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You Can do Whatever You Want Through the Hole in the Restaurant 1

A German restaurateur has come up with a novel way of getting around a country wide ban on smoking in restaurants. Three holes cut into the side of his Inn allow patrons to stick their arms and heads outside the building and smoke while they stay warm inside. I really like the little shelf below the holes that you can rest a drink on.
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You Can do Whatever You Want Through the Hole in the Restaurant

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  • The patrons can then legally enjoy a cigarette without having to leave the comfort of the inn.

    What kind of human is comfortable when his hands and head are cold and hanging out of some holes in a wall? Not to mention the immense temptation to kick someone in the ass who's engaged in such an activity.

    When this proprietor is done with the soapbox I rather think he will have more luck at the ballot box than with his scroll saw. No need to get to the ammo box yet, though the Allies have had success fixing the

A method of solution is perfect if we can forsee from the start, and even prove, that following that method we shall attain our aim. -- Leibnitz
