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Slashdot's Disagree Mail 426

Everyone likes to belong to something. Whether it be for fun, a sense of belonging, or a need for attention, a group gives you a feeling of solidarity. Surrounding yourself with people that share common goals and ideas can be comforting. Sometimes however, you realize that you hate the people you've surrounded yourself with. Your religion doesn't allow you to read anything that has profanity or you've subscribed to Slashdot thinking you could learn more about hockey. This week's collection is composed of people who don't want to play, read, or be associated with us anymore. Read below to find out how bad they want out.
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 ****** wrote:
"I'm relly sick of the level of discrimination that goes on here. I thought it might be different with other people who maybe didn't win everything. But its no different people won't be nice when your nice first. I try to say what others are saying and they get marked up? Not me as well? How can that be? If I'm the same how can they not act the same to me. It's like you have to be around forever before they won't say bad things about your comments. I thought it was different but they are just as BIG COCSUCKERS!!!!! Take my account and throw it away I've had enough of the newbie bigotry and FUCKING UNFAIR LIES."

Being just like everyone else is harder than you think. This next guy at least isn't concerned about being accepted. He has a clear vision of what he wants out of life. His vision is a world without profanity.

On Tue, 13 May 2008 ******* wrote:
"I try to live a good clean life by learning all I can and nurturing my body and spirit. I'm afraid that I will not be able to become part of your community as I find it sick. Sick in mind body and soul. Why your people deem it necessary to use the language that they do I can never understand. Women, children and people of faith will never be able to learn what you have to impart because of the filth you are tending in this rank garden. Please stop sending me email."

This next guy had me puzzled. I'd never had a complaint from fans of Guns-N-Roses, horror movies or unsound logging practices about the confusing "Slash" part of Slashdot.

On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 ******** wrote:
"I came here to learn about hockey and there is no hockey to be found. Your lucky that I didn't send you any money or we would have a big problem right now. If you don't want others to be confused to I suggest you think about changing your name to something that isn't obviously about hockey. I asked some coworkers and they agree, I'm not just some idiot. Come up with a name that means something."


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Slashdot's Disagree Mail

Comments Filter:
  • What was it that prompted Slashdot to start posting its hate mail? Was someone clamoring for this? I see mild humor in it but I get a bigger kick out of watching people duke it out in ping pong comments than reading misdirected hate towards the editors.

    Also, what is the expected result of our discussions of this stuff? Is it to pick it apart and analyze it? Is it to provide user generated retorts that you can't due to legal reasons? I shall try a little of both.

    Is Slashdot trying to add an optional low brow element to satisfy users that have left for other sites dedicated to that? Because, you know that half of your users are going to tag this 'pleasestop' or some such negative approval tag.

    Also, why does it look different than the rest of Slashdot? Isn't it just another section? Why do you need another CSS for it? I seem to think it would be better site design to have a thorough reused theme but maybe you want the reader to know it's Idle. Who knows? Sure seems to upset a lot of people.


    "I'm relly sick of the level of discrimination that goes on here."

    This level of reverence for the moderation system never ceases to amaze me. Hell, I myself can have a sour day if I'm given a thrashing on a post. This person doesn't even seem to be a regular user and they are already upset.

    A very peculiar amount of power, these mod points are. Enough for someone to call a negative moderation discrimination!


    "I try to live a good clean life by learning all I can and nurturing my body and spirit."

    Despite being raised Roman Catholic for 18 years, this still baffles me. I know I'm not the first person to share this view (I think I read about it in Vonnegut's "Palm Sunday") but there is a reason I don't swear often. It's not so I can be 'clean' and 'pure' ... it's so that when I do swear, people know I'm not fucking around. Seriously, if you're dropping f-bombs left and right then where do you go when you're genuinely upset? I prefer to not raise my voice so those words are reserved for extreme moments. I feel bad for the people who incorporate them into everyday life ... how loud do you think an injured rapper would have to raise their voice before people gave them medical attention?


    "I came here to learn about hockey and there is no hockey to be found. Your lucky that I didn't send you any money or we would have a big problem right now."

    Am I the only person that had the sudden urge to register and have it redirect to Slashdot?

    "If you don't want others to be confused to I suggest you think about changing your name to something that isn't obviously about hockey. I asked some coworkers and they agree ..."

    Are these the same coworkers that face physical abuse or verbal ridicule if they don't agree with you?

    " ... I'm not just some idiot. Come up with a name that means something."

    Of course you're not an idiot, you're just a hockey fan. And if <insert object here> isn't bleeding with hockey (in this case the internet), you are angered with it. I understand. I'm from Minnesota where many of your kind roam around in large herds laying waste to beer and stadiums. I would suggest moving there for solace and the ability to experience all hockey all the time.

    • by Cheeko ( 165493 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @01:50PM (#24891695) Homepage Journal

      can't tell if you're trolling, but this is just the weekly crossover from

      Its the /. topic section for totally random waste of time nonsensical sort of things. Its late on a Friday and they feel like sharing once a week some of the random, potentially humorous mail they get.

      I actually find them fairly entertaining each week.

      • by zappepcs ( 820751 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @02:08PM (#24892031) Journal

        They are entertaining. For awhile, I wondered about moderation and how it works here, but figured it out finally. Now, When I get modded troll or flamebait, I like to think of it as a trophy... for having offended someone enough to waste their mod point that way :)

        Seeing others get angry out of confusion or just tech illiteracy does my heart good.

        Reading their comments, you just know this is the guy at your local watering hole wearing the nascar hat backwards and having a great time with some light beer. (with some luck, I've just offended a few more people :))) {it's humor people}

        It's fun to see that /. gets its share of normal people who do not know rm -rf from a hole in their hard drive.

        • by Cheeko ( 165493 )

          Indeed all I could think was how entertaining it would be to try to explain to the hockey guy how slashdot DOES mean something and makes a lot more sense in the context of what it actually is, than it would for hockey.

        • "Reading their comments, you just know this is the guy at your local watering hole wearing the nascar hat backwards and having a great time with some light beer. (with some luck, I've just offended a few more people :))) {it's humor people}"

          I can't believe how many people get offended with the truth. It is funny, really.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by kermit1221 ( 75994 )

      "how loud do you think an injured rapper would have to raise their voice before people gave them medical attention? "

      Um... Who cares?

      • No... It's more along the lines of... They want attention all the time, that's why they swear all the time :P I agree with GP when it comes to verbally swearing (because it's more harmful to hear than to read). Whereas online, we are already desensitized by much worse things, and I tend to swear in jokes most the time. If you are offended by reading a swear word that you have little idea of the tone used, then you have problems.
    • Please, think of your fellow Minnesotans.

      Sure, we just get rid of the Republicans and now you want us to take the hockey fans back?

      All I want is a little peace and quiet. But I'm not gonna get that anyway since Monday nite there is a little football game. Those dudes are far worse than the hockey dudes even if the game is in Green Bay!

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Sparton ( 1358159 )
      I believe the reason that idle has been thrown up on the front page has to do with advertiser pressure (holy cow, look at those guys at Digg and stuff! They got craziness, why don't you?..). Just a hunch.
    • by Teach ( 29386 )
      I must confess I LOVE the horizontal threshold slider and MUCH prefer it to the usual vertical one. I can't wait until the kinks are worked out and it becomes the default. But I agree the disgruntled email is probably a lot funnier for the admins than for us.
      • I didn't even notice it was there, which is a good thing.

        That said, I'd rather they used vertical real estate on my nice widescreen monitors.

    • by olclops ( 591840 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @02:03PM (#24891935)

      For what it's worth, I look forward to these disagree mails. Low brow? That's one way to see it. But on another level, I find it a useful reminder, especially in a fairly-like-minded community like this, that much of the world thinks far differently than I do.

    • What was it that prompted Slashdot to start posting its hate mail? Was someone clamoring for this?

      I can only guess that posting stuff like this which causes a flurry of messages proclaiming it's stupidity is merely the result of slashdot trying to get more eyeballs on advertisements.

      I come to that conclusion by process of elimination because there is no other intelligent reason for this.

      I mean c'mon! Okay you post duplicate articles, you don't read summaries, and you once let JonKatz sully this site. But

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        I come to that conclusion by process of elimination because there is no other intelligent reason for this

        Yeah, because nobody else in the geek community ever [] posts their hate mail [].

        It's funny, entertaining, and it's on idle. Get over it.

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Kelbear ( 870538 )

        All the internet should follow your shining example. The passion and fire within your breast that you hold for this website should be admired. Finally someone has stepped up to criticize the horrible travesty here.

        Thank you for taking the time to read these idle posting that you hate so much and draft a comment letting everyone know how much you hate these posts you've read.

        Your stirring rhetoric has compelled me to take action and block ads. We'll show the enemy we are not to be trifled with!

    • by ChrisKnight ( 16039 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @02:23PM (#24892247) Homepage

      "Am I the only person that had the sudden urge to register and have it redirect to Slashdot?"

      Registered. I'll have it redirecting to this story shortly.


      • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        WHOIS on

        Domain ID:D154008129-LROR
        Domain Name:HOCKEYDOT.ORG
        Created On:05-Sep-2008 19:21:00 UTC
        Last Updated On:05-Sep-2008 19:21:02 UTC
        Expiration Date:05-Sep-2009 19:21:00 UTC
        Sponsoring, Inc. (R91-LROR)
        Registrant ID:GODA-052848890
        Registrant Name:Chris Knight

      • by default luser ( 529332 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @04:13PM (#24894141) Journal

        Am I the only person that had the sudden urge to register and have it redirect to Slashdot?

        Check this out: []

        Yeah, I know, slashDOT, hockeyDOT...right. It's a weak connection, but the sender was a weak idiot. I would expect this kind of stupid logic from a person like him.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by merreborn ( 853723 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @02:33PM (#24892427) Journal

      "I'm relly sick of the level of discrimination that goes on here."

      This level of reverence for the moderation system never ceases to amaze me. Hell, I myself can have a sour day if I'm given a thrashing on a post. This person doesn't even seem to be a regular user and they are already upset.

      A very peculiar amount of power, these mod points are. Enough for someone to call a negative moderation discrimination!

      I actually enjoyed that email, 'cause I can understand where the kid was coming from. Until you've got positive karma, you might as well be posting directly to /dev/null most of the time. I posted for months before I got a karma bonus, and then, all the sudden, I'm getting posts modded up on a regular basis.

      I didn't find it quite as frustrating as this kid did, but that email really shows how I'm sure thousands of "outsiders" feel about slashdot. Slashdot's tendency to weed out all but the most dedicated keeps the signal-to-noise ratio extremely high, but it probably drives away many, many potential posters.

      here is a reason I don't swear often. It's not so I can be 'clean' and 'pure' ... it's so that when I do swear, people know I'm not fucking around. Seriously, if you're dropping f-bombs left and right then where do you go when you're genuinely upset? I prefer to not raise my voice so those words are reserved for extreme moments. I feel bad for the people who incorporate them into everyday life ... how loud do you think an injured rapper would have to raise their voice before people gave them medical attention?

      Seriously? You can't tell the difference between someone saying "Fucking thing sucks! We'll do it live!", and "HOLY FUCK THERE'S A HOLE IN MY ABDOMEN AND MY FUCKING SPLEEN IS ABOUT TO FALL OUT!"?

      I seriously doubt that rappers really have trouble getting medical attention whenever they need it. Really, how do you imagine that scene working out in your world? "Oh, I'm sorry Mr. DMX. When you said 'Bitch, I got shot in the knee - I need a fucking ambulance', I thought you were just experimenting with some new lyrics"?

    • by madprof ( 4723 )

      I, for one, really enjoy reading these idiotic emails. It is not the people's concerns that are funny, more the fact that they bother to make them. They truly believe that sending in these emails will make a difference to someone or even matter. The best way to register a complaint against a site like Slashdot is to stop visiting and find better alternatives.

    • by Hyppy ( 74366 )

      It's not so I can be 'clean' and 'pure' ... it's so that when I do swear, people know I'm not fucking around.

      I think you may have just changed my life a little.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by danieltdp ( 1287734 )

      "Also, what is the expected result of our discussions of this stuff? Is it to pick it apart and analyze it? Is it to provide user generated retorts that you can't due to legal reasons? I shall try a little of both. "

      You shouldn't expect something comming out of idle because that's the section idea,right? No article or comment on idle is expected to have a point. You can say "I prefer idle not to exist", but it is actually delivering what was promissed: nothing but idle time.

      Anyways, I don't like idle either. I would go to over there [] for this kind of stuff

  • I suggest you think about changing your name to something that isn't obviously about hockey. I asked some coworkers and they agree, I'm not just some idiot.

    This made me laugh out loud. Funny how stupid people always think they're smarter than they are [].

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      >> Funny how stupid people always think they're smarter than they are.

      Oh yeah? Well I suggest you think about changing your name to something that isn't obviously about ninjas.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      There's another effect that's quite similar: People over-estimate mediocre skills in others when they don't possess that skill. For example, I am, at best, an average math student by most standards. However, some people think I'm mathematically gifted because I can explain a linear equation.

      Then there's the effect where people assume someone is smart because they agree on some irrelevant point. For example, say I oppose the (current incarnation) of the death penalty. Others think I'm smart because they oppo

    • by Belial6 ( 794905 )
      That link is a riot. A 'study' that tries to rank in a 'scientific' way how funny someone is, and thus prove that people who think they know things, really don't.

      It's hard to tell if the irony is intended or not.
    • by bonehead ( 6382 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @02:26PM (#24892305)

      Not being a hockey fan, I guess I'm in need of some education. Just exactly how is the name slashdot "obviously about hockey"?

  • idle (Score:2, Insightful)

    by qoncept ( 599709 )
    It blows my mind you're still posting this garbage on slashdot. Listen to your users.
  • ...mod Mr. Hockey +5 Informative. I had no idea there was slashing in hockey. Do they use, like, kendo swords or something?


  • by Ngarrang ( 1023425 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @01:53PM (#24891753) Journal

    "Women, children and people of faith will never be able to learn what you have to impart because of the filth you are tending in this rank garden."

    What? Hold the horses, here! There is something to be learned from Slashdot? And here I thought it was a place for over-opinionated (and often bored) tech folks committing the equivalent of mental masturbation.

    • by Xtifr ( 1323 )

      "There is something to be learned from Slashdot?"

      Depends. I let my niece read it, and in just a few hours she learned a bunch of new words. :)

  • I try to live a bad dirty life by not reading any articles and poisoning my body and spirit. I'm afraid that I do not want you to be a part of of this community as I find you healthy. Healthy in mind body and soul. Why you deem it necessary to not use language that we do I can never understand. Geeks, nerds, and dweebs will never be able to learn what you impart because of the impeccable cleanliness of your flowery garden. Please stop receiving our email.

  • by GameboyRMH ( 1153867 ) <(gameboyrmh) (at) (> on Friday September 05, 2008 @01:55PM (#24891781) Journal

    Am I seeing this right!? I don't have a problem with the idle section, but this isn't even worthy of an Idle thread.

  • by RandoX ( 828285 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @01:56PM (#24891799)

    Why your people deem it necessary to use the language that they do I can never understand
    We're a VB.Net shop. The language was forced upon us. We don't like it any more than you do. Sorry.

  • My prediction (Score:3, Interesting)

    by OzPeter ( 195038 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @02:00PM (#24891875)
    Sometime soon this section will die a slow death, but the stinking corpse will still lay around for all to see. Kinda like Slashback or those regular friendly fireside chats Cmdr Taco started (and then stopped) all those years ago.
  • The Profanity Guy (Score:3, Insightful)

    by TheModelEskimo ( 968202 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @02:01PM (#24891893)
    It's sad to me that someone like the profanity guy just doesn't have a clue about the emailing mechanism (if he is indeed seeing emailed articles). I support people in their right to really find their own niche on the web; it's just too bad that many of them will never find it because the curve is too steep. Those of us who are happy to use Slashdot have already found our own ways of blocking trash we don't like, but many people are forced to wade through LOTS of stuff that they don't want to see as part of their normal web-surfing experience.

    So, I totally sympathize with him, even though it's obvious his email is misdirected.
    • by Xtravar ( 725372 )

      I was wondering if he got some of that spam that hijacks peoples' email addresses. That's the only way his message would make half-sense: if he got spam for viagra or porn forged from a address.

  • Among the many anagrams for Slashdot are these gems:
    1. Ad Sloths
    2. Had Slots
    3. Dash Lost
    4. Lad Hosts
    5. Lad Shots
    6. ADSL Hots
    7. Lads Shot
    8. Sad Sloth
    9. Tad Slosh
    10. Halts Dos
    11. Has Dolts
    12. Old Stash
    13. Sold Shat
    14. Lass Doth (not)
    15. Last Dohs

    If you include "news for nerds stuff that matters" the first 1000 include "salamanders"

  • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Weak faith (Score:5, Funny)

    by AioKits ( 1235070 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @02:09PM (#24892047)
    All I can say is that if your faith is shaken by if someone says fuck (or other profanity of choice) or not, it must be some pretty weak faith.

    On that note: Cock!
  • SlapShot? (Score:2, Informative)

    by Ummite ( 195748 )

    I think the guy talk about slapshot (the hockey guy).

    Very disturbing indeed!

  • Get a new Idle Theme!

  • by Hy-teq ( 301709 )

    This is a great series. Please continue Disagree Mail.

  • visual relief (Score:3, Informative)

    by bperkins ( 12056 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @02:53PM (#24892773) Homepage Journal

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name           slashdot
    // @namespace      foo
    // @description    unscewup idle
    // @include
    // ==/UserScript==

    var a, thisdomain, links;
    links = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        a = links[i];

        if (a.getAttribute("class") == "head"   ) {

  = 'white';
  = 'black';

        if (a.getAttribute("class") == "details"   ) {

  = 'black';

        if (a.getAttribute("class") == "body"   ) {

  = 'black';
  = "100%";


    Seems to work for now.
  • No Hockey? (Score:5, Funny)

    by genner ( 694963 ) on Friday September 05, 2008 @04:04PM (#24893985)
    I never notcied this before but he's right. There's not nearly enough hockey on this site.

"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry." -- Chekhov
