Indian School Textbook Says Meat-Eaters Lie and Commit Sex Crimes 409
another random user writes with bad news from the BBC for anybody who enjoys a hamburger now and again:
"Meat-eaters 'easily cheat, lie, forget promises and commit sex crimes,' according to a controversial school textbook available in India. New Healthway, a book on hygiene and health aimed at 11 and 12 year-olds, is printed by one of India's leading publishers. 'This is poisonous for children,' Janaki Rajan of the Faculty of Education at Jamia Millia University in Delhi told the BBC. 'The government has the power to take action, but they are washing their hands of it,' she said. 'The strongest argument that meat is not essential food is the fact that the Creator of this Universe did not include meat in the original diet for Adam and Eve. He gave them fruits, nuts and vegetables,' reads a chapter entitled Do We Need Flesh Food? The chapter details the 'benefits' of a vegetarian diet and goes on to list 'some of the characteristics' found among non-vegetarians. 'They easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes,' it says."
PETA agrees! (Score:5, Insightful)
except for the God and Adam and Eve part.. they don't believe in that shit
It's a typesetting error. (Score:5, Funny)
That was supposed to go in the section on politicians.
Re:It's a typesetting error. (Score:5, Insightful)
'They easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes,' it says.
That was supposed to go in the section on politicians.
But seriously, this "textbook" must have been written by a meat eater - or else how can it be filled with such vicious lies?
Re:It's a typesetting error. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:It's a typesetting error. (Score:5, Funny)
Think how much better the outcome would have been if Eve had roasted the snake for Adam, instead of settling for the apple.
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I'm an atheist, and almost vegetarian (which admittedly is kind of like being almost a virgin).
However, I think these people are jumping the gun. God didn't encourage Adam to have a vegetarian diet because vegetarianism was better, it was because God wanted all the meat for himself! This can be seen by the shortly following story of Cain and Abel.
Abel was a shepherd, and he gave an offering of meat and fat from his herd. God said, "Right on! Meat! I approve!"
Cain was a farmer, and he gave an offering f
Hmm ... (Score:5, Informative)
... obligatory Nazism reference ...
Do you know that Hitler was a vegetarian?
Re:It's a typesetting error. (Score:5, Funny)
Unless you think every bald guy you've ever met is a lying, thieving, two faced, rapist.
Now that you mention it...
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Neither do most Indians, oddly enough.
Re:PETA agrees! (Score:4, Informative)
About 15%, though, if you count both Muslims (some 13%) and Christians (about 2%). That still means most don't, by far, but more do than one might think.
Re:PETA agrees! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:PETA agrees! (Score:5, Insightful)
Christians don't see it that way. Jesus ate fish (not sure if there are accounts of him eating other meat) and fish totally doesn't count. Ask any Catholic during lent. Fish is like a get out of jail free card.
Darn it, I have to undo mod points, but it's totally worth it.
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Re:PETA agrees! (Score:4, Insightful)
All three religions belong to the family of Abrahamic religions ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrahamic_religions [wikipedia.org] ) and very high similarities in beliefs, traditions etc.
Re:PETA agrees! (Score:5, Funny)
Really, am I going to have to be the one who Godwins this article?
Hitler regarded himself as a vegetarian...
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Didn't he try to sleep with a cousin, and didn't she die under suspicious circumstances?
"Bad words" I'm less sure of. I don't speak German, and translators tend to sanitize speeches and stuff when translating to English. If they didn't censor out the potty words, we might learn some new ways of telling people to go get fucked, or worse.
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Although according to his cook, he liked squab. So that's like being a vegetarian who eats fish and chicken.
I will point out that strictly by the numbers, it's likely more meat eaters commit cheat, lie, break promises, and commit sex crimes. Of course, strictly by the numbers, the population of meat eaters is greater than that of vegetarians, but why not have fun with misleading statistics? ;)
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Wait, didn't Eve get in trouble for eating a fruit?
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Yep. She should have killed and eaten the snake - that was the true test.
Re:PETA agrees! (Score:5, Insightful)
The Jains would likely agree. Beliefs in the 'sanctity of life', for lack of a better term, typically have a level of life they respect. For a lot of religions, its a fetus. For a lot of PETA followers its animal life. The problem is you usually end up having to defend where you decide to draw the line and there don't seem to be any scientific arguments for a particular view, it comes down to whatever your faith or your gut or your conditioning tells you. Unless you refuse to draw the line...and then you get a virus with a right to life. One way off of a slippery slope is to slide all the way to the bottom. On a toboggan. With bells on.
I know one PETA representative who keeps trying to convince me that I should only feed my cat vegetables, despite the pretty strong evidence that cats don't naturally eat vegetables. By observing this particular cat, you can see that left to her own devices she mostly eats bugs and squeaky things, although she will attempt to eat anything small enough to jump on top of (say, around the size of a small dog) and too slow to get out of the way - albeit with a fairly variable degree of success. If cats don't eat meat they develop all kinds of horrible problems and die a pretty unpleasant death. You can get vegetable-based cat foods that contain these supplements, but it would be like you trying to live off Cheetos and ramen - it's not a healthy or balanced diet and it will make you ill, even if it theoretically has all the stuff you need.
I've long been of the opinion that PETA just don't care about animal welfare at all.
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And the problem I have with PETA is that they are perfectly happy to euthanize thousands of cats and dogs every year, instead of working to find good homes, or, at least, safe places for them to live. It seems kind of hypocritical of them to only deal with creatures that they find convenient.
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It is a stupid distinction. A virus replicating using other cells as a vehicle but it does replicate. Many lifeforms couldn't survive without a symbiotic or parasitic relationship with another lifeform so why single out the cell machinary?
It is all a bunch of silly nonsense that talks around what is very clear at this point. "Life" as some magical, separate, sacred, and distinct thing that should hold an elevated status in our minds is a ludicrous carry-over from more ignorant times. Life is just a repeatin
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Sounds like American textbooks (Score:5, Insightful)
Next time an American school demands their textbooks "teach the controversy" of intelligent design or some other bullshit, we should show them this Indian textbook as an example of how doctoring our textbooks is making us look to the rest of the world.
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How about the Virgina textbooks where blacks get to score less and still pass and Asians have to score higher to pass. Or college entrances were being an unqualified minority gets you in over a qualified white so that we waste money on people who shouldn't be there paid for by people who were denied access and should have been there.
I think US public education has already surpassed anything another country can do.
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Sorry, not racism - that very much IS how affirmative action works. Minorities receive opportunities just because they are minorities, and even though they are less qualified.
Re:Sounds like American textbooks (Score:4, Insightful)
What I don't understand is how anyone can call this an opportunity.
Starting with "in these districts, these social groups are underprivileged and score lower on test results", instead of offering academic aid or special schooling to improve standards and actually give kids some actual education, instead the bar is lowered. Minorities are not gaining anything by this, they're still losing out on an education. You don't claim an athlete has improved in ability because you sunk the high jump 10 feet into the ground.
The fact that the standards are lower is public knowledge to employers, so they do not even benefit from obtaining a passing grade. Basically, it's just a sop to keep the uneducated happy so they don't even realise that they're being kept uneducated.
Re:Sounds like American textbooks (Score:5, Insightful)
How did he intentionally misinterpret anything? How does disagreeing with affirmative action make one racist?
Does not affirmative action demand preference towards a lower qualified minority over a better qualified caucasian person?
I understand that the argument to do so is to counteract the racism that had been present in people responsible for hiring decisions. At the time it may have been a necessary evil. Make no mistake, it was not, and still is not, a good thing to do.
Affirmative action, at its heart, is racist. It bases decisions based upon a person's race. That is wrong, and many of the same resentment and negative reactions that African Americans felt, are now being felt by caucasians. This is not an accident, and those feelings are not unreasonable. Trying to convince a person that it is required to offset transgressions that he/she never had anything to do with personally, is not only fruitless, but abhorrent.
What he mentions about test scores is absurd and equally abhorrent. Lowering the standards that are expected of a person simply due to their race is deeply insulting. We might as well go back to the days when "science" said the negro brain was substandard and we needed to make decisions accordingly.
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Read his post. You know damn well that affirmative action does NOT involve picking a less qualified minority over a more qualified majority.
Re:Sounds like American textbooks (Score:4, Insightful)
Yes. Yes it does.
First off, there is no majority. It's "minorities" and "white" people, regardless of actual demographics. Affirmative action is not designed the protect the civil rights of caucasian people, but to abridge them. Ostensibly for the common good of all people, with the fundamental premise being that "white" people, specifically "white" males have more opportunity due to entrenched behaviors in society.
It must be a huge morale booster to a minority to know that they got there not based on their merits, but based on their skin color or gender. Likewise, it certainly creates a sense of entitlement. I deserve such and such because I am such and such, not I deserve this because I worked hard.
When push comes to shove, and there is only one position available, then the merits of the caucasian person (the only ones disadvantaged by AA), become irrelevant, and the only thing left that matters is skin color and gender.
It's racism, plain and simple. Not reverse racism, or any other play on words. It is making a decision based on one's race and gender, and will always, always be wrong in society.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Any arguments can't change that.
That being said, I do understand why it was a necessary evil at the time it was created. Genuinely racist people needed to be forced to act against their ideals to hire minorities.
This is 2012, not the early 1970s. I don't know a single racist person that is not over 70 years old and retired. Those men don't make decisions anymore anyways, and their ideals are marginalized. Everybody else I know is actually quite progressive to use that ridiculous term, and does not make decisions like that. I operate in diverse environments, where in fact, I am the only person that does not speak multiple languages.
You may have some different arguments about AA, but you damn well know that arguing about it being racist, does not make one racist. You owe that poster an apology, or at the very least some cogent arguments supporting AA, without accusations of racism.
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This is 2012, not the early 1970s. I don't know a single racist person that is not over 70 years old and retired. Those men don't make decisions anymore anyways, and their ideals are marginalized. Everybody else I know is actually quite progressive to use that ridiculous term, and does not make decisions like that. I operate in diverse environments, where in fact, I am the only person that does not speak multiple languages.
Well, there is your disconnect right there. The people you hang around with...the diverse ones who speak multiple languages...those are the people the racists are racist against. They're probably not so hot on you, either, the racists. Association, and all...
Re:Sounds like American textbooks (Score:5, Insightful)
I applaud your choice of acquaintances if you don't know a racist individual under the age of 70. As a black male, I have not been so lucky. Rather than recount tales from my own life, consider a relatively recent event as an example of how racist attitudes persist. After hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, people were desperate for supplies. Two photos were shown: one, a white couple leaving an abandoned store with items apparently taken from it; the other a black couple in a similar situation. The caption for the white couple read something like "People getting provisions." The caption for the black couple "Looters leave a store." Attitudes like that continue to exist, including in hiring circles. There are even recent studies that find that resumes which hint at an applicant being black get a lower response rate than those who don't (the first few links in a quick search: http://www.nber.org/digest/sep03/w9873.html [National Bureau of Economic Research]; http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/01/us/01race.html (and links within); http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/06/weekinreview/06Luo.html [NYTimes]).
As far as affirmative action, each program must be judged individually. The idea of such programs is that if people are judged equally competent, a preference should be given to the minority candidate. This is an attempt to help the broader minority community which for years was denied even being considered for certain jobs, regardless of qualifications. It is not ideal. It has been abused. But it should not be understood as designed to give jobs to the under qualified.
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There are even recent studies that find that resumes which hint at an applicant being black get a lower response rate than those who don't...
I am a USA-ian. My upstream apes were of English/European descent. I am very glad they didn't name me "Barnaby" or "Horatio". And none of my sisters are named "Fanny" or Mathilda". If we had ridiculous-sounding names, we would have had a harder time of it.
And if my parents had named me "Colton" or "Joe-Bob", or my sisters "Charlene" or "Tamara", employers may have assumed that we were descended from trailer-trash NASCAR-and-pro-wrestling types.
That is simple common sense.
So why do black folk name their kids
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Next time an American school demands their textbooks "teach the controversy" of intelligent design or some other bullshit, we should show them this Indian textbook as an example of how doctoring our textbooks is making us look to the rest of the world.
But...but....creationism is just a lie. Where as, technically its true that meat eaters most certainly do lie, cheat and commit sex crimes, but so do vegetarians.
Just not all of them.
To much convenient (Score:3)
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As an Indian, living there - I can tell you in India, the lower and poor people are the ones who eat meat - there's no big demand for it, and, thus, the prices are below what vegetables cost!
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Aren't the prices for EVERYTHING below what they cost in India? Its a little like Europe's Mexico as far as I can tell.
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Ok, fine, they're America's Mexico.
And Europe's hands remain clean? Really?
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Natch (Score:2)
Of course, so do vegetarians... (Score:4, Funny)
and don't even get me started on Breatharians.....
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I had always heard that engaging in non-Breatharian activity was a form of sexual deviancy.
Of course, having held my breath now for several minutes, I speech measure you I that feeeeeel greaaaaaat annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddd
just wait for help desk India to come to the meat (Score:2)
just wait for help desk India to come to the meat packing plat.
Meat eaters lie and commit sex crimes? (Score:3)
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Dang. I eat meat at almost evey meal. Now I know that I've been missing out on something besides dessert.
Adam & Eve? (Score:2)
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Since they were converted within a culture that promotes vegetarianism, and formed their own denominations that combined the worst of their traditional customs with the worst of Christianity. You could just as well go to parts of Africa and ask since when do Christians practice female circumcision, its a pattern you see among indiginous populations around the world where missionaries have gone and done "Gods work".
I can't think of anything either (Score:2, Insightful)
What has ever caused more human suffering than religion?
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one hour with an insurance salesman.
there. I said it.
Since this is in India (Score:2)
since this is in india, they probably mean "muslims"
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Sorry the proper and politically correct term would be "asian" like what's used in europe.
Non-veg (Score:4, Interesting)
I was about to go on a rant about how they wouldn't even be called meat eaters in India. But it's right there in the summary. Non-vegetarians.
Meat is usually called non-veg in India or at least the small parts of it that I have lived in.
According to the textbook... (Score:2)
Bad textbook writers (Score:2)
Textbook writers easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes.
Bad textbook writers.
Not if you're in India (Score:2)
This is good news (Score:2)
Because it means that the US hasn't cornered the market on stupidity, or even the market slice of telling lies in school textbooks.
Textbook obviously written by meat-eaters! (Score:3)
Who else would lie like that?
You are a KNAVE... (Score:2)
Who else would lie like that?
... and I am a KNIGHT.
Knights never lie, and knaves always lie!
And Hitler was a... (Score:2)
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And if you look into it this is a muslim textbook (comment above points that out). So we can deduce that Meat Eaters lie and commit sex crimes, and that Vegetarians hate Jews..... I'll stick to meat, sex and lies.
Your Sacred Cow ... (Score:5, Funny)
... is my hamburger.
a good hand-washing moment (Score:2)
"This is poisonous for children," Janaki Rajan of the Faculty of Education at Jamia Millia University in Delhi told the BBC.
"The government has the power to take action, but they are washing their hands of it," she said.
And that's the appropriate solution. Instead of getting upset that there's an offensive book out there, the activists should be using this as an opportunity to find out where the nutcases are in their educational system. It's bigotry bait.
Missread that (Score:2)
China? (Score:3)
Although there is no lack of vegetarians in China, pork, chicken, and seafood are all basic traditional parts of their cuisine. If a textbook is going to denigrate a rival by saying
This could be as much or more about China, as opposed to the rest of the world.
Re:MMMMMMMM (Score:5, Funny)
According to this Indian textbook I just read, you must have stolen that burrito and now you're lying about how good it tastes.
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Re:MMMMMMMM (Score:5, Funny)
Of course they're a tad high. Some of the best shit in the world comes from India. Oh. You mean ... never mind..
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
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No, according to the article, the "carne asada burrito" he is "eating" is actually a euphamism for a depraved sex act!
Re:India (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh man, where to begin with a post like this...
First of all, it has been my experience that, as ESL speakers, Indians are among the most fluent in the world. It seems to me that they take great care to learn and use English well, unlike the stumbling parody you provided. No doubt a consequence of British colonialism, but perhaps a happy one.
Second, it is my opinion that the English language is very much enriched by hearing it spoken in so many fascinating accents. Let's face it: every one of us has an accent that sounds "funny" to more than one other culture in the world. We can giggle now and then about how weird we sound to each other, but let's keep it at a good-natured level.
Third, learning a second language is difficult. Those who speak something other than English as a second language are all-too-well aware of the challenge. Just imagine how you would sound trying to order a meal in a foreign land. Probably much worse than the example you gave. And yet you just might find that the server is pleased at your effort.
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Do the needful.
The upgradation process has completed.
I just sent you an instant message to tell you about the e-mail I sent, so that you'd know that I called you, both on your desk phone and cell phone about a request I just submitted 13 seconds ago. Tell me, done when it will be?
I will call your phones again in 30 seconds to let you know about the instant message informing you of the e-mail, regarding the 2 phone calls, so that i may ask yet again why it is not done yet.
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Oh man, where to begin with a post like this...
First of all, it has been my experience that, as ESL speakers, Indians are among the most fluent in the world. It seems to me that they take great care to learn and use English well, unlike the stumbling parody you provided
Sure, most Indians can speak English pretty well. But if you've never encountered the sort of post the GP was parodying, you must not have been on many programming forums. For instance, here's a fine example of the form:
The original author literally *pasted* an interview question and just said "help me in finding solution" in the subject. When a couple people call him on it, he breaks into a semi-coherent string of posts laden wi
Re:India (Score:5, Interesting)
First of all, it has been my experience that, as ESL speakers, Indians are among the most fluent in the world. It seems to me that they take great care to learn and use English well, unlike the stumbling parody you provided. No doubt a consequence of British colonialism, but perhaps a happy one.
There's a huge selection bias that the people you're likely to communicate with in English are those who know it well. Only about 12% [wikipedia.org] of Indians are considered English-speaking, I'm not sure if a person like the grandparent would be counted to the 12% or the 88% but there's extremely many of them. There's a lot of non-English colonies doing more, for example here in Norway some 89% are now English-speaking and it's a compulsory subject from the first school year (age 6), by the time you've finished high school you'll have had 1800-2000 hours in your primary language and 700 hours of English. Also we don't generally don't dub English-speaking TV series and movies except for small children and at least in higher education you're expected to read English textbooks. I think you'll find the average Indian is far from the most fluent in the world.
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So what your saying is Norway with just under 5,000,000 people has just under 90% of its population proficient in English (so just under 4.5 million while India with its 1.2 billion people has over 10% proficiency or a population of English speakers over 24 times the total population of Norway.
Numbers can be manipulated to make a lot of meaningless points. For example a random Norwegian may be more likely to be proficient in English, but an English speaker is more likely to be Indian.
The grandparent post r
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Oh man, where to begin with a post like this...
First of all, it has been my experience that, as ESL speakers, Indians are among the most fluent in the world. It seems to me that they take great care to learn and use English well, unlike the stumbling parody you provided. No doubt a consequence of British colonialism, but perhaps a happy one.
Second, it is my opinion that the English language is very much enriched by hearing it spoken in so many fascinating accents. Let's face it: every one of us has an accent that sounds "funny" to more than one other culture in the world. We can giggle now and then about how weird we sound to each other, but let's keep it at a good-natured level.
Third, learning a second language is difficult. Those who speak something other than English as a second language are all-too-well aware of the challenge. Just imagine how you would sound trying to order a meal in a foreign land. Probably much worse than the example you gave. And yet you just might find that the server is pleased at your effort.
I moved from English Canada to a bilingual but mainly French Quebec Province in 1985 (at age 45). I could have continued in English, but chose to integrate myself into the majority community. The first few things I did were:
a) Block all English Newspapers, Radio, Television in the house.
b) Take two basic French courses.
c) Select easy to read French textbooks and story books and read them
d) Even reprogram the car radio to only tune to French stations (sports, news, music).
e) Buy a set of French
Comment removed (Score:4, Funny)
Re:India (Score:4, Funny)
you mean 'all your Bouillabaisse are belong to us'.
I think that's what you meant.
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However, characterising people by their diet choices is a curious way of dividing up the population. It would make more sense to split people up according to their professions; do politicians, estate agents and salesmen lie more than everyone else?
I practise a pescetarian diet myself, but that doesn't make me any different to a carni
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Hitler is shown in various news reels I've seen myself eating a vegetable-only menu. Me: making Ramsey's recipe for Beef Wellington [simplyrecipes.com] tonight, as I type this in fact, and suspecting I will enjoy the hell out of it. People murdered by me to date: 0.
...but why is your "Beef Wellington" wearing a sock and sneaker...?
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Nope, it's an exception to the rule if you are making a factual historical observation.
Your self-Godwin has been disallowed.
Only in reference to actual Nazis.
Oblig XKCD:
http://xkcd.com/261/ [xkcd.com]
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much of the world is very healthy with minimum or no meat. Not all economies are built on selling junk to kids.
Those are two very different things, but you imply that meat and junk food are equivalent. You also imply that bigotry against an idea (like eating meat) is the equivalent of a 'little white lie" and that lying to children is OK.
You know how I know you're an idiot?
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For years we were told that milk would make us strong. Milk is still served as the sole diary, even though many kids are intolerant of it.
Very few white kids are intolerant of milk. Even in China most kids drink milk.
but children are taught that animal protein is superior to vegetable protien
This is absolutely true. Most vegetable proteins are incomplete, and none of them are in the proportions the body wants. The protein from meat, milk, and eggs, is far superior.
McDonalds hambuger is a superior meal
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And all countries tell little white lies to push people in the direction they want them to go.
That's why it's sooo important to not have any information contrary to the government doctrines available to the people. Can't have the people be unhappy about the direction they are herded...
Like kissing causes pregnancy.
Yes, in the same way that eating meat causes global warming.
Or condoms don't protect against STDs.
Although condoms are pretty good against AIDS and gonorrhea, they are apparently not very good at stopping HPV and herpes (which can be fairly easily contracted by skin-to-skin or skin-to-genital contact). Of course something is better than nothing, but appa
Re:Seriously? (Score:4, Insightful)
It all depends. When I was in grad school, my research group would do presentations over research papers once a week, with each of us picking a paper that sounded interesting and presenting it to the others on a round robin basis. Most of the time, we were pretty safe in selecting a pool of maybe 10 candidate papers by pulling ones with interesting titles and abstracts. From there, you'd read the intros and conclusions of each to get a good idea of what sort of material they'd cover, then you'd announce which one you were presenting, read through it completely, and put together your presentation.
But there was this one paper that burned me bad. It had a solid intro and solid conclusion with claims of having had great results, so, since I was a trusting sort, I announced my intention to present the paper. Only then did I see that the methodology they had claimed in their intro and conclusion was not the methodology that they had actually followed in their experiments, nor were their results nearly as impressive as they had led the reader to believe. Their claims in the intro and conclusion were on par with, "and so we have definitively found the cure for leukemia," while their middle consisted of something on par with, "we took a biopsy and determined that cancer does indeed exist." And it was supposedly written by two professors at an Indian university (a PhD and a Masters) and another PhD.
That said, a number of my friends in grad school were Indian students, many of whom put me to shame with their intelligence and talent. I also met my share of Indian students in grad school who made me look like a genius as they clearly struggled to keep up with even the simplest of material. But I could say the same for Chinese students, Korean students, and American students who were in my classes as well, some of whom were smarter than me and some of whom were definitely not.
Long story short, I would agree that India needs to do a better job of improving various standards and expectations as it develops further, but to dismiss them entirely is unfair and uncalled for. As with any major nation, there are plenty of people there, some of whom are wonderful, talented, and a pleasure to work with, while there are others of who really are a shame to their country.
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That could actually form the basis of a pretty good presentation, provided your lecturer doesn't mind you doing it as a meta-presentation:
"On the importance of reading research papers properly"
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I am a vegetarian, mostly vegan...
I'm glad you're no longer a liar and a sex criminal.
Also men don't have Iron problems (Score:3)
Most vegetarians and vegans that see huge health gains though aren't seeing them because of meat, they're seeing them because going vegetarian forces them to clean up their diet. It's the same reason the Akin's diet works. You cut out a tonne of j
Re:Also men don't have Iron problems (Score:5, Insightful)
You cut out a tonne of junk food. In Vegan's case it's usually fast food. That's literally why I went vegetarian -> It' keeps me away from Fast Food hamburgers, which I can eat and eat and eat.
You know what else keeps you from eating fast food burgers, yet still allows you to eat meat? Not going to fast food restaurants.
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Meat Eaters are not human!