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Nasa Beams Beatles' Song Into Space 4

Monday will be the 40th anniversary of the day the Beatles recorded the song, Across the Universe. To mark this random achievement and because there is evidently nothing much to do at NASA, the song will be beamed into space towards the North Star. Lead engineers, Sgt. Pepper, Mr. Moonlight and Doctor Robert say the plan was met with some skepticism. "When they asked, How do you do it? I answered, If we can come together, we can work it out with a little help from my friends." Sgt. Pepper said. After a hard day's night the engineers plan on joining the magical mystery tour and work back in the U.S.S.R.
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Nasa Beams Beatles' Song Into Space

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  • This is why we can't have nice things. It's because of things like this that people hate taxes and don't give two shits about NASA these days.
    • Beaming a Beatles song into space would probably be more interesting to the average person than actually doing something productive. The problem isn't with NASA's crappy projects, the problem is that there aren't enough people in the US who still give a damn about science. *cough that suspiciously sounds like "President Bush"*
    • by Seumas ( 6865 )
      No, I hate taxes because of all the mouth-breathing breeders and their poor choices in life that I have to subsidize with my tax dollars.

      Anyway, this does seem like a massive waste. Not because of the idea itself, but because I don't believe signals from earth actually are capable of reaching any other intelligence that might exist out there. Just a couple weeks ago, I was reading an article (I don't recall where) stating that signals from earth begin to fade long before they even reach the next star. So pr

It is the quality rather than the quantity that matters. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 B.C. - A.D. 65)
