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Apple Introduces "MacBook Wheel" 268

CommonCents noted an Apple announcement a few hours before the anticipated keynote. He says "Apples' latest must have gadget does away with the keyboard. With the new MacBook Wheel, Apple has replaced the traditional keyboard with a giant wheel."

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

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Apple Introduces "MacBook Wheel"

Comments Filter:
  • The Onion (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @10:29AM (#26342323)
    The onion, where it's April 1st year round.
  • by Van Cutter Romney ( 973766 ) <sriram@venkataramani.geemail@com> on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @10:30AM (#26342335)
    Or does the anchorwoman have a head shaped like an onion?
  • phone next? (Score:5, Funny)

    by firewood ( 41230 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @10:30AM (#26342339)

    Maybe next they'll invent some way to dial a phone with just some sort of rotary wheel...

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Dialing a phone with a rotary wheel will actually be a whole lot easier in my mind than typing an email with a whole wheel. I don't see how this process is faster than me typing exactly what I want. Imagine trying to program with that thing. Predictive text will not be any help with odd variables names and punctuation marks all over the place. This to me is definitely overkill.

      • by Hal_Porter ( 817932 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @11:12AM (#26342797)

        Dialing a phone with a rotary wheel will actually be a whole lot easier in my mind than typing an email with a whole wheel. I don't see how this process is faster than me typing exactly what I want. Imagine trying to program with that thing. Predictive text will not be any help with odd variables names and punctuation marks all over the place. This to me is definitely overkill.

        It's quick than you think. Suppose you wanted to type Whoosh! to inform someone that they had missed a joke. Once you enter Wh you can just select Whoosh! from the dropdown list.

    • Re:phone next? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by PolygamousRanchKid ( 1290638 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @10:39AM (#26342447)

      If this isn't on the iPhone AppStore already, it will be real soon. Enough folks would shell out a few bucks for the novetly of it.

      "Hey, look at me! I can dial my iPhone, just like in those old movies!"

      Mount your iPhone in a shoe, and you can play Maxwell Smart. Now that would really freak people out, when your shoe rings, and you take it off to answer it.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        If I recall correctly an app like that pre-dates the App Store. I think there was one available for jailbroken 1.x firmware.
      • There are several. Search for "rotary dialer" in the iTunes App Store.
      • Mount your iPhone in a shoe, and you can play Maxwell Smart. Now that would really freak people out, when your shoe rings, and you take it off to answer it.

        I had no idea that iPhones had such a monopoly on the "being able to be mounted in a shoe" form factor...

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Cannelloni ( 969195 )
      Actually, there is already such a program for the iPhone.
    • I have a rotary phone [], you insensitive clod! []
  • Mactini (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    This reminds me of the Mactini on the The Peter Serafinowicz Show Christmas Special:

  • MacWheel Shuffle (Score:2, Interesting)

    The way that my jobs works out, I could do MOST of it with a Wheel! And if I got the MacWheel Shuffle, I could NOT show up, and half the office wouldn't notice ;-)
  • Seriously? A joke article on slashdot, on a regular news day..
  • by geeper ( 883542 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @10:41AM (#26342467)
    1. 45 minutes to type a simple email.
    2. The dude that said "I'll buy anything thats shiny made by Apple!"
  • I know... (Score:4, Funny)

    by XPeter ( 1429763 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @10:42AM (#26342479) Homepage

    This is a bit "out there", but to be perfectly honest I'd rather use a laptop running VISTA over that silly Macbook Wheel. It will take me more time to type an e-mail on that thing, then it would to send an e-mail on Vista. This is what happens when Steve gets sick, Apple gets desperate for ideas.

    • Did you know gullible isn't in the dictionary?

    • by mobby_6kl ( 668092 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @11:48AM (#26343247)

      I think you're missing the real genious here. What Apple/Steve did is simplify the computing experience so that it "just works". If you were to type an email in Vista, you'd have to use the confusing keyboad which has way too many buttons. A common keyboard has about a hundred too many.

      Instead, you just flick the wheel around until you get to the character you need, like you would with a safe. That's it, there's just one device you interface with, and everything is a single fluid motion around the wheel. As is often the case, you're just stuck with your old obsolete ways, while Steve has seen the light and wants to share with us all.

      • by elrous0 ( 869638 ) *
        How much do you want for it? Whatever it is, I'll pay it!
      • I'm not convinced. I know these new 'Wheel' interfaces are more user friendly but really... for expert users the 'keyboard' is here to stay. For one thing text entry and command line usage are still so much faster!!

        GPP still had a point about Vista, though.
      • I thought Apple already made a product like that -- the iLabelMaker. Indeed, that's what I first thought of when I saw the name "MacBook Wheel" -- a MacBook with a label maker's interface [].
  • Ob ... (Score:5, Funny)

    by BESTouff ( 531293 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @10:48AM (#26342531)
    - Dear MacFan, will you defend the new MacBook Wheel without even knowing what it is ?

    - Yes, iWheel !

  • 10-to-1 (Score:3, Funny)

    by PortHaven ( 242123 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @10:49AM (#26342549) Homepage

    Next year's big Apple announcement will be the elimination of keyboards from the MacBook Air. Just touch sensitive pads so that we can make it even THINNER!!!!

    • by Ecuador ( 740021 )

      Uh oh, that is scary, because it is not that outlandish as the wheel so I could see Apple pulling that off and convincing everyone it is better (AKA "cooler").
      I mean, imagine that reading the summary, for a moment, I actually thought Apple might be giving this a go!
      For example I remember how people were telling me for years that you only need one mouse button, especially when the mouse looks nice.

      Anyway, this should not be on Slashdot front page unless it is April fools, but it is a great video nonetheless!

    • by 26199 ( 577806 ) *
      This already exists... it's called the MacNTouch, and is sadly no longer produced: []
  • by techstar25 ( 556988 ) <techstar25@gmail. c o m> on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @10:54AM (#26342599) Journal
    Leave it to Apple to reinvent the wheel...
    • by jez9999 ( 618189 )

      Seriously, though, I think Apple missed a trick here. I'm really hoping they'll invent the iNothing. People are regularly asking what could be simpler than a wheel, and whilst I agree that they have got it down quite nicely, they could go further.

      With the iNothing, you don't have the hassle of using the wheel or viewing a screen, you just have to do nothing! Now it really doesn't get simpler than that. I'd pay $5000 for that, minimum!

  • mactini (Score:3, Funny)

    by stiller ( 451878 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @11:05AM (#26342725) Homepage Journal

    Puts me in mind of this recent spoof, by Peter Serafinowicz: []

  • I'm actually surprised this hasn't happened before. People are too lazy to type or read anyway, so why bother with a keyboard? But using the terminal will be a bit tricky...
    • Ever heard of a mouse? []

      • You mean like you have like a computer with a mouse? You must have a newer model than me.
        • These darn rodents get into all the darndest of places!

          Actually, I hardly ever touch the rodent. That's what Vimperator is for.

    • People are too lazy to type or read anyway

      You are absolutely right, which is why this half-assed move from Apple surprises me a little bit. Well, perhaps not, when Apple does stuff they always do it half way.

      As you point out, people are too lazy to type and read, so what is it with the bright and shiny LCD that they ship this with? Typical Apple Tax. They want all my money, but they give me stuff I don't need nor want. Dropping the keyboard is great, but why force me to buy a screen? I am not going to type on the keyboard, why do they think I would

  • This joke is about 5 years late, just like their Dick Cheney/undisclosed location joke I saw a few weeks back.

    I remember when the Onion was something special.

  • by advocate_one ( 662832 ) on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @11:35AM (#26343069)
  • First Post! (Score:5, Funny)

    by hansamurai ( 907719 ) <> on Tuesday January 06, 2009 @11:37AM (#26343079) Homepage Journal

    with Macbook Wheel

  • (I know this is a joke.)
    The predicted 7 inch iBook will not have a keyboard. Will probably have a virtual keyboard like the iPhone.
    So not to crazy to imagine a full sized laptop with a virtual keyboard.
    Of course the wheel is silly.

  • And the next generation version will replace the two-dimension wheel with a little sphere that can be rotated through the use of a finger - it will be called te MacBall.

  • ...and now I want a wheel in place of my trackpad.

    Damn you, Jobs!

  • Nothing is more than a few hundred clicks away!

  • "One button. Endless possibilities." That's totally something Apple would put on a poster.
  • Check out the suggestions for the predicted typing: "The aardvark admitted it was wrong."
  • by PPH ( 736903 )
    ... is rolling over in his grave.
  • FUCK THIS (Score:2, Informative)

    If I wanted to have to wade through The Onion's rubbish disguised as news all the time, I'd be over at Digg. The Onion, while funny, should NEVER be front page news at Slashdot - BECAUSE IT AIN'T NEWS! Seriously, what's next? Lolcats? Come on...
  • Angela Bennett does have a sister! And she's a newscaster! Cool.


    I guess the onion tv bug [placement] is equivalent to a pie symbol?


    Great easter egg Onion....

  • by jandersen ( 462034 ) on Wednesday January 07, 2009 @02:27AM (#26354477)

    Apples' latest must have gadget

    Thi's seem's to have been written by a per'son who ha's no idea where to put hi's apo'strophe's

Your own mileage may vary.
