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Shock Therapy Can't Fix Everything 3

A UK woman who has been placing hoax 999 emergency calls for the past 24 years agreed to some unconventional therapy. Since she didn't seem to get the hint after being prosecuted 60 times, it was agreed they would try a kind of 'shock therapy'. Electrodes were taped to her fingers while doctors told her to dial 999 on a specially rigged-up phone. Every time she pressed the final digit an electrical current was passed through her body making her scream in pain. The therapy worked for 4 years before she called in a bomb threat. Officials now plan on flying her to New Jersey for some 'bat to your knees' therapy.
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Shock Therapy Can't Fix Everything

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  • What happens when politicians try to apply this to the more important things in life? (although a bomb threat is important...) Will we start getting shocks for every frag, to discourage the school shootings which have become rampant? Will we be getting shocked for each donut?

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