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Idle Science

X-ray Analysis Confirms Forged Date On Lincoln Pardon of Civil War Soldier ( 46

U.S. President Abraham Lincoln pardoned a soldier in the Civil War, and in 1998 that document was re-discovered. But "It was the date that made the document significant," writes Ars Technica: April 14, 1865, "meaning the pardon was likely one of the last official acts of President Lincoln, since he was assassinated later that same day at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. The pardon was broadly interpreted as evidence for a historical narrative about the president's compassionate nature: i.e., his last act was one of mercy."

But now scientists at America's National Archives have conducted a new analysis (published in the journal Forensic Science International: Synergy), and "confirmed that the date was indeed forged (although the pardon is genuine)." An archivist named Trevor Plante became suspicious of the document, noting that the ink on the "5" in "1865" was noticeably darker. It also seemed as if another number was written underneath it. Then Plante consulted a seminal collection of Lincoln's writings from the 1950s. The pardon was there, but it was dated April 14, 1864 — a full year before Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Clearly the document had been altered sometime between the 1950s and 1998 to make the pardon more historically significant..

Investigators naturally turned to the man who made the discovery for further information. They began corresponding with Thomas Lowry [a retired psychiatrist turned amateur historian] in 2010. Initially, Lowry seemed cooperative, but when he learned about the nature of the investigation, he stopped communicating with the Office of the Inspector General, thereby arousing suspicion. So the investigators knocked on the historian's door one January morning in 2011 for an interview. Shortly thereafter, the National Archives released a statement that Lowry had confessed to altering the date on the pardon. Lowry confessed to bringing a fountain pen into the research room, along with fade proof, pigment-based ink, and changing the "4" in "1864" to a "5." Lowry couldn't be charged with any crime because the statute of limitations for tampering with government property had run out, but he was barred from the National Archives for life.

But there's a twist: Lowry soon recanted, claiming he had signed the confession under duress from the National Archives investigators...

Long-time Slashdot reader waspleg writes that Ars Technica "goes through the analysis of how it was verified to be a forgery using several techniques," including ultraviolet light and X-ray fluorescence analysis to study chemicals in the ink. From the article: An examination under magnification and reflective fiber optic lighting showed the ink used to write the "5" was indeed different in overall color compared to the other numbers in the date. Furthermore, "Vestiges of ink from a scratched away number can be seen below and beside the darker '5,' as well as smeared across the paper," the authors wrote. Additional analysis under raking light — a technique that accentuates hills and valleys in the paper texture — revealed abrasions to the paper under and around the "5" that were not observed anywhere else on the document. The team also determined that the paper around the "5" is thinner than everywhere else, and that ink residue of the scratched-away "4" were caught in the abraded paper fibers, clearly visible using transmitted light microscopy...
"The authors also concluded that there is no way to restore the document to its original state without causing further damage."
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X-ray Analysis Confirms Forged Date On Lincoln Pardon of Civil War Soldier

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  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @05:41PM (#62117625)

    I suspect that "his last act was one of compassion" narrative was pushed forth by whomever was trying to sell this document - whether now, or in the past.

    Given Lincoln didn't die of old age, and didn't know his death was coming - it seems rather silly to ascribe too much weight to "his last act", whatever it was. Heck, it might've been to shush Mary Todd so he could hear the play better.

    • by technothrasher ( 689062 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @05:53PM (#62117657)

      I suspect that "his last act was one of compassion" narrative was pushed forth by whomever was trying to sell this document - whether now, or in the past.

      The document was never for sale; it was always in the possession of the federal government. But it seems likely that Lowry changed the document in order to increase his fame and make more money on the book he was published.

      For a more interesting story of faking civil war relics for money, see []

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Virtucon ( 127420 )

      he damaged a significant document and while the statute of limitations had expired, this guy is a doofus. How many other documents or artifacts have been altered with a new eye towards contemporary thinking. Shit, there are idiots on the left and right who want to erase whole sections of the constitution so what's wrong with altering the historic record, right?

      • by Ichijo ( 607641 )
        Well yes, the first [] and second [] amendments have been so severely misinterpreted that it's probably going to require another amendment or two to return the U.S. Constitution back to its original meaning and fix the ambiguity that allowed SCOTUS to legislate from the bench.
        • There is nothing new about revising old documents for modern interpretations. The entire King James bible was heavily edited from the Talmud and the Gnostic gosdpels. Today, People now add oranges to seder plates re-interpreting the rabbi who said “a woman belongs on the bimah [pulpit] as much as an orange belongs on the seder plate" to be a directive, and hold Passover to be about the horrors of the Holocaust when it is actually about the Hebrew god committing genocide on the innocent children of the

          • by xalqor ( 6762950 )
            What is alleged in the article isn't a "modern interpretation" of a historical document or tradition or a different edition of something, it's tampering with the original document. Your examples are irrelevant because in each one the original document is available to anyone for review and to interpret.
        • Dont forget the fifth and 14th either. Asset forfeiture without a trial is a blatant violation of both of these amendments that state that no one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law. The idea that the world changes and new 'interpretations' are needed is horseshit. If the world changed that much then asking government to meet the bar of a new amendment is not unfounded. If its that out of step, then getting 75% of the states to ratify should be rather proc
          • Asset forfeiture without a trial is a blatant violation of both of these amendments that state that no one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law.

            Makes you wonder how any court in the land allows "civil forfeiture." The entire idea of charging inanimate money with crimes is absurd. I want to see a defendant in a shooting crime claim that it's the bullet's fault for any harm done, not the shooter's.

            • Makes you wonder how any court in the land allows "civil forfeiture."

              Did you miss the bit about "Due process of the law"?

              • "Due process"? That's a nice ideal you have there. Sure, you can argue that it exists, but if it's effectively out of reach for many of us, what good is it? The cops and courts count on our inability to mount a viable defense against the state so they can keep our cash and other stolen valuables.

                The south did the same thing with blacks who wanted to vote: "Sure, you can vote, if you can pass this ridiculously difficult test, or pay this tax we know you can't afford, or jump through some other artificia
        • Brandolini's Law makes adequately explaining what's wrong with that 2nd article a task not worthwhile for someone already dedicated to their opinion, but I'd encourage actually reading the Heller decision for anyone who isn't militantly committed to ignoring anything not supporting their opinion, and simply point out two critical flaws here: All males 17-45 are *still* legally defined as members of the unorganized militia by 10USC246, and cases allowing legal racial discrimination were held as constitutiona
  • by kiviQr ( 3443687 ) on Sunday December 26, 2021 @06:04PM (#62117687)
    Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.
    • Lol, this alteration was done out of simple greed. But yeah big brother is totally after you.

    • Those who control the present,

      have the most money to buy the best political puppets.

      Past and future be damned, it's all about who controls the puppets.

  • Wait he was alive 100 years later?

  • There was an interesting article in The Guardian paper about a historian planting documents in the UK's national archive to provide "evidence" to support some books he wrote. []

    I think I've seen TV programs based on the "facts".

  • I guess now if you got the date wrong and used white-out or other means to change it, it is now considered forged???? Tell me someone who never got the date wrong on a document?

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