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Slashdot's Disagree Mail 167

I get a lot of mail from obviously unbalanced people. Enough in fact, that I've often wondered if there was a institution that allowed their patients to only read Slashdot. We've even had a few visits from some questionable individuals. A man who tried to bribe me with a car if I let him "reverse engineer" Rob Malda's Life comes to mind. He insisted on Rob being present for the process and couldn't explain to me what it entailed, so I suggested he leave. The personal visits are rare, however, compared to the amount of mail I get. Here are a few of my favorites; let's hope these people have started to take their medication. Read below and don't be worried if you don't understand all of it.

This guy seems to be a little upset that the bottom has fallen out of the criminal mind-reading market. Luckily he seems to have made up for it by predicting earthquakes on the side.

On Mon Sep 8, 2003 ********* wrote:
"I am on two projects, actually the telepathy work went dormant when I found the demand sluggish although a trained reader might avoid some of what criminals want. Violence and sex can be read as images.Quake forecasts are useful to survive and this is where the activity is going in. Neither project is quite what other people are into as discussion. Indeed the tenor of both activities is observation observation observation. Mistakes in either area kill people. Warnings are of course not what people want. Quakes can be planned around. Finding oneself in an elevator with a serial killer might demand a skilled avoidance. There is a risk I will learn something else from a more informed person in your site. What a bore to load on more stuff people will want me to shut up about, but maybe sneaky tips to survive can help me to suffer longer."

This guy is part of your standard tinfoil-hat crowd. I appreciate that my response back is what will determine if free speech lives or dies.

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 ****** wrote:
"hi there Just trying to shed some light on your troubles with new laws. I believe thatALL governments have found a "legal" loophole to create new "laws" and that is making every person ie man woman and child a corporation or SLAVE. How can they do that ? by simply having you identify yourself willingly as such. Look at your issued drivers license and such if your name is all in CAPITALS you are no longer entitled to the human rights or even your inalienable rights ( God given rights )If you do not believe me check your birth certificate some may find their name in upper and lower(capital an small letters) if this is so then try to get your drivers license changed to your Proper name designating you a man ( free man ) or woman.Check the Magna Carta of 1215 these rights and priveledges are forever and if they have been removed then you cannot trust any other laws as these came straight from the King at that time and if he can lie to you what chance do you have of getting any support from anyone else? I believe we need laws and a way to enforce them but when human rights are being violated then Everyone has a voice and has to use it. He who does not stand up and fight for liberty and freedom deserves neither liberty or freedom. If no reply I will acceptall freedom is gone."

Finally we have this man, who shows us why you should never mix "The Matrix," a sociology book, and anti-psychotic medication.

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 ******* wrote:
"There is something extremely wrong with every single person in this world. They seem to be part of a pointless simulation.

"The Matrix" has portrayed this idea somewhat, yet we watch it and go back to our daily lives. Yet in this very life, underneath the seeming diversity in people's opinions, values, talents, and interests, there is something that makes everyone the same. It is as though this planet is populated only by mindless fakes, objects that provide the appearance of intellect on the surface but are based on only mechanical reflexes and primitive thought patterns.

I don't really care if anything I say has been said before, if it was portrayed in movies, in books, or in the lyrics of some useless song. With 6 billion people covering the globe at any given time, thousands and thousands of years of written literature, probability dictates almost any combination of words has occurred numerous times. Yet there is clear evidence there was no action, so those words, just like the people who spoke them, must have been just more fakes. I am forced to use this language (also created by the fakes) because there is no alternative, so everything I write here could be misunderstood to make me sound like one of them, but it will be the action that I take and the dedication that will separate me from them.

In my estimation the fakes that occupy this planet don't make up 99%, but more like 99.9999999% of the population. I know this because I've searched, and in my search have so far only found one true ally (I have found him via the internet as well). But even with those numbers we would not give up because there is no logic in giving up.

The people on this planet are all fakes because the societies have made them this way. Ideas that populate people's minds have no logic or purpose. Concepts such as religion, god, morality, individualism, freedom, identity, happiness, love and billions of others are all just memes. Like parasites they infect the minds and spread from one person to the next. They have no point or purpose; they exist without any logical basis or foundation. The fakes are completely controlled by them, and they will never see beyond them. To not be controlled by them one must do more then just realize that they exist. One must resist any ideas that have no point, endlessly question, and never accept imperfection or compromise in any answer.

We (myself and my ally) are different though. While we have had the limitation of existing only in these societies, something has made it possible for us to resist being indoctrinated into becoming one of those fakes. We have no arbitrary wants, needs, desires, or preferences.

If this world continues to exist the way it is then nothing in it will ever have a point. It will always be just a product of random evolution, one with no importance or relevance. The only logical goal is to dedicate our lives to increasing our numbers, those that aren't fakes, so that in thousands of years our numbers may be such that the fakes would no longer be a threat to progress.

Those that join us must see every other person occupying this planet as the enemy, and us as their only allies. Like us they must have dedication only to taking the most logical action, and to nothing else.

To tell you more about us, we've posted some personal information about ourselves on a website. You'll also find past responses to us on that webpage.

Obviously anyone reading this email is most likely just another fake. Do not simply reply to this email, if you do your message will almost certainly be ignored. If you do wish to communicate, first demonstrate your interest by taking the effort to find us online, one of the ways to do that is described below.

Use a major search engine to search for every combination of any two words from the list below. The order of the words shouldn't matter as long as you do not search for them in quotes. Also when you pick the right combination you shouldn't need to look at more then the first matches.

There is no trick to this and this isn't meant to be quick, it should, however, be fairly clear if/when you find the right site. The following search engines were verified by us, please use any of them as other search engines may simply not list us correctly: MSN, Lycos, InfoSeek, FastSearch, LookSmart, HotBot, InfoSpace, Ask.com, AllTheWeb, Teoma, WebCrawler, AltaVista.


If this can't be solved, or if you never reach us, there should be no reason for you to give up as we will never give up and thus there will always be some way to find us."


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Slashdot's Disagree Mail

Comments Filter:
  • Huh-whuh? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Ngarrang ( 1023425 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @12:47PM (#25168621) Journal

    After having read this particular disagree mail postings, I feel dumber, as if those particular mail messages has a magic spell of IQ Sucking attached to them. Must get...brain...out of here...

  • Okay... (Score:5, Funny)

    by damn_registrars ( 1103043 ) <damn.registrars@gmail.com> on Friday September 26, 2008 @12:48PM (#25168635) Homepage Journal
    Who else checked their names on their drivers licenses after reading, just out of curiosity?

    FWIW, every word on my NY license is in capitals - does that mean the entire state is enslaved (including the DMV itself)?
    • Re:Okay... (Score:5, Informative)

      by IceCreamGuy ( 904648 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @12:57PM (#25168783) Homepage

      does that mean the entire state is enslaved (including the DMV itself)?


    • I checked everything that had my name printed on a card! I reference the OP's comments about some people living in institutions reading only slashdot. I think that last letter was brought up on The Matrix Revolutions.
    • Looks like this guy isn't the only one with this theory [yahoo.com].

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Writing things in all capitol letters 1) force you to slow down when reading things, 2) make it harder to confuse certain letters (1, l and I, rn and m, etc), and 3) do not make you a slave. Well, I'm just guessing on that last one. Maybe my tinfoil hat is tarnished?

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by Tink2000 ( 524407 )

        Silly. Everyone knows that caps lock is cruise control for "cool."

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by spun ( 1352 )

      This 'all in caps' theory is the opening pitch for a 'you don't have to pay any taxes!' scam. I had a good friend who was partially suckered into this, but I managed to talk him out of it before he'd committed more than a few hundred dollars to these crooks.

    • does that mean the entire state is enslaved (including the DMV itself)?

      No, it just means that the CAPS lock key is broken

    • Re:Okay... (Score:4, Informative)

      by MarkovianChained ( 1143957 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @01:21PM (#25169181)
      Wish I had an answer, but some people who have thought this was a conspiracy that marked you as an enemy of the state tried to allege that in court. You can guess the outcome. This makes for a short, interesting read, with some of the court cases listed:

    • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      It's because your license plate is SHOUTING AT YOU, DUMBASS.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • The "Matrix" email (Score:5, Informative)

    by Guido del Confuso ( 80037 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @12:51PM (#25168679)
    • That's the 2nd or 3rd email posted in Disagree Mail that was found to have been posted other places, too.

      I'm thinking that there are these things called "bots" that send out what I like to call "SPAM" that was randomly generated, maybe in the hopes of confusing some email programs into allowing it through?

      More seriously, you see these posts on here all the time, rambling on and on for WAY too long with links to all kinds of websites that 'prove' the comments are legit. I used to think it was someone with
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        Well I remember visiting the website for that bunch of logic-freaks, so I think it really was an attempt by them to get some exposure. Basically they seemed to advocate striving to live a life of pure logic, always making only the right choices as dictated by logic and running society along the same lines. Very illogical, of course.
    • Its a spam, designed to get people to keyword-stuff specific search engines.

    • by Lavene ( 1025400 )
      So... is the resulting site down or did we just manage to slashdot a six year old spam site?
  • "What a bore to load on more stuff people will want me to shut up about..." Can someone please mod that up as insightful?
  • a sorry sport (Score:5, Insightful)

    by clang_jangle ( 975789 ) * on Friday September 26, 2008 @12:55PM (#25168761) Journal
    Frankly, I find it a bit discouraging that making light of maladjusted individuals seems to rank fairly high on so many people's list of acceptable pastimes. It's quite cruel. Of course, the irony is that those who laugh loudest are themselves quite maladjusted, otherwise they'd know better. It's a fact that we live in overwhelming times, so there are many overwhelmed people. This is more sad than entertaining.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Rough3dg3 ( 1372837 )
      I think that being able to identify maladjusted ideas is what makes a general consensus form on rational ideas.
    • by db32 ( 862117 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @01:06PM (#25168945) Journal
      So no more jokes about Republicans or Democrats anymore?
      • by MikeFM ( 12491 )

        They stopped being funny when I realized how fscked we are.

        • by db32 ( 862117 )
          Funny, that's when I started laughing at them. If we weren't totally fucked then the jokes and rhetoric would annoy me since they would only be counterproductive. Since we are totally fucked anyways you might as well laugh.
    • Samzenpus sends his regrets, he hit submit to early and forgot to add the fourth entry to his post. Lucky for us, he managed to repost the original in the form of the parent, the fourth and most deranged poster of disagree mail.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Rastl ( 955935 )

      I must respecfully disagree here. If the maladjusted person was sitting at home talking to the microwave then there would be no opportunity to as you say 'make light' of their version of reality.

      When they choose to share those versions of reality with others then they exercise that wonderful right of free speech and the responsibility to deal with what comes after.

      It's the same situation as what you do behind closed doors and what you do in a public park. If it's out of the public eye then it's no one's b

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by dattaway ( 3088 ) *

      Maladjusted? I prefer to think of it as tradition. You should see the very first posts on slashdot. I'm user 3088, but number 1 holds the record and my admiration!

    • by DogDude ( 805747 )
      Oh, lighten up. It's harmless and fun.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Salamander ( 33735 )

      Frankly, I find it a bit discouraging that making light of maladjusted individuals seems to rank fairly high on so many people's list of acceptable pastimes. It's quite cruel. Of course, the irony is that those who laugh loudest are themselves quite maladjusted

      So, you just took the time to compose a Slashdot post about how looking down at others is a sign of maladjustment, and you want to talk about irony? Please, do go on. I look forward to hearing why it's better to look down on others with a frown than with a smile.

      • by Otter ( 3800 )

        Please, do go on. I look forward to hearing why it's better to look down on others with a frown than with a smile.

        It's actually quite straightforward. People don't choose to be mentally ill. People do choose to be malicious scumbags who amuse themselves and boost their feeble self-esteem by ridiculing the mentally ill. Thus the difference between ridiculing the former for one's pathetic fun and chastising the latter in defense of the former.

        That said, given the number of people who simply can't grasp the c

    • Re:a sorry sport (Score:5, Insightful)

      by gruntled ( 107194 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @01:40PM (#25169519)

      I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with me that I felt pretty uncomfortable reading publicly posted missives from people who appear to be seriously ill. I think Rob and company should rethink this feature. It's sick, and I'm not going to read it any more.

      • They talk about ignoring every unconscious standard regulations of the brain. They say they do not want to be part of evolution. That collides heavily with what is generally accepted by 'normal' people. Therefore it makes one 'sick'.

        So basically they are doing what you'll probably want though: achieving real choice. Really making your own decisions, instead of letting 'hardwired by evolution' do it for you.

        You may not want to accept it but Nature (as in the mag) had posted an article a while back that concl

    • Frankly, I find it a bit discouraging that making light of maladjusted individuals seems to rank fairly high on so many people's list of acceptable pastimes. It's quite cruel. Of course, the irony is that those who laugh loudest are themselves quite maladjusted, otherwise they'd know better.

      So why doesn't being so harshly judgemental of people qualify?

      • "Harshly judgemental?" Maybe you're just being defensive? It would be harshly judgemental if I said "you people are going to hell for this", or something like that. I'm just saying it's sad so many people find it acceptable to laugh at those who apparently have trouble coping. Of course, I am not immune to it myself at times, and one might argue that it's often done in a sort of "whistling past the graveyard" manner, in which we deny our own insanity by identifying and poking fun at the insanity of others.
        • "Harshly judgemental?" Maybe you're just being defensive? It would be harshly judgemental if I said "you people are going to hell for this", or something like that.

          You said they're maladjusted, cruel, and you're attempting to elevate yourself above them. You're also calling people maladjusted based on one email. Their behaviour may be maladjusted, but you are not qualified to say any more than that.

          I guess I just feel sorry for people who end up being used as public examples of incompetence.

          Their behaviour is what's being put up as a public example. If appears as though you are using that to judge their character. Ponder the significance of that.

          • You said they're maladjusted, cruel,


            and you're attempting to elevate yourself above them.

            No. You're missing the biggest part -- the part that said, "Of course, I am not immune to it myself at times, and one might argue that it's often done in a sort of "whistling past the graveyard" manner, in which we deny our own insanity by identifying and poking fun at the insanity of others. I guess I just feel sorry for people who end up being used as public examples of incompetence. Unless perhaps they ar

            • No. You're missing the biggest part -- ...

              Nah. You negated it by labelling people.

              Sorry, but that is definitely you being defensive. Or perhaps you are just "misreading" me on purpose, hoping that I will sneer at you?

              Nope. I explained already.

              Either way, I think your need to reply to what I said in the way you did is what you might want to look at. :)

              Maybe. Or maybe you're unable to see fault in yourself. Dare ya to try!

    • You seem to have an odd empathy towards maladjusted individuals. Perhaps it is your own maladjustment that makes you so.

    • You have a rather bizarre definition of maladjusted. Humans banding together and disdaining those different from themselves is the natural order of things.

      Your usage of "overwhelming" is a bit peculiar as well. I can't really understand what you are trying to convey with those sentences.

      Anyway, I plan to disable the idle section in my preferences rather than come here to mock those that like the section.

    • In all honesty, though, what makes you think that the disagree mail posts are about making light of the senders?

      Studying other people, their opinions, reactions and language is a basic part of human behavior, wouldn't you agree? The further from oneself the objects of the study are, the more interesting, and the Slashdot disagree mail senders are usually quite far indeed.

      Of course there are people just making light of it as well, but even laughing is not necessarily a sign of not taking it seriously; i

    • by JerkBoB ( 7130 )

      I agree with this sentiment. There's no sport in making fun of people with mental illness. It's at the same level as mocking a kid with Downs' syndrome who can't do calculus. These people who write these crazy emails? They're not having a gag, they have something busted in their head. They honestly believe their bizarre nonsense, and it causes them (and those around them) a lot of anguish.


      What's worst is that often these folks with schizophrenia started off as highly intelligent people. Schiz

  • http://www.eternalambition.com/ [eternalambition.com] is no more! Dooom! Doooom! All is lost!
  • You know... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Gordonjcp ( 186804 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @12:58PM (#25168805) Homepage

    ... I'm sure I saw a piece of wood that looked like the bottom of a barrel around here, but now there's just all these shavings.

  • On last Disagree Mail article I mentioned [slashdot.org] that the reason people didn't like Idle was probably because they were disappointed with the "out there" factor that one would expect from 10 years of running Slashdot.

    Although they erode my faith in humanity a little bit, these are much better and actually made me laugh.

  • >>> we would not give up because there is no logic in giving up.

    *Somebody* needs to take the Voight-Kampff test. 'Sure sounds like something an android would say!

    (Sorry, just finished a short obsession with blade runner)

  • by Andy Dodd ( 701 ) <atd7 AT cornell DOT edu> on Friday September 26, 2008 @01:07PM (#25168953) Homepage

    Previous installments of Disagree Mail actually were from people personally contacting Slashdot to complain, and some were quite funny.

    These emails are just text used to get spam past Bayesian filters so that an image with the real message can get through. Yes, I realize that the spammers often forget the image, I guess those messages are just "will it bounce" probes.

    Good job samzenpus for proving to the aforementioned spammers that not only is your email valid, but you read everything, even the obvious spams that aren't targeted directly at yourself.

    • Andy Dodd's post was the funniest of the whole page!! I was thinking the same thing. Some of this sounds like it was ripped from an existential angst ridden teen's MySpace page.

  • Normal /. (Score:4, Informative)

    by mschuyler ( 197441 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @01:14PM (#25169059) Homepage Journal

    These sound like normal slashdot posts to me. You can't really distinguish them from a typical thread.

  • by John Pfeiffer ( 454131 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @01:15PM (#25169073) Homepage

    Uhm...wow. I think this is an attempt at some sort of BRAIN VIRUS...

    Lewis Black says the reason we only use 6% of our brains is that the rest sits around waiting to figure out the meaning of stupid things people say. (He also says that figuring out these stupid things people say is what causes aneurysms...)

    Yeah, now I can believe it. This is some sort of weaponized STUPID.

    I imagine the trick was balancing the stupid so you read it all the way through...

  • In the last email, about finding that web site, the sender tells us to search for each possible combination of two words out of a list of 20. That's (20*21)/2=210 possible combinations. Yeah, that's definitely not going to be quick.

    Maybe I'll write up a quick Perl script to get the 210 first results from one of those major search engines, and scan through to see...

    Yeah, I just lost interest. Not worth it. I must be a fake.
  • Logical Goal (Score:5, Insightful)

    by VisceralLogic ( 911294 ) <paul&viscerallogic,com> on Friday September 26, 2008 @01:16PM (#25169091) Homepage

    The only logical goal is to dedicate our lives to increasing our numbers, those that aren't fakes, so that in thousands of years our numbers may be such that the fakes would no longer be a threat to progress.

    That doesn't make any sense. "Progress" is itself an arbitrary goal; there is no logical reason to pursue progress. Guess he's just another fake, after all.

  • A cat is no trade for integrity.
  • Hooray! (Score:3, Funny)

    by danger_nakamura ( 1348455 ) on Friday September 26, 2008 @01:29PM (#25169301)

    I'm so very happy
    The day is Disagree Mail
    Big fat mailman dance
    With my Disagree Mail
    All ugly no brain fool
    Hate my Disagree Mail
    I feed them to the cat
    To get my Disagree Mail
    Feed me - feed me more
    I need Disagree Mail
    Hovering in darkness
    With my Disagree Mail
    You Disagree - I kill you
    For my Disagree Mail
    Stupid no-sex nerds
    Hate my Disagree Mail
    So for true all love I have
    Stay with Disagree Mail
    Wait I do another week
    For more Disagree Mail
    Wait alone I will I will
    For lovely Disagree Mail

  • The last email is seriously old news; it's been circulating since at least 2002: see here [archive.org] and here [archive.org].

    • by KGIII ( 973947 ) *

      I should have read all the posts first. I dug for a while and found your later link as I could no longer remember the name of the site. Ah well.

  • I changed my name legally to a combination of the peace symbol and the symbol for radiation. Thus I have no upper case version and thus cannot be enslaved. Ha hahahahaha.
    • Actually, in the eyes of the State you have no lowercase version of your name and are already enslaved. Have a nice day.
  • I don't know about you guys, but from here on out I'm going to have a tough time not making the lives of clueless noobs who post in ALL CAPS on forums a living hell now that I have the idea that they might work at the DMV in the back of my mind.
    • Here, take your pick:

      • REALLY ANGRY MODE: javascript:void(document.body.style.textTransform="uppercase");
      • stupid myspace mode: javascript:void(document.body.style.textTransform="lowercase");
      • Really Irritating Person Mode: javascript:void(document.body.style.textTransform="capitalize");
  • 100% width? italicized blockquotes? white-on-green text? I've never thought of anything as genuinely "user-abusive" before, but this is getting there.
  • If I want to read trap, I can always go to the reg. I like slashdot because they enable me to discuss things with a relatively intelligent base. There are enough sites for me to have a laugh at idiots already, let's kill this stuff.

    Actually, even these posts are too intelligent to be marked as truly idiotic. So there is even little fun for over the top antics.

  • I want whatever drugs they are having! They seem pretty zippy!

  • Wow, just wow. I can't believe people actually write this stuff to you. I hope they don't go shooting up a school or something because mommy teased them with the nipple...
  • I get the sneaking suspicion that these aren't even directed towards Slashdot. It looks like some random spam that floods everyone's inbox.
  • Maybe it's the paranoia I got from merely reading these, but... some of them truly look like coded messages.

    Take the first one for example. The words and sentences kinda work together and kinda make coherent thoughts. But they could also be explained as obfuscation around a buried coded message.

    Not that I can come up with a reason why those coded messages are being directed at you. I would think they would be posted publicly so that the recipient could find them (though that did happen in the end, did
  • Crazy or no, anyone who rails against leaving the caps lock key down is okay in my book.
  • The "ally" that the author of the last e-mail mentioned was just discovered. It was an AI all along. (That's what you get for trusting someone you met on the internet.)

    Turing isn't sure what to make of this... does it count if the judge was a crackpot?

  • Still not funny or worth my time.
    In turn, I will waste your time with this post, slashdot!

  • Shut up you all... the Disagree Mail section's not too bad ;)
  • Just going to add some variables to the equation:

    You should never mix X + a sociology book + Y.

    There, fixed it.
  • Because the only person who could be harmed by the joke, will never get the joke. You have to get a joke to be harmed by it -- QED.

To be or not to be, that is the bottom line.
