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Spanish Village Jumps the Baby 1

If you think the tomato throwing festival in Valencia is the craziest party going on in Spain, you've never heard of the baby jumpers of Castrillo de Murcia. Since 1620 grown men have been donning costumes and leaping over mattresses of babies in a rite meant to ward off the devil. We have a similar ritual at the office where CowboyNeal jumps over a row of cheeseburgers to ensure better internet connectivity.
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Spanish Village Jumps the Baby

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  • "The jumpers were leaping over five or six infants at a time"
    Too bad they were in 2x3 rows... I was hoping it was more like an evil knievel stunt where people lept 10x1 babies. 6 feet (2 meters) leaps barely seems exciting.

    I think if the babies were also on fire, now that would be a daring stunt worthy of evil knievel himself.

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