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Do Nerds Have Better Sperm? 178

mcgrew writes "The question of how we loveless nerds managed to not be bred out of the species genome may have been answered. According to New Scientist, we have better sperm. According to the article, men who scored high on a battery of intelligence tests boasted high counts of healthy sperm, while low scorers tended to have fewer and more sickly little guys. ... Though the connections between brains and sperm were 'not awesome, they're there and highly significant.' All things held equal, good sperm and good brains go together." Don't start gloating yet. Another recent study found that the gene that makes you good at Halo also makes you a premature ejaculator. A study of 200 Dutch men found that those with a premature ejaculation problem all had a version of a gene that controls the release of serotonin. These men seem to "have very quick reflexes. They may be excellent at playing tennis or computer games." Remember, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast.


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Do Nerds Have Better Sperm?

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  • Up next... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 14, 2008 @02:34PM (#25372263)
    The taste test!
  • It brings to mind... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by tragedy in chaos ( 1382095 ) on Tuesday October 14, 2008 @02:42PM (#25372389)
    The movie "Idiocracy". Admittedly it's not exactly like the movie, however I can see this as going in a much similar fashion (It does explain the current state of things a bit).

    It's Natural Selection at it's finest.

    The women, while trying to subconsciously pick the best mate, inadvertently shoot themselves in the foot, as Mr. Cage Fighter is packing sickly soldiers, with a mission to degrade the gene pool.

    Meanwhile Mr. Physicist is in possession of a load that may one day help save humanity. But alas, it may never be used...

    Oh, Irony.
  • Re:Up next... (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 14, 2008 @04:06PM (#25373681)

    Usually pretty good... but people aren't all the same in that regard though. Some psych meds can make it taste really bitter.

    Adding cranberry juice to the diet seems to increase fluid produced. Get the full strength juice with no corn syrup, then dilute it to taste with apple juice (check labels to make sure it isn't from China).
    Avocados seem to help make things more creamy. Get sunshine and exercise. Keep your weight fairly close to normal. Eat a varied diet. Some fats in moderation do help as there are precursor compounds involved. Get regular deep sleep at night (much hormone production goes on then).

    Try a little prostate massage during sex (even if alone).
    Males may actually absorb hormones from taking releases of other males near the prostate and get a boost in libido (sort of an afterglow effect) for days afterwards. That's not an available/attractive option for some obviously, but those into it tend to really enjoy it. Use due caution when picking partners for that sort of thing. Some bi males do better at home with a buddy on the side too. Between the stress relief and hormone boost, it can work wonders.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 14, 2008 @05:20PM (#25374721)

    Somewhat of a blend between masculine and feminine body build, yet that all is determined how I shave or grow my hair. I don't use any "make-up" and never had any bouts with the puberties that other one-gender people have fought with. My voice is neither masculine or feminine, which makes it easier to pronounce words without problem, etc.

    Now, in terms of gender physiology that is odd and explainable:
    I have a penis and under-developed testes, just off from a clitoris and vagina leading to a womb with fertile ovaries. This is a verry rare condition, where there are in-fact women born with two wombs, and men born with two or more testicles and pens. I am lucky however, because my testicles are inactive -- if they were, the chemical imbalance would have seriously hurt my young development. So to this day, I meditate and focus my mind, anticipating when if my testicles descend and become active in parallel with my ovaries and womb.

    The doctors said that I have stunted gondads/male-testes that will only be fertile if corrective surgery allowed them to descend out of my body cavity. They are currently lodged in the walls of my vagina.

    Don't laugh that I was born a woman first, because some people that have these extra organs may have had an incomplete twin attached to them. I was evaluated and found not to have overtaken a twin -- I'm a double hermaphrodite. I don't buy a Mac and Turtle-neck shirt, I don't watch Furry movies, and don't like your jests. I am lucky to be alive.

  • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) * on Wednesday October 15, 2008 @02:04PM (#25386397) Homepage Journal

    Don't start gloating yet. Another recent study found that the gene that makes you good at Halo also makes you a premature ejaculator.

    Well, premature ejaculation isn't counterevolutionary, but it does diminish the pleasure for nerd and nerdette.

    However, modern science has come up with drugs. Viagra isn't just to get it up for your aging wrinkled wife who has become too fat and ugly to fuck without chemical help. It also allows you control. You can make sex last pretty much as long as you want it to.

    Two of four women I've used viagra with had orgasms and fell in love with me. A third of the four hasn't afaik fallen in love but did say she had an orgasm (but of course she could be lying).

    The fourth was a hooker. Don't waste your viagra on a hooker!

This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
