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Do You Like Hip Hop? *NSFW* 2

samzenpus writes "This is why you should never talk to strangers and if you do, you should be careful about what you say."

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Do You Like Hip Hop? *NSFW*

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  • But are we Digg now? When did /. start hosting amusing videos? There are plenty of those sites, and one slashdot. Keep it like that.
    • by Seumas ( 6865 )
      They still haven't started hosting amusing videos. This video was stupid. And it's from those idiots at collegehumor who send out massive amounts of spam (I've been getting daily spam from them for years, even though I've never visited their site, signed up for them or even heard of them until I started getting spam from them years ago).

Neckties strangle clear thinking. -- Lin Yutang
