      * connect phone to projector (either a better one so it's usable with lights on and on a 120" screen, or a portable laser or LCD one)
      * turn the camera on the phone into an IR

    • Why wait and cram?

      A little bit of duct tape and you can have a Phone + projector + Kinect!

      It might not fit in your pocket though....

    • by Xest ( 935314 )

      "Of course the downfall to this whole idea is the fact that each location would need an available kinect and projector."

      At which point you might as well just have bought an interactive whiteboard instead.

  • "A guy who goes by the online handle DDRBoxman decided it would be fun to blow up his Samsung Galaxy Nexus"

    The sentence should have stopped there.

  • It's early days, but still pretty awesome.

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