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Perfect Guard Dog 4

While it's no sharks with laser beams, I'll take a dog with an axe over nothing.


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Perfect Guard Dog

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  • It's a maul, not an axe.

    • As in:

      "Watch out! That dog'll maul you to death!"

      Seriously though, that is a splitting maul. A maul is just a mallet or hammer.

      • > As in:

        > "Watch out! That dog'll maul you to death!"


        > Seriously though, that is a splitting maul. A maul is just a mallet or hammer.

        I know I know, I split my own firewood. But "splitting maul" wouldn't have been funny.

        • "splitting maul" wouldn't have been funny

          I grant you that. I just wanted to keep the unwashed from learning the wrong thing (if they learned anything at all).

Don't panic.
