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Toilet Sausage Chef Causes Prison Unit Evacuation 3

An inmate's attempt to cook sausage in his toilet filled his unit with smoke, and caused an evacuation at a Washington prison. 130 inmates were evacuated when smoke was spotted coming from a sewer vent pipe. The smoke was traced back to the inmate's cell and he admitted to trying to heat up sausage in the stainless steel toilet. Toilet sausage? And I thought Pruno was disgusting.


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Toilet Sausage Chef Causes Prison Unit Evacuation

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  • That wasn't actually a "sausage" that the inmate was cooking.
  • prison toilets (Score:4, Informative)

    by stonewallred ( 1465497 ) on Saturday March 28, 2009 @02:44PM (#27372319)
    Prison toilets are stainless steel. What prisoners do is empty the toilets out, then use a cup to force the water from the trap and create a chimney through the drainage system. Sewage drains have both a drain for solids/liquids, and also a gas escape to atmosphere.Once that is done, they make a burner out of toilet paper, usually forming a cone many layers thick and tightly wrapped, fashion a cooking vessel from aluminum foil, and use the interior of the toilet with a piece of card board with a hole to allow air in which forces the smoke out the drain, as a type of enclosed oven. They can cook stuff without filling their cells with smoke and without(usually) getting caught by COs and getting in trouble. Prisoners are very inventive. Take the habit of them using pencils to decrease DC voltage in order to operate radios,(older prisons which have exposed light incandescent light bulbs use an 12 volt DC system to power the lights within the cells to prevent the prisoners from wiring the doors up to 120V AC current, and other mischief.

There are three kinds of people: men, women, and unix.
