Video How Much Stuff Can Timothy Jam Into His New Hoodie's Pockets? (Video) 183
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Timothy Lord is exactly the kind of person for whom the SCOTTEVEST Ultimate Hoodie Microfleece was designed; He's on the go all the time, needs to travel light, and wants to carry lots of stuff on his person to avoid checking luggage when he's flying. Yes, we know; before long half the people waiting to board airliners will be bulked out to double their normal width. Meanwhile, Timothy managed to jam an amazing amount of stuff into his new hoodie. Or jacket, as he prefers to call it.
Transcription. (Score:5, Funny)
Transcription in case the video doesn't load.
"This is the Ultimate Hoodie Microfleece by SCOTTVEST. Let's see how much I can cram into it, nothing fancy, just what I'd carry around on an average Friday night at the Slashdot offices.
Three tubes of Astroglide, check! Four elbow-length latex gloves, check! Six ball gags, check check check check check and check! One Yoda doll, check.
Overall, this vest can take quite the fill. It gets 2 Fists Up from the editors of Slashdot."
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Now they're not even trying to pretend it's not a slashvertisement.
BTW I have an awesome thinsulate coat that I take on flights, it's lightweight enough to not be a hassle, but has a ton of large pockets inside and out, I carry my nook and DS in one, phone in another, paperwork in a third...
Best part is, when I fly somewhere cold, it's actually usable as a coat there too unlike this microfleece which would probably take two more over it to keep warm ("layers!" as the scouts would say)
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I don't see it as a slashvertisement. I see it as a cry for help.
Does Timothy have some kind of disorder? Is he trying to draw attention to otherwise unnoticed severe autism? I don't think normal people would like to be associated with wearing an unflattering garment that they then burden with all of their possessions. Perhaps we can get Timothy and others like him some help before they fall out of society.
Obligatory "why is this on /." post (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe if he had a couple more layers of stuff and filled the entire screen with it when laying it on a table, it would have been more impressive.
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(it's okay, it is safe for work)
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Re:Transcription. (Score:5, Funny)
I do *not* have a Yoda doll!
I have a few Yoda figurines, and a bottle-topper, and maybe somewhere some trading cards from the early '80s, but definitely not a doll.
Re:Transcription. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Transcription. (Score:5, Funny)
Hah! Glad you're a good sport! I was almost not going to press Submit... :)
He *has* to be, technically you outrank him...
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Shuddup, private.
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Boom, from +5 Funny to -1 Flamebait in a matter of minutes - and everything under it seems to have gotten the same treatment. Looks like some staff have broken out the mod-hammer.
Wait (Score:1)
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Not even a lightsaber will protect you from a determined thief
http://yro.slashdot.org/story/12/02/08/232258/jedi-masters-hand-made-lightsaber-stolen [slashdot.org]
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What about a towel? It's about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.
Re:Wait (Score:5, Funny)
What about a towel? It's about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.
It doubles as one, but the instructions to do so are written in Vogon poetry.
Re:Wait (Score:4, Funny)
Hmmm (Score:5, Funny)
But will it blend?
Re:Hmmm (Score:5, Funny)
With or without Timothy wearing it?
FINALLY (Score:5, Funny)
A top to go with my vibrams and utilikilt. I was constantly afraid that I only looked like a complete fucking idiot from the waste down.
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you can fit another 2 sets of man boobs there ?
Come on Slashdot (Score:1)
Mostly carrying useless junk (Score:2)
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When I fly, I take off my (not quite so heavily loaded) jacket and toss it in a bin to go through the scanner ... what's awesome is, you don't NEED to unload the pockets and re-load them on the other side. At least, that is true for the two airports I frequent most.
Re:Mostly carrying useless junk (Score:4, Funny)
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vibrator or crack pipe and wanted to attach a boorish post-it note.
Wouldn't that be a moreish post-it note?
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Seriously? (Score:5, Insightful)
Is this some sort of joke?
Re:Seriously? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Seriously? (Score:5, Insightful)
To add some perspective THIS is a slashvertisement.
And god it's worse than I thought. Dear Slashdot, I ticked the Disable Advertising button thanks.
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Historically, slashvertisements at least seemed to be mistakes. They were normally some editor accepting a story from a third party where the third party made a press release about their product look like news. Slashdot had plusible deniability: the editor had been duped. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
But this little incident seems blatant. There is no other explanation. Slashdot is posting an advertisement as a story.
Has slashdot fallen this low?
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It's things like this that cause already frustrated
That being said, I don't think anyone every really leaves
Re:Seriously? (Score:5, Funny)
Actually for good laughs, read the Twitter "feed" on the home page. Pretty sure they've got their target market set on the Slashdot crowd, but clearly underestimate their market's ability to see through the BS.
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Well doesn't Slashdot's parent company own Thinkgeek? that's where this stuff is sold.
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Apparently Taco had some modicum of "integrity" and left knowing this was coming.
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Be sure... to drink... your Ovaltine (Score:5, Funny)
A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch!
Now I Know (Score:2)
Product owners (Score:5, Insightful)
Congratulations on finding a great way to get your product on to the "Never purchase" list.
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Why is this insightful? This company was looking for ways to reach customers and Slashdot offered them a way to reach a user base that is comprised of people most likely to appreciate their products. Should they be denigrated for buying into Slashdot's pitch? What, did you think they had some crack marketing team come up with a nefarious plan to get their advertisement onto the front page? I mean if you want to be upset with someone it's Slashdot, not the advertiser. Is it just that you hate any compan
Nice, but small pockets is a concern. (Score:1)
With any design, there should be at least one large pocket.
Even add straps to the insides of the pocket so it can still be used for a bunch of other stuff.
I modded my own case for carrying all my electronics from a screw-driver set.
Took a bunch of the straps off and re-arranged them to fit my stuff, from USB hubs to battery2USB packs for charging, all the way to an optical drive.
Take it everywhere I go when out. About as thick as 2 standard laptops. Netbook is in its own case. Stopped taking laptop aroun
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Looks like the main front pockets can hold a 6x9" notepad comfortably so it seems to be good size-wise. I usually wear a hoodie underneath my overcoat in the winter so this seems perfect for me.
Also, is this item [scottevest.com] similar to your case mod? I was thinking of picking one up to attach to a notepad. If you have a cheaper or easier method I'd be interested in trying it.
Damn! That Chrome update just broke my browser... (Score:5, Funny)
I definitely have "Ads disabled" checked but they're still coming through thick and fast :-(
Neat .. until .. (Score:2)
until you have to run and all the stuff is bouncing around and battering you or flying out. I just bought a hoodie much like this during lunch (before seeing this article) a Kohl's for $20. Just without all the zillions of pockets. I'd rather have a vest on under the hoodie, as I dress in layers for the radical temperature changes during the day in California.
Just make it clear: is it an ad or not? (Score:5, Informative)
Why don't you mark this as a paid advertisement? (or if it really isn't, then make it clear because everyone assumes it is.)
Listen, I have no problem with Slashdot making money. But....you HAVE to know that this kind of thing is going to be flamed. So why not make it clear that a post has been paid for? Sure you'll still get some negative feedback, but I bet it'd be a lot less.
If I were Scottevest, I'd be pretty pissed about the conversation.generated by my ad. Hell, if I were them I'd never have advertised in the first place precisely because of that.
You upset your readers because they feel like they're being sold out - and you make the advertiser look bad. Not a good strategy, IMO.
Re:Just make it clear: is it an ad or not? (Score:5, Informative)
Actually, I bought the jacket myself (mostly because one of my coworkers raved about the company's products); if it were provided by the company, I would have said so. Scottevest has / had no idea that I was going to review this, and there's no connection between Slashdot and them (except for the obvious one disclosed -- ThinkGeek is one vendor of their gear, and Slashdot and ThinkGeek share a parent organization). Maybe one day they'll send me a great big gold-plated crate of dubloons, or special anti-gravity pants, but not yet.
My continuing impression is positive, btw, having worn this thing a lot in the last few weeks. I am skeptical about some of the pockets' longevity, but then, I'm hard on pockets, pretty bad about leaving pokey things in there (keys, etc). So, I'm hoping I still like it 6 months or a year from now.
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Hmm ... unfortunately, despite what your intentions may have been, to most readers it appears to be an advertisement. At least thats what I am gleaning from reading all of the comments here. Perhaps product reviews are simply not a thing for Slashdot, given the impossibility of distinguishing advertisement from a personal review/endorsement.
For me, Slashdot is all about the community. The perceived commercialization of this website is a very touchy issue for that community, especially so given taco's dep
Re:Just make it clear: is it an ad or not? (Score:4, Interesting)
It's tricky - knew that even before posting this one ;)
You're right: it's community. Between the 4 of us who choose the stories on the site, we've got something near 40 years (!) of being part of it, and we're pretty jealous of the community aspect.
What's hard is that there's cool stuff in the world it's fun to learn/talk about, some of it made by companies (whose goal is to make money by making stuff people want more than they want to spend the same money elsewhere). Sometimes companies even send stuff *for* review, solicited or unsolicited (and that's fine), but in this case, I just thought it looked interesting. As far a I know, Scottevest has never bought ads from Slashdot / Geeknet (though I don't follow the ad contracts, and mostly see ads only when they break the page and it's time to file a bug report on them).
It's very hard to convince anyone (who thinks otherwise already) that a positive review of a product *isn't* the result of nefarious collusion. Of course, there's the option of trashing everything ;)
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Here's the thing.. you read the description.. look at the video.. and it screams "This is an ad that is trying vainly to look like an article". If you read it somewhere else, what would you think?
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The reason we interpret this as an advertisement is that Slashdot hasn't been doing videos or product reviews or video product reviews. Or maybe you have. But I haven't seen them and I've been here for fifteen years. There is no context for having established any sort of "we do slashdot videos now" and/or "we do video product reviews now". All we get is a giant spammy sounding blurb with what looks like a commercial that could have been produced directly to put on the front of the product's website.
I don't
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The problem I see here, if I accept that this was not a commercial move by Slashdot, is that this product is nothing new. I've no particular need for such a product, I do travel by plane frequently and am happy to stick everything in a bag. Despite never having a desire nor a need for a product like this, I am well aware of the existence of such things, and have been for some time.
I don't often see videos on Slashot, and more often than not reviews seem to written and they tend to be about about books that
Re:Just make it clear: is it an ad or not? (Score:4, Insightful)
If this is an actual, personal review, it
1) is so far outside of normal /. review material as to be viewed as an external intrusion, hence the assumption of an ad. Clicking the link, there doesn't even seem to be a geek connection--it's either a big casual clothing store (ala Old Navy) or an outdoors store (ala... some outdoors store.)
2) is written in such a way as to reek of unimaginative marketing setup. Describing the "intended" user, someone who is recognizable; quick list of item highlights; groan-inducing attempt at humor.
3) should have been posted by you. It's your review, why not use terms like "I" and post it to /. with your account?
In short, even if you had altruistic/innocent intentions, everything about this "story" smells like a paid advertisement, and a poorly conceived one at that.
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Timothy - It looks like duck, walks like a duck, and quacks just like a duck. Whatever your intent, it's a duck.
Perhaps /. would benefit from defining its journalistic ethics. Readers know what to expect from someplace like the NY Times; but there are no well-known customary rules for blogs. As long as anything goes, then they will suspect anything.
Where's Waldo? (Score:1)
Apparently this is his day job: 'Where can I stuff all my crap, and more crap no other person would ever carry in their own pocket.'
Please god, no more Timmy vids.
Ironically, (Score:2)
Ironically, I probably would never view the video because the story doesn't interest me. However knowing it is an advert now- I'm kind of curios what it is like.
Would never buy the product- have zero interest in hoodies, but I am now curious about the ad.
I have a SCOTTEVEST... (Score:5, Insightful)
They are fantastic for frequent travelleing. Keep all your personal items in the vest then drop the vest into the xray while you walk through the metal detector. No more digging for keys, phones/music players, loose change etc..
The worst part is you end up hoarding stupid stuff. Then your clothing becomes similar in weight to a soldier's full combat load. I had to quit that habit.
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Re:I have a SCOTTEVEST... (Score:5, Interesting)
I find large/numerous pockets help me cope with arthritis. Carrying any bag over my shoulders is painful and holding a handbag is both annoying and girly. I bought a Uniqlo jacket with two massive inner and two massive outer pockets that lets me carry wallet, phone, painkillers and other meds, gloves (in winter) and glasses cleaning cloth without too many problems. Sometimes I have a small notebook and retractable mechanical pencil or camera in there too. The camera does make it bulge a bit though.
I have not tried the Scottevest due to not being able to try one on in the UK, but I read that the idea is the pockets minimise the bulge. From what you and other people are saying it seems like it doesn't work that well.
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I think the biggest gripe you should take from us is not how it performs, but what you end up doing with
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In some ways I think pockets that sit on the outside of the garment, bulging out are better for carrying bulky things like cameras. They don't change the body outline of the jacket, they are sitting on the surface.
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Negative feedback (Score:5, Interesting)
Cool, an ad where we can leave feedback! Well, I had a scottevest and I found the material to be poor quality, some of the pokets were torn after less than a year, which never happened to me with any other jacket in that timeframe (it usually take 5 years of heavy usage). Also the vest is heavy even when empty. I'm better off with a normal jacket and a small backpack (which is more convenient to store/retrieve things from than trying to remember you put thing Y in pocket 2364263426).
Not better off with small backpack (Score:3)
I'm better off with a normal jacket and a small backpack
Not by the peculiar rules of the airline industry!
A backpack, however small or large, counts as an "item".
Pockets on things you are wearing, even filled to the brim, do not count as "an item".
You can thus carry on two real bags (luggage plus laptop bag) wearing this hoodie or something like it, plus whatever can go in your pockets. The more pocket space, the lighter your other bags can be (or the more stuff you can bring).
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How much stuff do you need to bring? I usually travel with a little shoulder-bag (like a nylon man-purse) and one bag that's sized to fit in the overhead compartment. That's it, and I usually end up feeling like I overpacked.
A lot (Score:2)
How much stuff do you need to bring? I usually travel with a little shoulder-bag (like a nylon man-purse) and one bag that's sized to fit in the overhead compartment.
That's great for you.
Often when I travel I have two roles:
Business, for which I must bring dress clothes.
Photography, which requires me to bring a lot of gear and walking around/hiking clothes.
For business, I have to carry on a laptop. You'd be a fool to check a laptop.
For photography, you similarly generally should if possible carry on photo
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My point was that I never check anything by choice. A laptop? Camera lenses? None of that stuff takes up much space. If you really need to bring more than one suit, I guess that might make things difficult.
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A laptop? Camera lenses? None of that stuff takes up much space.
A laptop doesn't but tow bodies plus several lenses and a tripod in fact takes up every bit of a medium sized duffel bag.
That leaves no room at all for clothes. (well, perhaps a shirt or two). But clothes can be replaced so I can check them. Checking lenses/computers is a bad idea all around, best avoided if possible.
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Seems like a long way to go to avoid checking your luggage.
How much stuff do you need to use during a time frame measured in hours? Ever considered how much easier and more comfortable it would be to not have to sit around in all that crap?
Not too long (Score:2)
Seems like a long way to go to avoid checking your luggage.
Why? It saves your roughly a half-hour at check-in, and means you can leave the airport immediately when you arrive.
For a tiny bit of discomfort, plus the knowledge your stuff WILL be there when you arrive, it's worth it.
How much stuff do you need to use during a time frame measured in hours?
Pretty much nothing. Again, it's the time and lowered risk of loss/damage I value.
Big deal. (Score:2)
I can fit all of that in a standard "hoodie" or other normal jacket that costs a lot less than the horribly overpriced $70.00 thing he is showing.
slap an ipad and a netbook in there and I'll be impressed.
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This is my opinion as well. To be honest, I've never spent more than $30 on a jacket, and they've all been able to hold copious amounts of stuff as well as being comfortable and functional.
Stop reporting on this nutjob. (Score:2)
How much more of this until... (Score:2)
After 13 years, I am getting to the point of just giving up on
Northface McMurdo FTW (Score:3)
I have a Northface McMurdo [drjays.com] jacket in size xxxl. This thing has an ungodly amount of HUGE pockets, so much so that I lose things in it. It also doubles as a blanket / mattress, and will keep you warm in subantarctic temps (look up Archibald McMurdo, of the HMS Terror, he explored antarctica. I would never need this.
It isn't a hoodie ... (Score:2, Offtopic)
Least Impressive Post Ever (Score:3, Informative)
wow! a hoodie with pockets! holy shit. break out the champagne, eureaka they have done! i cant believe i watched that whole video. i was assuming he would be packing a beowulf cluster of trs80's and a high res 21" CRT in there. but no, just some gum, chargers, and candy bars. i nominate this video for the least impressive thing i have ever seen on /.
anybody seen some totally lamely awesome 2am cable style slashvertisements? we should at least try and make this post into something fun. and they obviously want us to make fun of them
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I didn't watch this whole thing so don't know if they mentioned it, but the best part to me is routing and clips all over for headphones. There's little loops that don't let them fall far etc. It's great for running
So close to leaving slashdot. (Score:4, Insightful)
I really enjoy slashdot because there are a lot of intelligent, well-spoken people here, but I'm so close to being done with it. Makes me a little sad.
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Yeah, without the info. I'm teetering on the brink of leaving and never coming back as well. And I've been posting for years.
Ads disabled? (Score:3)
WTF? (Score:2)
Is this journalism or a stealth advertisement?
I'm hoping it isn't the latter because Slashdot editors should know how furious people will be if they ran commercially paid for articles without labeling them as thus (especially ironic given how much coverage this sort of activity gets on Slashdot)
I don't mind seeing information about commercial products that may be interesting to geeks -- but this made me feel dirty.
Brilliant (Score:5, Interesting)
Marketing, at any rate. Scott sure knows how to market. Got banned from Delta in-flight mag (IIRC) for an ad telling you that the Evest could help you avoid baggage fees (see Streisand Effect) and reviews/ads/articles/endorsements run the gamut from Leo Laporte to Steve Wozniak to Amy Tan and Slashdot to the Wall Street Journal. There is a Youtube subculture of videos showing what is in your Evest. Agent Casey wore one on "Chuck".
As to the vest...
I've worn the Evest nearly every day for the past few years. My netbook (well, until my daughter tripped on the cord and sent it to the floor) would fit into the inner pocket. I generally have my phone, a music-player, a camera and extra batteries, a handful of USB sticks, incidentals (floss, tweezers, earplugs, ...), business cards, and a pen or two, sometimes a can of mace. It's easy to toss in a small tripod, VHF rig or scanner when I want to have those with me.
I started pulling stuff out for one of the officers I chat with at the local coffee joint and all he could say was, "wow, imagine having to pat down someone wearing one of those."
My first Evest wore out after a year and a half - in part because I wore a hole where the seatbelt hits my shoulder. I'm currently wearing the lightweight vest which was on sale when I needed the replacement. It is OK but I don't like it as much as the standard travel vest. I haven't personally found much use for the back pocket on the vests and would rather do away with that zipper. You do have to be *very* careful to go through all the pockets before washing it.
It's handy when travelling through airport security. There is a pocket sized for tickets, cash and such. My phone, camera and miscellany are already in it so while in line I just stuff my wallet, Surefire, keys, belt and other metal-containing items into the pockets and throw the thing into a bin for the x-ray checks.
I tried the shorts but am lukewarm at best. The belt tends to curl a bit and several of the pockets are restricted in what can be put in them otherwise any time you kneel you jam the items in the lower back pocket between the back of your thigh and your calf. I've pretty much relegated them to use for workouts at the gym where the pockets are fine for holding my music player, phone and locker key. I probably won't replace them when they wear out.
Submitter (Score:2)
I am embarrassed for the slashdot staffer (Score:2)
I know, there's constant pressure on the organization to somehow monetize the website. This shows an utter lack of creativity in answering that need. Best wishes in your future efforts.
Tim Lord? (Score:3)
Tim(e) Lord with an item that has a surprising amount of space inside? ...
Rocket Man (Score:2)
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I get Elton John, Waldo, and Harry Potter in about equal proportion, and Andre the Giant just about never.
I just like round glasses is all ...
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He wants to be like Jerry Steiner.
I got hunter vests, but I prefer a manbag... (Score:2)
...you can fit a hell of a lot more junk in a 50 litre, internally framed rucksack [argos.co.uk] (sorry, had to be done. This thing is great, and at the expense of 15 litres capacity (the top and bottom will collapse somewhat and with the help of the many straps, maintain its shape) it qualifies as hand luggage!).
Flash video problem? (Score:2)
Is it me, or does the video keep going away and coming back?
Polite cough (Score:5, Informative)
Submitter blocked from ever appearing on my front page again.
One step closer to removing this site from daily bookmarks.
And I *paid* to get rid of advertisements once already. Sure, we could argue about definitions of that in court but it's easier to just never come back here.
You want money? Ask for it. Don't alienate your regulars. I consider this "article" an utter betrayal of your geek cred, to be honest. Do it again, and I won't come back.
The last year, I've found myself doing nothing but finding reasons NOT to return to this site, if I'm honest, and have had to use my filters whereas before I never used them once. If you were actually *doing* anything, like making in Unicode compatible, or providing new features, then some things could be excused. But you are just doing nothing more than Yes/No and a little editing on user submissions. How well is that going to go when all the users bugger off because of abuses like this?
Sort it out, Slashdot.
I got one of those (Score:3)
I bought one about 3 years ago. The zipper broke and needed replacement. The plastic key hook in the right pocket broke. An inside pocket has a zipper that gets caught in the fabric every time I use it.
A look at my wardrobe seems to indicate that I'm not particularly abusive to my clothing.
The idea is good. The execution is not.
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Also got one of these. I've been wearing it for 3 or 4 years now. It's comfortable, but most of its features are rather lackluster. The zippers on the pockets are rather persnickety and tend to stick, and there are little threads all over the place that come loose.
The biggest reason I bought it was for the headphone integration. It really doesn't work well. The velcro tabs to hold the cord are tiny and somehow manage to both be insecure and yet sometimes grip too tightly and cause snags. I now just keep the
Good music! (Score:2)
I especially like that minimalist house beat, with someone playing the spoons for extra pzazz. Slashdot is clearly on top of the latest IDM.
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