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It's funny.  Laugh. The Almighty Buck Idle

Man Pays For Cross-Country Trip Using Bacon As Currency 176

An anonymous reader writes in with a story about the power of bacon."Travel can be expensive. One man is using a unique way to pay for a trip as a challenge. Pennsylvania comedian Josh Sankey is on a mission to make a cross-country road trip from New York to Los Angeles with no other currency but bacon. Sankey isn't carrying any cash or credit cards as he makes his cross-country trip. He is paying for everything from gas to lodging by using uncooked bacon as currency. He set off on his trip with 3,000 pounds of the popular meat and he seems to be getting good deals with it so far."
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Man Pays For Cross-Country Trip Using Bacon As Currency

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The cost of living is going up, and the chance of living is going down.
