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Where The Sidewalk Ends 4

Mr. Silverstein could have been saved a lot of time and trouble if he knew about this place.


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Where The Sidewalk Ends

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  • They should have written the sign in braille, too, so blind people could read it.

  • The public signage which always made me chuckle was the one for "tourist information" used in some of the cities I've visited.

    The sign is a big question mark with an arrow pointing off in some direction.

    I actually had to follow one of them to figure out what the heck it was all about, and found myself up the street standing in front of a tourist information bureau, thinking, "Ah. But golly, that's hardly intuitive!"


    • All of the tourist information centers in Australian cities (as far as I know) are indicated by an italic i in some serif font or other. Useful for tourists if they ever bother to find out what that funny i thing means.

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