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Bar Uses Breathalyzer to Encourage Drinking 7

Some might call the new marketing scheme at The Attic bar in Newcastle brilliant, while others might say it is bordering on criminal negligence. At the end of the night the patron with the highest blood-alcohol level wins free entry to the next week's event. The promotion does have a responsible side. Anyone who is found to be under the legal limit after blowing into the bar's breathalyzer at last call gets their tab wiped clean.


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Bar Uses Breathalyzer to Encourage Drinking

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  • As someone who believes the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be in charge of party planning, I've always considered 0.08 BAC to be a suggested minimum... oh hell, who am I kidding. I sit around all night sucking down bottled water hoping to score -- does this mean I can now drink for free?
  • so i could just go there at opening, have a lot of cola's, etc and other non alcoholic stuff and then get the tab waived off as the BA level would be 0??

    • The prize for winning is "free entry to the next week's event." So I'm assuming that there is a cost associated with entry, presumably enough so that unless you're a real coke friend, it wont work out in your favor. And even if it does, who wants to drink with the guy who comes to screw over the bar and mess up the challenge every week? ;)
  • Oh, that'll be a fun lawsuit when somebody dies of alcohol poisoning. You know it'll happen.
  • Did you know they make a home drug test? I heard it on AM radio. I think its instant-result, no lab-mailin. (sorry off topic)
    BTW, this bar-game looks like fun!
  • Bring a friend to the bar, you put all his drinks on your tab. Have a sip here/there to not blow .00. At the end of the night, he can go compete for the super drunk winnings, you get the tab wiped clean, and drive home.


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