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Octopuses Handed Rubik's Cubes 2

As part of a research study to determine if an octopus has a favorite tentacle, twenty-five of them have been given Rubik's Cubes to play with. Although marine experts don't expect them to crack the puzzle, they hope to prove that the sea creatures have a preferred arm out of eight that they use to feed and investigate with - just like humans are right or left-handed. Claire Little, marine expert at the Sea Life Centre in Weymouth, says, "Uniquely, octopuses have more than half their nerves in their arms and have even been shown to partially think with their arms. We hope the study will help the overall well-being of octopuses. They are very susceptible to stress so if they do have a favourite side to be fed on, it could reduce risk to them." Most importantly, if the cepholapods are able to solve the cubes they might one day replace a room full of Shakespeare writing monkeys in Infinite Improbability Drives across the universe.
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Octopuses Handed Rubik's Cubes

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They are called computers simply because computation is the only significant job that has so far been given to them.
