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Couple Funds Honeymoon With Recyclables 38

John and Ann Till, from Petersfield, in Hampshire, spent three months collecting recyclables to pay for their honeymoon flights. The couple earned one reward point, which they converted into BA air miles, for every four items they recycled. In the end, they amassed 36,000 miles. Mr Till, 31, a railways communications manager, said, "We wanted to make our honeymoon special and were trying to think of ways to raise money for it. I saw on the machine that you got a Tesco Clubcard point for every four items you put in. For every 250 points you got 600 British Airways miles. We worked out that it would be possible to turn rubbish into our flights — as long as we had enough."


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Couple Funds Honeymoon With Recyclables

Comments Filter:
  • Pretty soon they'll be using the garbage to fuel the planes, making this a one to one conversion, cutting out the middle man!

  • That means they averaged >650 items per day (including weekends and holidays) for three straight months.

    That's a lot of Mt. Dew.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 07, 2008 @02:42PM (#25290075)

    Note, they cheated: they cut cans in half so it counted as two cans. Invalidate half their value. They're stealing money from the system, basically. WTG.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    They spent three months recycling, so that they could indulge in one of the most carbon-intensive, environmentally damaging activities a human can participate in (short of actually setting fire to a forest)? Bravo, middle classes! Next thing you know they'll be tarmac'ing over their front garden so there's more space for their two new electric cars.

  • by xC0000005 ( 715810 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2008 @03:45PM (#25290933) Homepage
    They cut the cans in half to "maximize" points. I'll try that next time I'm at the store. I'll cut a dollar bill in half and see if they let my buy $1 with each half.
  • Honeymoon, or what?

  • Would have been an even better story if it was 2nd (or any number > 1) marriage for both of them. Talk about recycling and reusing!

  • by Anonymous Coward

    About three years ago me and my wife had some bad times and we lived out of a park in first burbank, then santa monica. In CA, you could recycle 16 oz or smaller bottle for $0.04 or 20 oz and up for $0.08. In Burbank across the street they filmed the Ellen show and people would line up around the block for hours to get in to see her or even just sit in a room and watch her on cctv. When those lines went in there was trash everywhere. Two shows a day on filming days and between $20 and $50 in bottles pe

We warn the reader in advance that the proof presented here depends on a clever but highly unmotivated trick. -- Howard Anton, "Elementary Linear Algebra"
