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Elon Musk's Newest Venture: Selling a $100 Perfume ( 140

CNN reports: Elon Musk's latest internet jest has taken the form of a perfume with an unsavory scent: "Burnt Hair.

" The tech mogul, entrepreneur and sometimes internet troll announced the launch of the product on Twitter on Tuesday, calling it "the finest fragrance on Earth." The perfume is apparently being sold on The Boring Company's website for $100 and will ship in the first quarter of 2023....

The product is the successor to other Musk memes, like the $500 flamethrowers he sold in 2018 or the Tesla-branded satin shorts he debuted as investors "shorted" the company in 2020....

Musk appears to be enjoying the media attention on his newest lark. He switched his Twitter bio to "Perfume Salesman" and claimed to have sold 20,000 bottles....

"Please buy my perfume, so I can buy Twitter," he wrote on Wednesday.

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Elon Musk's Newest Venture: Selling a $100 Perfume

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  • Elon Musk Newest Venture: Selling a $100 Perfume

    The product is the successor to other Musk memes, like the $500 flamethrowers he sold in 2018

    The perfume can be used as scented fuel for the flamethrower ... :-)

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Saturday October 15, 2022 @04:59PM (#62969433)

    Can we already call him a completely batshit insane looney or do we still have to wait?

    • The people who want him to buy Twitter are the ones already sending their money to another billionaire. He just wants in on the fun. Why is that looney?
    • Can we already call him a completely batshit insane looney or do we still have to wait?

      No you don't have to wait you can call him that now. I don't care.

      I like the cars he makes, the home energy products he makes, and I wish I had gotten one of his bottles of Tequila. Everything he makes sells out quick so going by that there are a lot of people who agree with me.

      Not interested in the perfume.

      • I hope you bought his stupid fucking flamethrower thing

      • by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Saturday October 15, 2022 @06:51PM (#62969707)

        Can we already call him a completely batshit insane looney or do we still have to wait?

        No you don't have to wait you can call him that now. I don't care.

        I like the cars he makes, the home energy products he makes, and I wish I had gotten one of his bottles of Tequila. Everything he makes sells out quick so going by that there are a lot of people who agree with me.

        Not interested in the perfume.

        The perfume thing is more of a stunt.

        But it's an important question. Success is a mixture of luck and talent, people who are unsuccessful overemphasize the luck, while people are highly successful overestimate the talent.

        If you keep thinking you're the smartest and most talented person in the room you start ignoring people, and your decision making starts to get erratic.

        Is the Musk who helped make Tesla a success the same Musk who's leading Tesla now?

        His personal life seems an unhealthy amount of chaos. Publicly criticizing gender identity when he had a transgender child (who later disassociated herself from him). Having multiple children with multiple women at the same time including relationships with subordinates. Giving one of the kids an unpronounceable name. etc, etc.

        Then his "public policy" pronouncements like idiotic peace plans for Ukraine and Taiwan.

        And his business ideas like buying Twitter on a whim, then spending months on a ridiculously feebly attempt to back out of the deal... before seemingly giving in entirely. Not to mention his robot that's not particularly advanced or useful.

        And of course the fact that Tesla's customer base is largely progressives who care about the environment.... and he's now moving operations to Texas and cozying up with the alt-right.

        Maybe he'll settle down and keep things running properly, but we might be watching the second coming of Howard Hughes [].

        • I agree with pretty much what you wrote but I'll push back on this:

          And of course the fact that Tesla's customer base is largely progressives who care about the environment.... and he's now moving operations to Texas and cozying up with the alt-right.

          This isn't right. The customers that put money down to wait for a Tesla car might, and generally are, concerned about the environment but that is a very loose correlation. Anyone with half a brain is worried about the environment, and if you look at polling the majority of people profess to be even when they vote for politicians that are behind poor environment policy.

          Tesla owners generally want a superior car. My Model Y is comfortabl

        • Is the Musk who helped make Tesla a success the same Musk who's leading Tesla now?

          Yes, he's the same guy. But what's important to remember about life is that only some ends are possible. It's an apparent paradox that the universe is infinite and yet your choices are limited, and your feasible choices even moreso... but it all makes sense once you realize that the universe is mechanistic, and stuff only happens by stuff interacting with other stuff, none of it faster than C. Musk was in the right place at the right time to have the option to make Tesla a success primarily because, frankly

      • and I wish I had gotten one of his bottles of Tequila.

        You still can, just buy Nosotros tequila, Musk just put it in a lightning bolt shaped bottle and marked it up by a huge amount.

    • Ukraine's access to starlink.

      I really don't like the fact that we give so few people so much power. The entire Ukraine war seems to have been caused by a sad old man named Vladimir Putin desperately trying to capture some Glory before he dies of bowel cancer.

      That would be fine if he was trying to coach a little league team but he's sending tens of thousands off to die and kill while crashing the global economy.

      We need to do something about the rise of fascism not just because fascists are bad, o
    • No, he's not insane.

      He's running the equivalent of a fund me campaign for all the right wing wackos that hate Twitter.

    • Elon's not crazy. He's a dick, but he's not nuts.

      He is using a classic misdirection campaign. Pay no attention to what I'm doing over here (Twitter, for example) because I'm doing this crazy shit over here! And what crazy shit he's doing is always shifting. And because he knows he's got fanboys, he knows he can use them (completely cynically, I might add) for these stunts.

  • Somebody please (Score:5, Insightful)

    by clambake ( 37702 ) on Saturday October 15, 2022 @05:01PM (#62969439) Homepage

    tax the billionaires until they are millionaires. We could be using this money for health care and getting the homeless back on track and fixing bridges. We don't need people like Musk, we need a society that functions.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by backslashdot ( 95548 )

      Look, I don't like Elon Musk any more than the next guy. But please, taxing people whose wealth is in company ownership is dumb. Tax cash hoardes, not value of companies. A company's value comes from the fact that other idiots want ownership of it. Other idiots want ownership of Elon Musk's companies because of the fact that he runs them. He wouldn't run Tesla or SpaceX if he didn't own a big piece of it. By "taxing" him, you would be forcing him to sell ownership of the companies he created, and other peop

      • 1. A fraction of a fraction of the economy consists of companies whose value is based on the cult of personality surrounding their owner.

        2. Any company whose value would collapse based on who owns it would have such horrible fundamentals that it probably should collapse, and no responsible institution managing pension funds or 401ks would have invested in it in the first place. They don't generally choose investments by picking which CEO has the sickest memes.

        3. I don't know what world you live in, bu
    • Elon Musk has very little actual cash. He is a billionaire because he has a large ownership stake in Tesla and in SpaceX. It's like forcing someone to sell a painting they created just because a lot of people would pay a lot of money to buy it. Elon Musk is a billionaire not because he has one billion dollars in cash somewhere. It's because people would pay a billion dollars to own a piece of SpaceX.

      • by slazzy ( 864185 )
        And what people seem to forget is if he sells a lot of stock in say Tesla, he also looses a lot of the control of that company.
    • We could be using this money for health care and getting the homeless back on track and fixing bridges

      - imagine how much we could do if we not only taxed those who have money but also put people into work camps and made them work for the betterment of society, we could literally solve the unemployment crisis while solving all the other problems. People waste too much free time on arbitrary things, like resting, playing video games and such. We could solve all problems if only we could concentrate the work of all of these people into projects that the government could set up and run, all those traffic li

    • >> We could be using this money for health
      >> we need a society that functions.

      Before pouring any money in your USA healthcare system, fix it first, so the same treatment does not cost 10-50x what it costs in Europe or similar.

    • You can take all the money that the top 1% have - every last penny of cash, assets and investments, and it would fully fund the US government for, maybe, a year and a half.

      The federal government's budget is so absolutely massive, it dwarfs any contribution the billionaire class could make by orders of magnitudes. For reference, to pay for the COVID relief handouts, the federal reserve doubled the money supply. That is, half of all the money floating around the US economy was created in the last two years, s

    • tax the billionaires until they are millionaires.

      So you are fine with millionaires "making enough" to become billionaires and then taking the money from the billionaires?

      That is absurd. That tells me that you are just fine with the way things are now, it is just the redistribution, or lack of it, that you are having issues with.

      I hope you are never in charge of engineering a society. I think each person, no matter how stupid, should be provided an environment that they can exist in without "licking the boots" of those "better" than them in society. What y

  • Channel Putler one more time, I dare you.

  • When buying them a horse won't even get you laid.
  • Imagine the conversation that led to the burnt hair perfume

  • Donald Trump 2.0 (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday October 15, 2022 @06:01PM (#62969575)
    I'm really looking forward to musk steaks, musk water and of course musk University.
  • Goes on fiery, stays the night.
  • Will he go with champagne and steaks next? Maybe a university?

  • Mr. Musk's behavior in recent years has likely deeply impacted his ability to sell products using his namesake. I wouldn't be surprised if these miniature fundraising ventures no longer work for him as hoped.

    • I think you're overestimating some people's intelligence. Just because people you know have gotten tired of constantly smelling Musk doesn't mean his libertarian fanbase has done. The same kind of people who secretly believe South Africa got what it deserved (and banked with Blood of Apartheid on purpose) are still big, big Elon fans. Don't forget about prosperity theology, it is a dominant force.

      • Libertarians are a small minority but you are correct that there are people who like what they see. I have doubts that this small group be enough to enable his fundraising but only time will tell. Also, he's no preacher, so I don't think prosperity theology is going to help him in the least.

        • Also, he's no preacher, so I don't think prosperity theology is going to help him in the least.

          Dude, engage brain before responding.

          • I'm not sure what you mean.

            per wikipedia:

            Prosperity theology (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health and wealth gospel, the gospel of success, or seed faith)[A] is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth.[1] Material and especially financial success is seen as a sign of divine favor.

            Musk isn't any of those, so what cause do you have for insulting me?

            • Prosperity theologists, which includes probably 99% of the people who claim to be Christian (if they're not giving away their wealth to the poor, they are not following the [alleged] teachings of Jesus) believe that if you are successful it's because God loves you. This is again directly contrary to the central message of the central figure in the Christian mythology, but people are greedy so it's easy to sell them greed.

              This logic is not limited to people who identify as religious. It's not really theology

              • How does any of that help Musk?

                • You haven't noticed that Elon Musk is prosperous?

                  • I am specifically asking how prosperity theology would help him sell a product because you implied that it would. If you have a point then please state it plainly and do not lead me on any further. If not then you are off-topic and this conversation is over.

    • You must not understand the "pwn the libruhls" philosophy. It makes people do all sorts of deranged shit because they fell like they are pwning a bunch of people they don't know.
  • But I thought his latest venture was telling democracies they should surrender to autocracy.

  • by ItsJustAPseudonym ( 1259172 ) on Saturday October 15, 2022 @09:10PM (#62970031)
    Should have named it "Elon's Musk".
  • 60% of the time it works all the time!
  • Musk is a megalomaniac with an addiction to publicity. He has the money to pay to humour himself in both respects.
  • "This candle smells like my Musk."

  • And you're happily ringing...

"The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults." -- Peter De Vries
