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House Ransacked Thanks to Craigslist Hoax 4

A Craigslist hoax has left Robert Salisbury with an empty house and a lot of anger. The Craigslist ad said the owner of a Jacksonville home was forced to leave the area suddenly and his belongings, including a horse, were free. After receiving a call from a woman who was about to take his horse, Robert returned home to find close to 30 people armed with printouts of the ad, rummaging through his barn and front porch. "They honestly thought that because it appeared on the Internet it was true, it boggles the mind", Salisbury said. Although many of his things have been returned already, Robert is selling plans for a water engine online to help recoup some of what he is out.
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House Ransacked Thanks to Craigslist Hoax

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I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh. -- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"
