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Miss Landmine 2008 5

How do you know that you live in a dangerous place? One sign might be that your country is holding a Miss Landmine pageant. The contestants come from Angola's various provinces and are between 19 and 33. Each woman has a profile that lists not only their ages and favorite colors but also when they were injured and what kind of mine claimed their limbs. All the contestants get help to go back to school or to start a small business and best of all the winner gets a new prosthetic limb. Nike, who is sponsoring the event, says that the pageant proves people with disabilities can still be beautiful and that they would be happy to sponsor next year as well since it only cost half as much as usual.
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Miss Landmine 2008

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  • I was going to post something thoughtful and considered on the subject of the many forms of beauty. But who cares. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, especially after 6 pints of Stella and a kebab.
  • What with all the formatting changes and the like, and now stories like this, I suppose the time has come to never visit Slashdot again. What the hell's going on? I can't wait to see what poor unfortunates are mocked on this almost unreadable website next!
    • Okay, the style sheet is b0rked, so remove idle. from the url, and you'll get a full-width editbox. However, this is "idle" not "idol".

      Posting a story about a beauty pageant for "Miss Landmine 2008" is a good thing.

      Remember how Pirncess Di used to be a strong advocate against land mines? Ever since she lost her head over some media coverage, it's been on the back-burner. It's good to see someone trying to give these people a leg up. It's not like they waste their time at the casino playing Texas Hold-e

Long computations which yield zero are probably all for naught.
