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Kazakh Gold Medalist Is Played Borat Anthem 155

Wo-wo-wee-wah! It looks like the Kuwaiti officials at an international shooting event never got the memo that the film Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan wasn't an actual documentary. Gold medalist Maria Dmitrienko stood stoically while the offensive national anthem from the film was played during the awards ceremony. From the article: "Coach Anvar Yunusmetov told Kazakh news agency Tengrinews that the tournament's organizers had also got the Serbian national anthem wrong." Nice!

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Kazakh Gold Medalist Is Played Borat Anthem

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  • by tibit ( 1762298 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @03:51PM (#39456077)

    The anthem supposedly praises their prostitutes. The obvious question is, then: are they really that good? ;)

  • Double irony award? (Score:5, Informative)

    by damn_registrars ( 1103043 ) <damn.registrars@gmail.com> on Friday March 23, 2012 @03:51PM (#39456079) Homepage Journal
    The story indicates that the movie Borat was banned in Kuwait. Hence they chose the wrong theme, from a movie they couldn't even view, in that country.

    Although being as the story was posted by the fail master himself samzenpus, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if a large part of the story (or the entire damned thing) turned out to be crap.
    • by ColdWetDog ( 752185 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @03:58PM (#39456167) Homepage

      This was at an International shooting event. Making mistakes like this seems to be one of those 'this is not a particularly smart thing to do' moments.

    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

      I think it was banned in kazahkstan not kuwait.

      In any case surely there are official channels to request flags and anthems and other national symbols from...like the teams themselves...

      One doesn't think one would need to be hitting the pirate bay for this stuff...

      • by mfarah ( 231411 ) <{miguel} {at} {farah.cl}> on Friday March 23, 2012 @04:31PM (#39456539) Homepage

        In any case surely there are official channels to request flags and anthems and other national symbols from...

        YEARS ago, Chile hosted the World Chess Championship. Players from Romania were *very* upset because the flag representing them still had the socialist coat of arms on it (the 1989 revolution had happened less than a year before). They threatened to leave unless steps were taken immediately to correct this... I guess it was solved to their satisfaction, because they didn't leave, though.

        • by interkin3tic ( 1469267 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @04:41PM (#39456631)
          In soviet Romania, flag removes YOU!

          Alternative even worse joke: So they wanted to seize the means of representation?

          Alternative alternative even worse joke: Maybe they didn't leave because someone was standing directly in front of them and there was no one they could capture standing on the diagonal.
        • In a tennis competition in Australia, the Spanish Republica Himno de Riego [wikipedia.org] was played instead of the Royal March when the players got in the podium.

          Anyway, except for the few bureaucrats who thought their work was to show the world how enraged all of the spaniards were, most people understood it was just an error and not a political statement and a few make a few jokes. That was all about it.

          • by Ltap ( 1572175 )
            Or perhaps they liked it, given that Spain has always had an uncomfortable relationship with its monarchy and the fascists who propped it up for decades.
      • by treeves ( 963993 )

        I would think that just about everything Western (TM) would be banned in Kuwait. Except cars.

        • I would think that just about everything Western (TM) would be banned in Kuwait.

          Didn't the West (TM) come in and bail Kuwait out when Saddam's Iraqi forces invaded?

      • I think it was banned in kazahkstan not kuwait.

        The BBC article states it was banned both in Kuwait and Kazakhstan.

    • by sjames ( 1099 )

      The BBC is fairly careful about that sort of thing.

    • by Shoten ( 260439 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @05:54PM (#39457207)

      You might want to click on the link. Granted, the BBC is clearly a fly-by-night news operation with only a few reporters, no reputation to speak of and almost no history in journalism, but yeah...it's they who broke the story, not samzenpus.

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        You might want to click on the link.

        I did. And that is the only reason why I view the story as being the least bit credible, as samzenpus has a long proud history of bringing distortion and epic failure to the front page of slashdot.

        However, even the BBC gets fooled on occasion. I trust them enough that I watch them for my morning news while I eat breakfast - however they are in the end still human and prone to human mistakes.

    • Triple irony award: The BBC story has a picture of Borat (Cohen in character, that is) but not a picture of the athlete. Fucking beeb.

  • Kazakhstan greatest country in the world.
    All other countries are run by little girls.
    Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium.
    Other countries have inferior potassium.

  • Oops (Score:5, Informative)

    by MysteriousPreacher ( 702266 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @03:57PM (#39456151) Journal

    The lyrics from this fine song:

    Kazakhstan greatest country in the world.
      All other countries are run by little girls.
      Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium.
      Other countries have inferior potassium.

      Kazakhstan home of Tinshein swimming pool.
      Itâ(TM)s length thirty meter and width six meter.
      Filtration system a marvel to behold.
      It remove 80 percent of human solid waste.

      Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place.
      From Plains of Tarashek to Northern fence of Jewtown.
      Kazakhstan friend of all except Uzbekistan.
      They very nosey people with bone in their brain.

      Kazakhstan industry best in world.
      We invented toffee and trouser belt.
      Kazakhstanâ(TM)s prostitutes cleanest in the region.
      Except of course for Turkmenistanâ(TM)s.

      Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan you very nice place.
      From Plains of Tarashek to Northern fence of Jewtown.

      Come grasp the mighty penis of our leader.
      From junction with the testes to tip of its face!

    Oh this is precious!

  • The actual anthem (Score:5, Informative)

    by Brannoncyll ( 894648 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @03:57PM (#39456155)
    found here [youtube.com] sounds amusingly similar to Baron Cohen's version, although the intro does sound like the start of an old Disney cartoon!
  • by Cazekiel ( 1417893 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @04:00PM (#39456185)

    Imagine if America, Fuck Yeah! played for an American winning team at the Olympics? That'd be so awk... motherfucking awesome.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I anticipate the Olympics one year to be anthem-trolled. No country will be introduced with their actual anthem. Many parody artists will need to begin work devising alternate anthems for countries that don't get Hollywood attention.

      • by jc42 ( 318812 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @04:17PM (#39456405) Homepage Journal

        It has already been mentioned that the tune is rather similar to the actual Kazakhstan anthem, but with "nonstandard" lyrics.

        It might be especially fun if the anthem-trolling did the same, using the basic national-anthem medley, but with more "interesting" lyrings.

        In the case of the US, I can hear a choir singing the well-known (among American school-kids) lyrics: "Oh, say, can you see / any bedbugs on me ...".

        It'd be fun to make a collection of all the national anthems, with variant lyrics like this. It would, of course, be online, so various sporting events would likely find it and use it as their source. ;-)

        • It'd be fun to make a collection of all the national anthems, with variant lyrics like this. It would, of course, be online, so various sporting events would likely find it and use it as their source. ;-)

          Put in the public domain, post it as a Wikipedia article.

          Sit back, grab popcorn.

        • It has already been mentioned that the tune is rather similar to the actual Kazakhstan anthem, but with "nonstandard" lyrics.

          It might be especially fun if the anthem-trolling did the same, using the basic national-anthem medley, but with more "interesting" lyrings.

          In the case of the US, I can hear a choir singing the well-known (among American school-kids) lyrics: "Oh, say, can you see / any bedbugs on me ...".

          While it lacks the juvenile fun of a crude mockery of the "Star Spangled Banner" lyrics, I think I would lean toward the anthem's built-in parody potential, the lyrics of "To Anacreon in Heaven", whose tune was used for the anthem. Though reaching that far back for trolling material means a lot of people won't necessarily even understand the joke...

          • by jc42 ( 318812 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @09:32PM (#39458457) Homepage Journal

            There's a rousing version of To Anacreon in Heaven at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqyQO3xhNx0 [youtube.com].

            The melody is trivially different from the US national anthem, but quite recognizable. That page includes the lyrics, which might be a bit difficult for most people to follow otherwise.

            It's actually not at all unusual for national anthems to be based on older songs, especially "folk" songs that everyone in the culture knows. One of my favorite examples is the Israeli anthem, which uses the melody of an old eastern-European Jewish song that is in turn based on one of the ur-melodies found all over Europe. With about half as many notes (and in major), we know it in English as Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. ;-) But people in any European country can probably tell us their local name for it. In eastern areas, it tends to be in minor, as is the Israeli version. I know a nice Finnish shottish tune that's a minor-mode variant of the same melody.

    • by gmuslera ( 3436 ) *
      Could end being the official anthem for that country, If i remember right that movie (First Olympics [imdb.com]? ok, was a movie, not sure how much real was it) would not be so different to the way that was picked the "official" US Anthem for the olympics,
  • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by mrsquid0 ( 1335303 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @04:03PM (#39456237) Homepage

    Other countries have made similar error. For example, during the 1992 World Series.

    http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/military-honor-guard-displays-the-canadian-flag-upside-down-news-photo/51549719 [gettyimages.com]

    • Haha. Error. Right.

      • It is hared to believe that the US Marine Corp could get something that simple wrong. On the other hand, it is hard to believe that the US Marine Corp would do that deliberately.

        • by jhoegl ( 638955 )
          Its hard to believe you think that is real.
          Considering that the Canadian flag is the only one "in the wind".
          • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

            by Anonymous Coward

            It was real, I'm from Toronto, and every Jays fan remembers that series.

            I even remember Norm Macdonalds joke on SNL about it (he was doing weekend update) "It's a good thing this didn't happen to a country like Japan, who wouldn't tolerate such an insult".

          • by jc42 ( 318812 )

            Its hard to believe you think that is real. Considering that the Canadian flag is the only one "in the wind".

            Yeah, we tend to expect that photos are 'shopped these days. But there's also something a bit funny about the upper edge of the Canadian flag in that photo. It's like there's something along that edge that is keeping the flag in place. I've seen flags displayed like that, so they'll be spread out even when there's no wind.

            Of course, that "funny" edge to the flag could also be faked by an expert in photo editing. It's hard to know what to believe, these days.

          • I happened to be watching the world series on TV when that happened. No matter what you think, they put it on upside down. Interesting fact is that the flags they were using were the two-grommet variety where you pre-thread the rope with the toggle on one end through and attach THAT to the rope on the pole. What this means is that the people attaching and raising the flag aren't to blame -- someone threaded the rope upside down ahead of time (intentionally or not).

        • It is hard to believe that the US Marine Corps could get something that simple wrong. On the other hand, it is hard to believe that the US Marine Corps would do that deliberately.

          Maybe they were still holding a grudge over the Battle of Bladensburg and the burning of the White House?

    • Its just Canada. What would happen besides them saying "Sorry, our bad. That flag is confusing isnt it, eh? Here, have a doughnut"
    • by JamesP ( 688957 )

      Well, it's not like they can display the Japanese flag upside down

      or the old Lybian flag

    • Spain got upset [theage.com.au] during the Davis cup once. The national anthem from the 30s before Franco was played. Though I suspect if you'd made such a cock up in Barcelona, Catalunya there'd be bemusement and muffled applause. When I was there a few months ago, the republican flag replete with purple was visible among 'occupy' protesters.
      • Spain got upset [theage.com.au] during the Davis cup once. The national anthem from the 30s before Franco was played. Though I suspect if you'd made such a cock up in Barcelona, Catalunya there'd be bemusement and muffled applause. When I was there a few months ago, the republican flag replete with purple was visible among 'occupy' protesters.

        No, we where not upset. Most of us understood that shit happens, that whoever was looking for the hymn just chose an outdated source, and that it was not a political statement from anybody. And that anyway none of us knew the Hymn of Australia, so it was a tie. Most that happened was some jokes and a little nostalgia from some people.

        Of course, a couple of politics decided that they had to show off their "dedication to our country" by acting as if Australia was in the brink of declaring war against Spain, a

    • by Alomex ( 148003 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @10:37PM (#39458669) Homepage

      President Bush (the Elder) apologized for it, and when some Americans expressed displeasure for him having apologized he said:

      All I'm saying is that if that had happened in Canada and we had seen the United States flag flown upside-down, every American would have been very, very upset.

      • In general, Americans, from Big Bush down to the Marine Corp, and on down to the average Joe handled the Canadian flag incident very well at the time. It is amusing, though, that now some people are trying to pretend that it never happened.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    They probably said, "Crap! She won! Does Kazakhstan even have an anthem? Google it!"

    Someone searched for "Kazakhstan anthem" and came up with this. I wonder if they found it on Britannica.

  • It seems like someone willfully took the movie, recorded it, and used it.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Or, they were in a rush, searched it on YouTube and downloaded the first result.

  • and it's not even our fault this time.

  • Kazakh wine (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Lunix Nutcase ( 1092239 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @04:22PM (#39456453)

    At least they didn't give them fermented horse piss as drinks.

  • Honestly if I'm her I'd walked off the podium. Still... absolutely hilarious.
    • Honestly if I'm her I'd walked off the podium. Still... absolutely hilarious.

      I would like to think my response would have been to stand to attention and salute, with my tounge visibly distorting my cheek. As it is, I think she starts looking a bit bewildered as it progresses, she's possibly sensing something is going on from the audience but is not sure what it is. There's also a good chance she doesn't speak english and since the two tunes are apparently quite similar may have thought it was just a very lame western-ised version of the real thing. Regardless of what was going on i

  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @04:57PM (#39456779)

    The story is admittedly funny and awkward, but - why on earth is this story even on Slashdot?

  • They should have known better to not let Borat's brother Bilo pick out the music.

  • The movie was so mediocre that it has been forgotten by most people, that explains no reaction from the part of the woman.

    Besides, she is ethnically Russian and probably has no particular feeling for both fake or real anthem, or any other ridiculous cargo cult attributes of Kazakhstan.

    By the way, Kazakhs are Muslims and music is prohibited in Islam.

    I can't wait the moment when Mujahedeen will kick Nazarbaev's ass to London - the cloaka of Soviet and post-Soviet has beens.

    • by tepples ( 727027 )

      music is prohibited in Islam.

      Citation needed.

    • Besides, she is ethnically Russian and probably has no particular feeling for both fake or real anthem, or any other ridiculous cargo cult attributes of Kazakhstan.

      She still managed not to crack up, which shows pretty good sportsmanship.

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday March 23, 2012 @08:13PM (#39458139)

    I'm sure they had "Deutschland über alles" and the swastika flag prepared, too.

  • by rnturn ( 11092 ) on Saturday March 24, 2012 @12:10AM (#39458955)
    Insulting the winners of a shooting competition. I suggest doing just a little bit more research before next year's event.
  • Kazakh's StAn, very funny,
    and their prostitutes, very sweet,

    but the penis of their poor leader,
    is impossible to b-eat.

  • You'd think the Kuwaitis could afford to license the appropriate music rather than snarfing it off the Internet.

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