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'Pluto Truthers' Are Pretty Sure That the NASA New Horizons Mission Was Faked 321

MarkWhittington writes: Forget about Apollo moon landing hoax theories. That is so 20th Century. Gizmodo reported that the "Pluto Truthers" have followed the astonishing images being sent back by NASA's New Horizons probe and have come to the conclusion that they are faked. After all, if the space agency could fake the entire moon landing, it would be child's play to fake a robotic probe to the edge of the Solar System.
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'Pluto Truthers' Are Pretty Sure That the NASA New Horizons Mission Was Faked

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  • Is anything true? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by GloomE ( 695185 ) on Thursday July 16, 2015 @08:03PM (#50125359)
    Maybe they should just go full solipsism and be done with it.
  • by roc97007 ( 608802 ) on Thursday July 16, 2015 @08:04PM (#50125361) Journal

    But but.... WHY??

  • by Improv ( 2467 ) <pgunn01@gmail.com> on Thursday July 16, 2015 @08:04PM (#50125367) Homepage Journal

    If you look around you'll find wackos of every kind. Unless there's a lot of these attention-desperate people, why should we be interested in this?

    • by Dutch Gun ( 899105 ) on Thursday July 16, 2015 @08:16PM (#50125425)

      These people are only after attention, and by putting this story on slashdot, we've given them exactly what they wanted. No sane person seriously believes this or gives it even the least bit of credibility. Oh, and it's not really even funny either, if that was the angle - it's just sad. I'm not even going to bother reading the article, because I don't want to contribute any advertising traffic.

      My summary: Still plenty of attention-seeking morons in the world. News at 11.

    • by dcollins117 ( 1267462 ) on Thursday July 16, 2015 @09:03PM (#50125625)

      If you look around you'll find wackos of every kind.

      Some of them are trolls, I'll bet, just out to make mischief. But I personally know three people who are officially diagnosed with schizophrenia, and talking to them is sometimes illuminating, albeit extremely frustrating. Their world view is just too different to relate to.

      Delusional thinking isn't just for full blown schizophrenics, either. One woman I used to work with (and I thought was normal) told me one day about her encounter with a UFO and it's alien occupants. Wow, I did not expect that from her.

      When I was a very young kid, I either had visual hallucinations or maybe I was dreaming and only thought I was awake, but my experience was that I saw some really weird stuff. Stuff that can't possibly be true, so I can't exclude myself from the delusional category, either. Thankfully nothing like that has happened since.

    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      This is interesting because it represents one thing more than any other, the main stream media meme of inventing issues to draw the public's eyes to watch associated advertising. Truth is these lies are a whole lot less damaging than the similar style of lies told in main stream media to garner attention and generate profits. So why don't those conspiracy sites tell the same lies as main stream media, because that space is already occupied by more skilled and far more expansive organisations, forcing those

    • Unless there's a lot of these attention-desperate people, why should we be interested in this?

      Because This Is Slashdot - and how can we feel superior without our daily Two Minute Hate?

  • by msobkow ( 48369 ) on Thursday July 16, 2015 @08:05PM (#50125371) Homepage Journal

    "Truther" conspiracy nuts don't believe in *anything* they can't see, feel, hear, or touch themselves. They probably think the very *existence* of Pluto is a lie.

    You can make people go to school, but you can't force them to become educated. :(

    • by msobkow ( 48369 ) on Thursday July 16, 2015 @08:07PM (#50125381) Homepage Journal

      Personally I think "truthers" are just very lonely and insecure people who are trying to boost their own egos through claiming to have "secret" or "superior" knowledge to the rest of the world. Kind of sad, really.

    • Even if it did exist, how could a probe punch through the sphere of fixed stars at the edge of the universe in order to travel to an alleged tiny rock far beyond?
    • Hey, look over there! SHINY STUFF!

      Sure, there are some dipshits in the world but that percentage is so small that they should never every get any coverage by anyone.. Yet here we have 4 different (semi) reputable sources repeating someone's nonsense.

      My theory is as good as theirs by the way, and historically more plausible.

    • "Truther" conspiracy nuts don't believe in *anything* they can't see, feel, hear, or touch themselves.

      Troofers believe in a whole bunch of things they can't see, feel, hear. (and they probably touch themselves way too much).

      Gang stalking, alien probing and abductions, the hollow moon and the secret moon bases, people living beneath the Arctic ice mass, chemtrails, remote mind control, shape-shifting lizard people, alien visitors from outer space, the English royal family eating babies, astrology, tarot, crystal healing, past lives, Deepak Chopra telling the truth, fairies (not the gay kind), angels, ghosts,

    • I have met people who are educated beyond the level of their intelligence. So I think the better sound bite is: an educated idiot is still an idiot.

  • Truther? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Sideshow Mark ( 1534481 ) on Thursday July 16, 2015 @08:09PM (#50125389)
    At what point did Americans substitute the word "truther" for "crackpot"?
    • Re:Truther? (Score:5, Funny)

      by YrWrstNtmr ( 564987 ) on Thursday July 16, 2015 @08:14PM (#50125415)
      At what point did Americans substitute the word "truther" for "crackpot"?

      Sept 12, 2001.
      • Re:Truther? (Score:4, Informative)

        by rahvin112 ( 446269 ) on Thursday July 16, 2015 @10:44PM (#50125999)

        It's a self applied name. Someone called them crackpots and they called themselves 9/11 truthers. Now truther is an anachronism for crackpot by their own doing.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        At what point did Americans substitute the word "truther" for "crackpot"?

        Sept 12, 2001.

        100% correct. a tried and true tactic of the mainstream media and those who cling to it is to denigrate the handful of legitimate issues and questions being raised by diluting the discussion with tons of nonsense, highlighting the most ridiculous people, organizations, and theories, offering them up to all get viewed as being one and the same, coming from the same crowd of people, and possessing the same level of veracity.

        on 9/11 3 steel-framed skyscrapers demolished themselves in mid-air, coming down thro

      • They had to switch from conspiracy theorist when so many horrible things turned out to be true... CT came after crackpot and was then followed by truther...

    • At what point did Americans substitute the word "truther" for "crackpot"?

      About the same time geeks became a "good thing" and we stopped paying a nickel to see them at side shows?

      And it's troofer, not "truther". [sigh] Just shows you're part of the conspiracy, or a sheeple.

    • When celebrities bacame a large part of the problem. After all we can't call Trump a crackpot, so we call him a truther.

      I like the name because many of the problems in this world come from people thinking they know the truth when all they know is what they were taught to believe.

  • They compare a clear photo of Jupiter at 400 million miles vs a pixelated photo of Pluto at 9 million miles.

    Of course they fail to mention that Jupiter is 250 million times larger than Pluto.

  • As reported, the probe sent had the same processor as the PlayStation. They used the 3D graphics capability to create images of Pluto and Charon in CGI.


    Study it out, sheeple!

  • ... there's no cure for stupidity
  • There's a certain level of stupidity you just can't deal with. Don't bother trying.
  • The whole "X was faked" theory misses one key point. If the moon landings were bogus, the Russians, Chinese, and a few others, all of whom had/have the technical ability would have blown the whistle on us. How would you fake a radio signal going behind the moon and coming back ? Not so simple. Likewise, you'd have to fake the data coming in. Seems like a lot of work to get a radio signal from outside Neptune's orbit....... The real tragedy is we can't currently go BACK to the moon....
    • The real tragedy is we can't currently go BACK to the moon...

      We can in fact go back, but we don't because of the Nazi base up there.

      http://www.bibliotecapleyades.... [bibliotecapleyades.net]

    • How would you fake a radio signal going behind the moon and coming back ?

      Uh...how about you put it in a rocket going around the Moon?

      One thing I've never really heard from the Moon landing conspiracy theorists is what missions were faked? There were plenty of missions to the Moon, both manned and unmanned. The Apollo program did some manned missions in Earth orbit (Apollo 7 and 9, I believe). Were those faked? Apollo 8 and 10 actually went to the Moon. Were those faked? What about the Surveyor missions, which landed probes on the Moon?

      Assuming we could actually get rockets

  • to distract us from the Invasion of Texas now going on ("Jade Helm 15")

  • The real mystery is why these few drooling idiots get any attention whatsoever. FFS go cover a high school science fair or even a rural county fair -- they would be more interesting and the people far more appealing.

  • by pcjunky ( 517872 ) <walterp@cyberstreet.com> on Thursday July 16, 2015 @10:53PM (#50126019) Homepage

    Why would anyone give this any attention. They best deserve to be ignored and forgotten.

    • Alas, they need to be refuted first. Then ignored and (hopefully) forgotten.

      These people won't go away. The counter-argument to their nonsense needs to be on the record.

    • It's not about convincing them (because you can't), it's about the people reading. Remember the idea that lurkers outnumber commenters by ~10:1. It's better to engage for as long as your patience permits, lest readers who don't know any better fall for the truther's nonsense.
  • as the 911 truthers.

  • by Ihlosi ( 895663 ) on Friday July 17, 2015 @04:02AM (#50126609)
    Jupiter. Everything else is "assorted debris that didn't quite make it.".

"'Tis true, 'tis pity, and pity 'tis 'tis true." -- Poloniouius, in Willie the Shake's _Hamlet, Prince of Darkness_
