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Swiss Law Outlines Goldfish Rights 3

A new Swiss law spells out in exhaustive detail how all animals domestic and wild are to be treated, whether they be pets, farm animals, zoo animals or destined for scientific experiments. According to the new law, flushing a goldfish down the toilet alive is no longer permitted. Now a fish must be first knocked out and then killed before its body can be disposed of. Catch-and-release fishing is now illegal; if you catch it, you kill it. Hamsters, llamas, alpacas and yaks can no longer be kept by themselves. Goats and sheep must have "a visual contact with their fellows." The list goes on and on. This is obviously a well intentioned law, but it illustrates the difficulty in legislating morality and it has all but killed goldfish-eating contests.


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Swiss Law Outlines Goldfish Rights

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  • Wait a sec, the common golden Hamster is incredibly territorial. If you have two adults of the same sex in the same cage they will attack each other. I am all for making sure animals are kept in decent conditions. (I worked in a pet store for 3 years, some of the things that I saw customers and the management do made me very depressed) but the law needs to be better researched.
    • They won't attack if they're neutered. Territoriality is usually based entirely on hormones if I remember correctly. I know most animals cease any territory marking upon being neutered, and you can't keep most animals together without having them neutered. However after the procedure they get along just fine.

Their idea of an offer you can't refuse is an offer... and you'd better not refuse.
