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Woman Changes Name To Web Address 21

19-year-old Jennifer Thornburg has changed her name to, to protest animal dissections in schools. Jennifer says she began opposing dissections in middle school after a class assignment to cut up a chicken wing made her uncomfortable. She is of course interning for PETA, since no teenager could think up an idea this stupid on their own without a team of people helping. Thornburg said, "I normally do have to repeat my name several times when I am introducing myself to someone new. Once they find out what my name is, they want to know more about what the Web site is about."


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Woman Changes Name To Web Address

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  • "She helped create a policy at her high school that allows students who object to dissections to complete an alternative assignment."

    Good for her, but does she stop it where the problem is?

    "Despite her legally changing the name, she said most of her family members still call her Jennifer."

    Nope.. her parents can't call her by the name they gave her, and now she's trying to push her own adolescent agenda.

    • Sorry... let me clarify that last part. Her friends (or maybe just other people she doesn't know) can't call her by the name her parents wanted her to be called, but family can. Meaning shes using it more as a code name than anything. Changing your name legally but still going by your old name kind of defeats the purpose of changing it in the first place.

      Why not just name yourself James Bond, Max Power, Harry Phetus.

      This reminds me of all the people I've known who changed their names. One kid was named
      • She is doing it for attention really. If she meets someone new and she introduces herself as or has to hand her ID over to a cashier/cop/etc, that is going to start the inevitable conversations of "oh that's a strange name, did your parents name you that?" Then she can go on about WHY she changed her birth name. Now there is an article in a few newspapers about her and people are going to the sponsored website. The sad part is I doubt it will do much. Even if there is e huge response an
    • You know what? I disagree with her position. However, I respect someone who stands up for what they believe in. I respect her position a hell of a lot more than someone who stands on the sidelines and criticizes her.

      You know what else I think? This 1" wide comment box is a pain in the ass.

  • There was a guy who changed his name to As soon as I saw the headline I knew PETA was involved
  • ... from an early age we taught our kids that

    • death is part of life,
    • meat is muscle, and
    • getting the meat we use to cook delicious food is messy, and, lastly,
    • life is messy, bloody and savage.

    I don't know what they'll do when they become teenagers or when they go to college, but at least we've given them a grounding in truth.

  • since no teenager could think up an idea this stupid on their own without a team of people helping

    I don't think we should underestimate the ability of teenagers to think up stupid ideas.

  • For some reason's name is given incorrectly in the /. article. On more than one occasion she is referred to as Jennifer Thornburg or derivations of such. I've corrected the body of the article and placed it below:


    19-year-old has changed her name to [], to protest animal dissections in schools. CutoutDissection says she began opposing dissections in middle school after a class assignment to cut up a chicken wing made her uncomfortable. She is of

  • ...helped us learn a lot of things we didn't know about anatomy, and enabled us to do a lot of things that we now take for granted. If one day, Jennifer (I refuse to use the stupid 'name' she's taken on) needs a life-saving surgery on some major organ, she can thank dissection for the docs having the knowledge to perform it.

  • I do not know about you, but understanding anatomy is a pretty good skill. Especially if you plan on becoming a doctor. Although I am not a doctor, as a parent I have found myself in the position of diagnosing "bo-bos". Understanding anatomy does come in handy after high school.
  • You're obviously very passionate about educating people about dissection. Why is that?

    Two years ago, I was an active Street Team member of peta2. I was trying to rake up some points in order to trade them in for a shirt, and I got an email saying that anything that I did relating to dissection during the month of October would be double the points. Because of this, I decided to work on getting a dissection choice policy passed at my high school. When I started to research policies and why dissection is bad for the school, students, and animals, it became an obsession of mine. My senior exit project and my junior year were both dedicated to getting a dissection choice policy passed at my high school. I was shocked when I read about how much more educational the alternatives to dissection can be, how much money they can save for the school, and how many lives could be spared; it's shocking to me that schools still use dissection as a part of their science lessons when there are so many humane and equally educational alternatives out there that will also save the school money.

    She did it for a shirt anyway, pretty awesome reason if you ask me.

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