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Stats Show iPhone Owners Get More Sex 397

An anonymous reader writes "According to OK Cupid's survey of 552,000 user pictures iPhone users have more sexual partners than BlackBerry or Android owners. By age 30, the average male iPhone user has had about 10 partners while female iPhone users have had 12. By contrast, BlackBerry users hover around 8 partners and Android users have a mere 6. As the blog's author's wryly observe: 'Finally, statistical proof that iPhone users aren't just getting f*@ked by Apple.'"
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Stats Show iPhone Owners Get More Sex

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:04PM (#33219886)
    Stats are wrong.
    • by think_nix ( 1467471 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:06PM (#33219930)

      yeah they didn't even mention the n900 (maemo) I cannot count how many times some nice looking lady asked me "whats that ? looks neat!"

    • by Flea of Pain ( 1577213 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:11PM (#33220026)

      Ouch! I'm an anonymous reader now? I knew Samzenpus had a bad rep around here, but to completely strip out the name of the submitter...that is a little low.

      • by kurokame ( 1764228 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @06:32PM (#33223058)
        Given that this particular case of horrible statistics fail was all over the net for a while before it hit Slashdot, I'm guessing "an anonymous reader" may be code for "several dozen readers all submitted it at once."
        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by JWSmythe ( 446288 )

          It would have been nice if they referenced the original article [], and used known information about the site, it would have made things clearer.

          The sample set was 30 year old men and women. OKCupid is all about asking questions and matching people. There's no way to verify your answers. I could say "I've had thousands of sexual partners."

          The entire question becomes, how many partners would do you want to advertise that you've had? If you say too few, you may b

    • by Seumas ( 6865 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:35PM (#33220508)

      I use my Palm.

    • by cappp ( 1822388 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:42PM (#33220646)
      Those numbers don't match others I've seen although, as with all thing numeric online, it's best to assume a little healthy exaggeration. I did some digging and found that the US Census Bureau's 2010 Statistical Abstract [] includes a section on sexual activity. The full table (94 for those keeping track) is on page 19 of the report.
      For Males 25 to 29

      95.2% have had an opposite sex partner, 5.7% a same sex sexual contact
      10% had 1 contact
      8.8% had 2
      29.4 had 3 to 6
      23.2 had 7 to 14
      and 23.8 had 15 or more

      Median was 5.9

      For Males 30 to 34

      97.2% have had an opposite sex partner,
      10.7% had 1 contact
      6.9% had
      28.5 had 3 to 6
      21.9 had 7 to 14
      and 29.2 had 15 or more

      Median was 6.4

      There are differences based on race - Latinos have a median of 4.5 and African Americans of 8.3 - and sex: a quick glance at the numbers shows that a much greater percentage of women have had 1 partner (25-29 being 22.5% and 20-24 at 20.5%) than their male peers.

      • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) * on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @05:18PM (#33222174) Journal

        For Males 30 to 34

        Remember, all these statistics about sexual activity are self-reported. In other words that means basically they ask you "Are you getting any"? Ask most men 20-34 if they're "getting any" and most of them will tell you they're knocking off a piece every night and two on weekends, that they last for hours and all of their partners are multi-orgasmic.

        Now flash forward to the specific survey of smartphone users. Somebody puts a "survey" on their website asking "do you get laid or are you a complete loser?". First of all, remember this survey is on an internet dating site. If somebody's getting laid regularly, what are the odds that they're going to be visiting "OK Cupid" to try to get a date? Do you know anyone who's ever used an internet dating site? Were they

        I think the important takeaway from this survey is that non-iPhone users tend to be more honest.

  • Another way to look at the study is that iPhone owners are insufferable idiots not prepared to make the compromises necessary to stay in a long term relationship, hence the greater number of "partners".

    Either way I hope they enjoy their HPV induced cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases.

    • by hipp5 ( 1635263 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:08PM (#33219948)

      Another way to look at the study is that iPhone owners are insufferable idiots not prepared to make the compromises necessary to stay in a long term relationship

      What are you talking about? They've been faithful to Apple and AT&T for almost four years now.

      Either way I hope they enjoy their HPV induced cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases.

      Well now you're just being jealous. You'd take 10 sex partners if you could get 'em.

      • iPhone users are sluts!

        They've been faithful to Apple and AT&T for almost four years now.

        I've been a BB and Android user for 4 years and I've only had one partner (my wife).....well, maybe two (my hand)

        You'd take 10 sex partners if you could get 'em.

        Yes, I would []

    • by Monkeedude1212 ( 1560403 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:11PM (#33220018) Journal

      Either way I hope they enjoy their HPV induced cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases.

      What? I heard if I went with Apple I wouldn't have to deal with viruses or infections!

      Are you saying the birth control app is useless too?!?!?!?

    • by MachineShedFred ( 621896 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:12PM (#33220042) Journal

      Yeah, because everyone that has had multiple partners in the past gets STDs.

      You sound like a public service announcement from the Eisenhower administration.

      • by Dunbal ( 464142 ) * on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:19PM (#33220190)

        Yeah, because everyone that has had multiple partners in the past gets STDs.

              No, but there is a positive correlation between number of partners and the probability of catching a disease. It's just like buying more lottery tickets, only the odds aren't millions to one - only hundreds to one. Enjoy your prize.

        • by TerranFury ( 726743 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:37PM (#33220550)

          only hundreds to one.

          Actually 3:1, according to most studies(!)...

          Most of that is herpes...

        • If the "prize" is getting to experience different types of sex with multiple partners, I am already thoroughly enjoying it.

          The funny thing is, no matter how many partners you have had yourself, anyone with more partners than you is a slut and anyone with fewer partners is a prude.

          BTW, I have never had a STD in my life and I have had over 20 sexual partners. Just because you choose to have sex with a variety of different people doesn't mean you are not capable of making responsible decisions about who t
    • I agree with your sentiment but do I sense a bit of jealousy in the intonation of your post? Who says they can't just be in polygamous long term relationships? Monogamy has only been the societal norm for a few hundred years.

      • Monogamy has only been the societal norm for a few hundred years

        Well, that completely depends on what part of the world you're talking about (polygamy is still practiced in parts of Africa for instance), but if you're talking about Europe / North America, you're just absolutely and completely wrong. Polygamy has not been a regular part of culture in most parts of Europe for millennia. The Greeks and the Romans didn't practice polygamy, and with Christianization neither did the few parts of the rest of Europe that did practice polygamy (ie, the Vikings). Certainly I thin

        • There were enough women to go around when men would go off and get killed in battles and hunting expeditions. Nowadays there is closer to a 1 to 1 correspondence of men and women living beyond reproductive age.
    • by qoncept ( 599709 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:14PM (#33220092) Homepage
      Seriously? You are SO JEALOUS that you are wishing harm upon people who know how to have a good time? Wasn't there a character in Robin Hood like that? Maybe it was Men in Tights.
      • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

        by Dunbal ( 464142 ) *

        You are SO JEALOUS

              It's the fact that you think I'm jealous of a silly gadget that makes you the type of person you are. I mean, we're not talking the $5 million mansion in the south of France, or the $2 million Bugatti here. You think I am jealous of your $400 phone? Right...

              Take a look in the mirror and tell me what you see.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by lymond01 ( 314120 )

      Either way I hope they enjoy their HPV induced cervical cancer

      I thought the latest studies showed conclusively that iPhones don't cause cancer.

      I'll wait to see if I'm modded Funny or Insightful.

    • "Another way to look at the study is that iPhone owners are insufferable idiots not prepared to make the compromises necessary to stay in a long term relationship, hence the greater number of "partners"."

      Who wants to bang the same chick night after night after night?

      Ok, it might be good for some...but variety is the spice of life.

      Heard the old joke?

      "I'm gonna invent a new version of Playboy just for married men...

      Every night......same chick"


    • by drewhk ( 1744562 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @04:31PM (#33221572)

      As someone on another blog observed, the REAL outcome is that no matter what phone you own -- girls has more partner than men.

  • by hessian ( 467078 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:04PM (#33219896) Homepage Journal

    This study suggests that iPhone users report more sexual partners.

    That doesn't necessarily mean more sex.

    One guy who marries a woman, loves her and has mind-blowing sex with her three times a week, is clearly ahead of some guy with an iPhone who had ten one-night stands.

    • by WarwickRyan ( 780794 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:08PM (#33219968)

      > One guy who marries a woman, loves her and has mind-blowing sex with
      > her three times a week, is clearly ahead of some guy with an iPhone who
      > had ten one-night stands.

      You're not married, are you? :)

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Unfortunately most Slashdotters will never experience either scenario.

    • That's exactly what I thought when I first saw this.
    • Actually, 10 one night stands a week does beat out 3 times a week from marriage. You clearly haven't done the math.

      Also, as far as I know, there is no rule that a one night stand has to be the whole night.

      • by toastar ( 573882 )

        Actually, 10 one night stands a week does beat out 3 times a week from marriage. You clearly haven't done the math.

        Also, as far as I know, there is no rule that a one night stand has to be the whole night.

        I think It's pretty safe to assume if your on slashdot you probably haven't had experience with 10 one night stands in a single week.

      • He never said in one week for the 10 one night stands. He's arguing consistent sex is better than non-consistent sex.
    • by alta ( 1263 )

      Here, let me fix that for you...

      One guy who marries a woman, loves her and has mind-blowing sex with her three times, is clearly ahead of some guy with an iPhone who had ten one-night stands.

    • by Hatta ( 162192 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:29PM (#33220366) Journal

      This ignores the Coolidge Effect []. Shortly, novelty leads to better sex. To quote the wiki:

      The term comes from an old joke, according to which U.S. President Calvin Coolidge and his wife allegedly visited a poultry farm. During the tour, Mrs. Coolidge inquired of the farmer how his farm managed to produce so many fertile eggs with such a small number of roosters. The farmer proudly explained that his roosters performed their duty dozens of times each day.

      "Tell that to Mr. Coolidge," pointedly replied the First Lady.

      The President, overhearing the remark, asked the farmer, "Does each rooster service the same hen each time?"

      "No," replied the farmer, "there are many hens for each rooster."

      "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge," replied the President.

    • "One guy who marries a woman, loves her and has mind-blowing sex with her three times a week, is clearly ahead of some guy with an iPhone who had ten one-night stands."

      Ok...I'm still thinking the guy with 10 one night stands wins.

      Assuming the guy with 10 one night stands is in one week too...10 times having sex, vs 3 times for the married guy. Or if only one time a night, over 10 nights..he still beats the married guy.

      That and he doesn't risk losing half the shit he owns if he goes in search of new part

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Antisyzygy ( 1495469 )
        I dont know why everyone is getting "in one week" from that. He means 10 one night stands in a life time. Not to mention, what is the appeal of having 10 sexual partners in a week if you do not plan to impregnate all of them? I know your body plans this without you thinking about it, but seriously, develop your frontal lobe a little and get some self control. It only seems appealing if you aren't getting enough sex, but you would tire of it after a few weeks unless you have an addiction problem. Yes, Ive ha
        • "Yes, Ive had 10+ sexual partners in my life, Im 27 "

          You're still young...but get busy man!!

          By the time I was your age, I'd already lost count of the number of girls I'd banged.

          And back in my day..they weren't as easy as they are today!

          And man...if you only think of sex as a way to procreate, I feel for you man. I think you have it backwards, marriage is only for those that want to is for everyone.

      • by gerddie ( 173963 )

        "One guy who marries a woman, loves her and has mind-blowing sex with her three times a week, is clearly ahead of some guy with an iPhone who had ten one-night stands."

        Ok...I'm still thinking the guy with 10 one night stands wins.

        Assuming the guy with 10 one night stands is in one week too...10 times having sex, vs 3 times for the married guy. Or if only one time a night, over 10 nights..he still beats the married guy.

        I think grandpa was talking about sex 3 times mind blowing sex every week vs. ten times sex of unspecified quality in an unspecified time frame. After four weeks, the married guy is ahead of the iPhone guy - only counting numbers.

    • . . . has mind-blowing sex with her . . .

      You're doing it wrong. :-)

  • who readily lie to survey takers to make themselves appear "cooler" than they are. Shock and amazement to follow.

    • Or (Score:2, Flamebait)

      by Sycraft-fu ( 314770 )

      They are hipster types who try hard to be "cool". Part of that is sleeping with people farm more indiscriminately than others. I mean on campus you see iPhones as a heavy part of the Greek scene. They are a fashion accessory, just like Uggs or anything else. Also part of that scene is random hookups.

    • Why do you have so much hate?

  • by DerFlob ( 1822488 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:06PM (#33219924)
    Correlation != Causality
  • Help (Score:5, Funny)

    by w0mprat ( 1317953 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:07PM (#33219932)
    I'm trying to find a link to the study that showed homoexual men have more partners and less long term relationships.
    • by eln ( 21727 )
      Here [] you go.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by kanweg ( 771128 )

      Well, if gays are not allowed to marry, such as in some backwaters where the freedom of some somehow requires limiting the freedom of others, they don't get the opportunity to get stuck in a relationship.


    • Re:Help (Score:5, Insightful)

      by SomePoorSchmuck ( 183775 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:31PM (#33220434) Homepage

      I don't get the moderation of this as "funny". I think it's a fair point. I would be willing to bet that, technologically, homosexual men are much more likely to be Early Adopters than heterosexual men of the same age/race/region. The iPhone and its apps are the portable equivalent of a 1998 AOL account. I would not at all be surprised that if you were able to remove all homosexual men from the survey, the difference in results would disappear.

      There's also the other side of the situation to consider: a large part of the Blackberry market has been driven by corporate usage, rather than the free-living artists, musicians, graphic designers, videographers, members of academia, and the wealthy, who have been Apple's prime customers and are more likely to choose an iPhone..

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:07PM (#33219944)

    Let's start an open source project to fix this miserable discrepancy.

  • Flawed conclusion (Score:5, Insightful)

    by wolfemi1 ( 765089 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:08PM (#33219958)
    Actually, this says that iPhone users REPORT sex with MORE PEOPLE than other phones. Maybe they're just more concerned with their image than users of other phones? ;)
  • by alexandre ( 53 ) * on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:08PM (#33219962) Journal

    Last week poll was about iPad users being rich and egoistical... and now about getting more sex?
    To some it up, they get ditched quickly even though they appear nice on the surface, they really are one sided assholes ;-P

  • Sorry, Researchers (Score:3, Informative)

    by Revotron ( 1115029 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:12PM (#33220050)

    Some of us prefer quality over quantity - just like how the more refined and matured drinkers enjoy a single bottle of some obscure microbrew over a 24-pack of Pissweiser (Or Pissweiser Light for the vain, calorie-conscious drunkard).

    Sex isn't passionate or anywhere near as enjoyable when you've got a veritable police lineup of cheap whores at your every beck and call. Sure, you may have more sexual partners but there are definite drawbacks and it cheapens the experience. Not to mention that stinging, burning feeling shortly afterward.

    • "Sex isn't passionate or anywhere near as enjoyable when you've got a veritable police lineup of cheap whores at your every beck and call. "

      Hmm...I'm guessing you're never had a veritable police lineup of cheap whores at your beck and call before?

      Different chicks have different things to offer man...some are better at riding you cowgirl (grinding), others give mindblowing blowjobs...others...well, will get really freaky.

      If you're stuck with one women (especially one that has eaten of the dreaded weddin

    • by nomadic ( 141991 )
      just like how the more refined and matured drinkers enjoy a single bottle of some obscure microbrew

      I don't know if I'd use those adjectives to describe those kinds of drinkers. Far less flattering ones come to mind. And, let's be honest, in the end it's all just fermented grain juice.
  • looking at Andriod, however... hmmm.... .

  • ... and iPhone statistics?
  • Ten or twelve partners? Is that really the average? I've had about thirty, and that's with three periods of monogamy two, five, and ten years long. So not counting the monogamous periods, about one partner per month, obviously some short term relationships were significantly longer than this and some much shorter, and I'm not counting the occasional dry spell. And all along I thought I was a nerdy dweeb who didn't get a lot of sex. There must be a hell of a lot of people waiting until marriage and never, ev

    • by Applekid ( 993327 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:28PM (#33220352)

      Either that, or people lie on surveys to sound more chaste than they are.

      As the saying goes:

      To find out how many partners a woman has been with, ask her and multiply by two.

      To find out how many partners a man has been with, ask him and divide by ten.

    • know how to talk to a woman in the right way to get some. Obviously you aren't going to land a supermodel if you are a geek, but there are plenty of girls who enjoy a good shag from your average joe that views it in the same way that they do.
  • Given that the android average hits right in the middle for the average [] partners for men and average partners for women over their life time I'm not too surprised. All these numbers tell me is that the IPhone appeals to a group outside of the average. Having a high volume of partners doesn't mean that you have more sex. For all we know the people who have fewer partners have sex more often since they are staying in a relationship for longer then the person who changes partners every other week.

    1 sex act

  • After Steve has lubricated their ass or cunt depending on the gender, it is easy for others.
    Where as those BB users are the corporate types, for them without Viagra or the things of that nature nothing happens down there and you know in this cost cutting and firing of CEOs on suped up expense report days, it is not possible for them to afford. So they have lesser sex than iPhone users
    Majority of Android users are Geeks, they have all the theoritical knowledge but practically they dont have a clue about ho
  • by sjonke ( 457707 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:24PM (#33220290) Journal

    And thus can afford prostitutes more often then Android and Blackberry owners.

  • by Locke2005 ( 849178 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @03:31PM (#33220440)
    "Wanna find someone for a one-night stand? There's an app for that!"
  • These people were doing what was necessary to acquire these stats long before having an iPhone. Therefore it is obvious that having more sex induces people to buy iPhones.
  • The vibrator built into the iPhone isn't strong enough...
  • Customers already trained by Apple to "just bend over and take it" get more sex... next you'll be telling me that customers used to taking it from Microsoft without even any lube get a lot more sex!
  • Well, it's been shown that Apple users tend to be bigger spenders...
  • Don't rush out and buy that iProduct just yet.. Just remember that correlation does not imply causation.
  • A. iPhone users tend to have less stable relationships, and go through more partners.

    B. iPhone users inflate what they report more than the users of other phones, for instance because they're more concerned with looking good.

    C. The set of iPhone users heavily intersects with the set of people who follow fashion trends and buys expensive gadgets, clothes, perfume, etc as a part of their strategy to attract people of the appropiate sex. Such people are very actively looking for partners, and as a result have

    • The only people that would consider the IPhone a fashion accessory are morons and sluts. Hence the correlation with more sex.
  • Let the confusion between causation and correlation begin!
  • And for those that reached 30 before cell phones..
    You don't count.

    That OK cupid blog covered a lot of crap, like how a much more expensive digital camera makes you look better and therefore more likely to get a date.

    And none of the statistical analysis fits with me. No amount of f-stop can make me look better, and my number of sex partners at age 30 was still zero regardless of cell-phone type.

    Of course, no one ever performs a study on people that you can't neatly pidgeon-hole. Because that would be *work*.

  • Maybe it's because Android users don't have to worry about holding it wrong.

    Nobody knows how to love you like--- well, you.
  • All I see is a report from Okcupid that says most of their members use iPhones. The fact that this particular website is centered around getting people laid has nothing to do with whether any demographic within their members has more sex.
  • by phoenixwade ( 997892 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @04:02PM (#33221006)
    THAT explains why so many iPhone haters are on Slashdot.....
  • Ignoring all the other bad statistics in this "study", this particular chart doesn't show that Iphoners "get more sex" than other phone brand owners. It says nothing about the quantity of sex. It merely says that at age 30, Iphoners are more promiscuous than other phone brand owners. Given that promiscuity is directly correlated with BMI, and inversely correlated with attractiveness, obviously we need to find out more about the weight and attractiveness of Iphoners compared to other phone brand owners.

  • OK, I need an iPhone. Will an iPod Touch work? :P

  • I'm guessing that people who drive the car I drive get more as well, simply because more people buy my car for the badge on the front than for the fact that it's a fun car to drive. Likewise, more people probably buy an iPhone for the fact that it's, well, an expensive, trendy device, than for the fact that it's a legitimately awesome piece of technology (especially when first introduced).
  • by Locke2005 ( 849178 ) on Wednesday August 11, 2010 @04:55PM (#33221914)
    I'm an Android user, and I got laid last night. By a remarkable coincidence, so did my wife, and she doesn't even own a "smart phone"!

If you do something right once, someone will ask you to do it again.
