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Idle Games

Halo Elite Cosplay Puts Others To Shame 115

AndrewGOO9 writes "Pete Mander, a special effects artist from Ontario, Canada seems like he might have either had way too much time on his hands or just really enjoys Halo. Either way, this is one of those costumes that makes all of the cosplayers at a con feel like their best efforts just weren't quite up to par."

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Halo Elite Cosplay Puts Others To Shame

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 02, 2010 @02:44PM (#32778496)
    Can you imagine those great, big foam rubber balls being dipped in your face?
  • No. He's male. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 02, 2010 @02:49PM (#32778566)

    The only people who don't look ridiculous doing cosplay are young, attractive women playing the roles of young, attractive, scantily clad female characters. All other cosplay is pointless.

  • by adeft ( 1805910 ) on Friday July 02, 2010 @02:52PM (#32778588)
    puts itself to shame
    • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

      I think such dedication to Halo, of all shooters, puts all of gaming to shame. Sigh.
      • Why? What shooter would YOU propose?

        • by daid303 ( 843777 )

          Deus Ex.

        • by h4rr4r ( 612664 )

          Any of the ones that made the genre?
          Halo just brought FPS to the fratboy set.

          • by Blakey Rat ( 99501 ) on Friday July 02, 2010 @03:17PM (#32778912)

            Any of the ones that made the genre?
            Halo just brought FPS to the fratboy set.

            Two points:
            1) An accomplishment is an accomplishment.
            2) The Halo series are really good games. They've brought tons of new ideas that many, many other games have emulated (recharging shield/health, realistic weapon load), and obviously they've sold very well.

            Most people just hate it because they have some "PC Game 1337 Gene" that makes it impossible to appreciate anything involving a game controller.

            (Ironically, they much prefer to play games on controllers designed to run office applications... but console players are less 1337. Go figure.)

            • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

              Two points.

              1) I like Halo as much as the next guy. Have all in the series, play #3 quite a bit to this day.

              2) While Halo is a great series, they've not brought ANY new ideas. Rather, they have emulated the other ideas that have existed in many many games before it, but made it mesh very well together. Recharging shield and health was around before Halo, weapon reload times, carrying only two weapons.

              I like Halo, and it IS a good game, but one thing I can't ever give it credit for is originality - which ripp

              • Two points.

                1) I like Halo as much as the next guy. Have all in the series, play #3 quite a bit to this day.

                2) While Halo is a great series, they've not brought ANY new ideas. Rather, they have emulated the other ideas that have existed in many many games before it, but made it mesh very well together. Recharging shield and health was around before Halo, weapon reload times, carrying only two weapons.

                I like Halo, and it IS a good game, but one thing I can't ever give it credit for is originality - which ripped a lot of stuff from Aliens and Predator films, the same way Starcraft did.

                SO what you're saying is that Bungie is/was Blizzard Entertainment for the console set?

                • by Monkeedude1212 ( 1560403 ) on Friday July 02, 2010 @03:43PM (#32779304) Journal

                  One might say that. Keep in Mind Halo (the original) that spun everything into play first came out for the Mac, then the PC, and THEN the X box - so it's as much the "Blizzard for the console set" as much as it is a "Blizzard for the PC" - also keep in mind Blizzard made Starcraft64 so its not like they are free of the console bash.

                  • by quantumplacet ( 1195335 ) on Friday July 02, 2010 @04:23PM (#32779896)

                    Umm, no. Halo was made by Bungie, which was prior to Halo primarily a Mac developer. They started making Halo for the Mac, but then signed with Microsoft who made it an XBox launch title and an exclusive. It was then ported to PC and Mac two years later, in 2003.

                    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

                      by Requiem18th ( 742389 )

                      But Halo is basically the prequel to Bungie's Marathon for the Mac so you could say that "Halo" came out for the Mac first.

                    • by annex1 ( 920373 )
                      No, it was never officially stated that Halo was a precursor to Marathon and even if it was, no, you can't say it came out for the Macintosh first. It simply did not. Quantumplacet was right. It was being developed for Macintosh. Microsoft saw promise, offered them a load of cash and voila! Xbox1 title.
              • by Blakey Rat ( 99501 ) on Friday July 02, 2010 @03:47PM (#32779360)

                Recharging shield and health was around before Halo,

                In what game?

                I like Halo, and it IS a good game, but one thing I can't ever give it credit for is originality - which ripped a lot of stuff from Aliens and Predator films, the same way Starcraft did.

                If you're including "ripping off films" in your list of original games, even if they really only take the setting and wide-brush concepts, what game would you consider original?

                Let's put some money where your mouth is.

                • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

                  Well you could take the Armor and/or health recharge mods that have been in every Unreal Tournament game since the beginning, you could look at one of Bungie's older titles, Marathon. If you want to consider games that aren't first person shooters but have recharging shields, X-wings vs Tie Fighter was a good space sim that featured it. I mean any Protoss unit in Starcraft also does it.

                  If I want to think of a game that didn't really rip off the films, I might say something like Mirror's Edge? Don't get me w

                  • by Blakey Rat ( 99501 ) on Friday July 02, 2010 @04:22PM (#32779872)

                    Well you could take the Armor and/or health recharge mods that have been in every Unreal Tournament game since the beginning, you could look at one of Bungie's older titles, Marathon

                    UT mods maybe, although I've never played any and you haven't named any.

                    But I've played the shit out of Marathon, and it didn't have charging shields. You had to go to a socket in the wall and manually charge them up. So... wrong.

                    If I want to think of a game that didn't really rip off the films, I might say something like Mirror's Edge? Don't get me wrong its not the greatest game in the world, but it certainly was a little more unique in it's style.

                    Yeah, it didn't ripoff films, but it came pretty goddamned close to Bungie's Oni. You might even say it... ripped off Oni.

                    (That said, I haven't played it; I don't buy EA games. I'm just going by gameplay footage.)

                    What else should I say...

                    Well, for starters, you shouldn't lie about Marathon. I love that fucking game, man. Love it.

                    Look, anyway. Here's the deal:
                    1) You don't hate Halo games, but you have some kind of vague "oh it's inferior because frat guys play it" thing going on. That's stupid... just man-up and admit you like the game, stop kowtowing to your geek friends who criticize you for it.

                    2) Your standards on "ripoff" are pretty crazy. By your standards, pretty much every work of media ever is a ripoff of something or another-- the real world doesn't work that way. No reasonable person would say that Halo is a ripoff of Aliens. They might use the word "homage" or "in the same genre as", but ripoff is definitely going too far.

                    3) Don't lie about Marathon, man.


                    • By UT mods, I don't mean game mods, I mean the in-game modifiers, like Low-grav, Double Jump, Vampire, etc. They come with the game and you can just enact them when you start a quickgame or multiplayer match.

                      1) I never said anything about Frat Boys, that was H4rr4r. I was simply saying the ONLY thing I can't give Halo Credit for was originality. It is a great game, and I think it actually takes more skill than most FPS because of its lower field of view, the slower jump and general movement controls.

                      2) The

                    • Yeah, it didn't ripoff films, but it came pretty goddamned close to Bungie's Oni. You might even say it... ripped off Oni.

                      Seriously? And you were the one complaining about the "lies" about marathon. Oni is third person game focussing on combat, mirrors edge is a first person game focussing on platforming. From a gameplay perspective chalk and cheese, from a setting perspective they seem to both do the same teriyaki 1984 thing but it isn't all that similar either.

              • Bungie was always known for taking other ideas and using them in their game....but somehow when they do it, it comes out very polished and feeling sparkly new. Just look at Myth : The Fallen Lords.
            • Realistic weapon loading has been mainstream since Half-Life. At least.

              As for "recharging shield/health" - there was something quite similar in Half-Life too.
              Only there it was done properly - health lost when you got trapped under water for a long time would return once you spent some time back out in the air.
              Actual wounds needed health supplies, even with the magical HEV suit.

              Or you might take a look at any of the hundreds of RPG games (e.g. Fallout) where it is perfectly normal since... oh.. forever.. for

              • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

                by Blakey Rat ( 99501 )

                Realistic weapon loading has been mainstream since Half-Life. At least.

                I'm sorry, have you *played* Half-Life? I remember being able to hold:

                2 Pistols,
                a shotgun,
                2 assault rifles,
                a crossbow,
                a rocket launcher,
                and at least 2 types of experimental weapons

                All simultaneously.

                What is with people today trying to counter my arguments with wrongness? You couldn't spend the 15 seconds to look up whether Half-Life had a limited weapon-load or not?

                Anyway, Halo's rechargeable shields have always seemed like somewhat limi

                • I don't know why people are talking about realistic weapon loading being original. It's not original at all. Plenty of games and Quake* spinoffs have gone with that paradigm. Think every single Rainbow Six game.

                  It's not original. It should be more commonplace as it increases the immersion.

                  What I'm waiting for is when GTA has realistic weapon loading, and where you have to stash the AK in the car otherwise police will show up. That'd be neat. I want more immersion in my murder simulators, goddamnit.
                • You squeal awful loud in your posts....but I note that you only seem to skim posts that refute your arguments....

                  For example, the previous poster said "Realistic weapon loading has been mainstream since Half-Life. At least." and you respond to his post yapping on about weapon loadouts which is a totally different thing.

                  To use his example, Halflife had realistic weapon LOADING long before Halo. Rise of the Triad had realistic weapon LOADOUTS long before Halflife. Personally, I love Halo and found it to be

                  • For example, the previous poster said "Realistic weapon loading has been mainstream since Half-Life. At least." and you respond to his post yapping on about weapon loadouts which is a totally different thing.

                    Yes, but I originally said "realistic weapon load". Admittedly that could be a confusing way to phrase it, but if he misunderstood what I meant, he should have asked for clarification instead of posting crap.

                    the unwashed console masses. ... being modded by a bunch of kiddies who busted their FPS cherrie

                • I don't think it means what you think it means.
                  As in, you "load a shotgun with shells", but you "carry a shotgun and a rocket launcher".

                  Also, the "magical" HEV suit had that taken care of, along with the built-in flashlight, healing, shields and the jump-pack.

                  The point of it is so you get behind cover from time to time.

                  No, that is what bullets coming at you are there for.

                  It's only "god mode" if you're playing on super-easy.

                  So what you are saying that it IS a built-in, designed for actual regular gameplay, no-need-for-cheat-codes god-mode? []

          • Any of the ones that made the genre?

            What defines the Genre?

            First Person

            Halo does that.


            Halo also does that. Who'd a thunk!

          • by jon3k ( 691256 )
            no, golden eye brought FPS to the fratboy set many moons ago.
        • Wolfenstein hehehe

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by EkriirkE ( 1075937 )
      You obviously don't know the gloriousness of Man-Faye.
    • What's coplay? Is that like co-op?

  • Bet they could sell for a nice profit ;-).
  • by Aereus ( 1042228 ) on Friday July 02, 2010 @02:59PM (#32778690)

    Imagine that -- a professional special effects person spending over $1000 was able to make a costume able to put all amateurs to shame. It's still amazing, but the guy obviously does this kind of stuff for a living and has lots of disposable income.

    That is seriously a lot of wonderflex, foam, etc. I wonder how he stilted the legs to get himself that high. Or if the extended arms will actually have articulated hands.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by v1 ( 525388 )

      I wonder how he stilted the legs to get himself that high.

      you can see the stilts under construction earlier in the video, looks like they're custom fitted to the bottom of a boot, kind of looks like he's adding a blade on an ice skate the first time you see it, when he's doing the metal cutting. I assume they just carved out the leg foam and fit them in.

      very nice. wonder how heavy it'll be when done? Fun to see the various stages of construction, things like using the turkey carver to carve up the leg fo

      • hotwire to carve the foam. but yeah, more details would be sweet, as well as video of the final product, walking around and stuff.
        • It was clearly an electric carving knife and *not* a hot-wire. The tipoff is the lack of a big ol' step-down transformer: 120v on an 18" exposed, semirigid wire does not a safe situation make.

          • Electric reciprocating knives have been the choice of foam-cutting professionals for decades. My dad burned out at least one (and ticked off my mom in the process) when he was a packaging engineer more than 20 years ago.
      • things like using the turkey carver to carve up the leg foam

        Heh, interesting. I first ran across using a turkey carver with foam for precision cuts in acoustic foam for use in recording studio type environments. Useful both for aesthetics (creating non-rectangular shapes for the space) and acoustic control (segmenting larger pieces to obtain the desired percentage coverage of a wall).

        Interesting to find that foam cutting technique being used in a different context.

    • since he did articulated jaws, and articulated hands are easy compared to that, (at least very basic hands are not that hard) i suspect they will be articulated.
    • Well, I'm sure he could make that money back off of this, easily. There are some rich fanatics out there that commision people to make stuff like this, he could fetch quite a price for it. Oh, and its also some nice advertising for his work.

    • by Anaerin ( 905998 )
      From what I saw in that video, he's using pretty common materials - High Density foam flooring squares, latex foam, rattle-can spraypaint. And if you watched you would see that he stilted himself using ski Boots, steel tubing, and a bit of welding (1:46 mark for the cutting and sizing, 2:51 for the assembly of the stilt-boots). The only expensive bit I can really see in there is the "Head", which looks like a custom Fibreglass piece.
    • Yeah, the blurb says he has too much time on his hands; I say he's sharpening his craft and getting lots of free press, and job well done.
    • could also be a personal project for his show reel or a pitch to go work at Wetta
  • Here's the live video that normally goes with that track - Skinny Puppy - Worlock (live in Dresden, Germany, Doomsday Festival 2000) []
    • I love Skinny Puppy.
      The original, censored gore-mishmash "legally pornography" video: []
      The unusually great Rhys Fulber remix (WorlockED): []
      • If you will excuse this bit of pedantry :p... the extended Worlock ed(it) later relabeled "Warlocked" is older and different from Rhys Fulber's "Eye of the Beholder" remix you linked to (one of the better tracks on that dismal Remix Dystemper disc, though I haven't listened to it in years)
        • Got that mixed up, it seems. Yah, the rest of the Dystemper tracks are horrifyingly bad (prospective fans, take heed.) The only other good SP remix I can think of is "Last Call" from Brap, and that one they made themselves.
          • Oh, I like all the longer Too Dark Park remixes (Shore Lined Poison, Tormentor, Spasmolytic), the Testure SF Mix, and above all the completely reassembled Mirror Saw (dub mix) and Censor (extended)...

            The Last Call version on Brap is an early demo, no? I like the "primitive" analogue sound on disc 3 and The Dragon Experience. Have a Running Back & Forth remix, EracTou from the Underworld soundtrack []...
  • "...either had way too much time on his hands or just really enjoys Halo..." I don't think this is an either or sort of thing...
  • by Facegarden ( 967477 ) on Friday July 02, 2010 @03:16PM (#32778888)

    This guy's got nothing on the Giant Cardboard Robots i saw at the Maker Faire. []

  • Beats my Master Chief costume by a huuuuge margin. []

    I'm really glad he took video of his process and wish that I had been able to do the same.

  • by geekoid ( 135745 ) <dadinportland AT yahoo DOT com> on Friday July 02, 2010 @03:30PM (#32779136) Homepage Journal

    A special effect professional did better then some amateurs? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked~

  • But can he wear it?
  • Colplay (is an English-derived Japanese word referring to a sexual practice (paid for in cash more often than not) in which the female dresses up in a costume (often anime-derived) for the male's entertainment.

    It does *not* mean dressing up in costume at a con.

    • No, I'm pretty sure he's using the generally accepted definition. []

    • by Qubit ( 100461 ) an English-derived Japanese word referring to a sexual which the female dresses up in a costume...

      I dunno, but my guess is that Colplay has something to do with Colonels in the military.

      Hey there Professor Plum, you're looking pretty sharp in that tweed jacket, but my team of elite paratrooping weiner dogs is visiting from Idaho, and we're more in the mood for some colplay tonight. Any idea where I could find Colonel Mustard?

      Excuse me, is there a KFC in town? I usually get the KFC kid's meals and sell the commemorative Colonel Sanders dolls on eBay to colplay freaks; most times one doll pays for the

    • We're splitting hairs ... @ the con is during the day, the play is after the con ... if you were invited that is.

  • by kuzb ( 724081 )
    Cosplay puts humanity to shame.
  • This guy is amazing (Score:2, Informative)

    by DaEmEoNd ( 1050118 )
    I met Pete Mander 2 years ago when I went with my brother to pick up his Pinhead costume he ordered from Pete for Halloween. I was absolutely amazed at the work he does, Pete makes/sells costumes to anyone that is interested. It doesn't matter if you are in the movie industry or just interested in having a kick ass costume for Halloween (if you have the money that is). Pete also sells costumes from the movies Aliens, Predator, Master chief (Halo) costumes. Here [] is his old website
  • It's really crossplay, that's my ex-wife.

  • The best cosplay would surely be this giant android (body marionette): []

  • I guess I'll hafta settle for at least 2nd place: []

  • > Males Doing Cosplay Put Themselves To Shame


    Mods, don't hate! Can we get back to chick cosplay in 3 grams of cloth or less?

  • That's not CosPlay, he's a professional. That's a guy doing his job. CosPlay is a fan who has some other sort of job making costumes for fun.

Take an astronaut to launch.
