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Happy Festivus 17

Way back in 1997 Seinfeld made Festivus Famous. Alexandra Casuso was only 11 years old when Festivus made its TV debut but she is now one of many people who celebrate the holiday. "My parents -- my mother is Jewish, my father is Christian -- have a Christmas tree set up," said Casuso, 22. "They think I'm crazy. But I have a Festivus pole set up in the house. I also have a huge banner hanging up that says `Happy Festivus!' And I took all the gifts from under their Christmas tree and put them under my Festivus pole." Festivus is not over until you pin CowboyNeal!


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Happy Festivus

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  • As soon as I'm done with the airing of grievances!!!
  • You know, I got a real problem with you and your "Festivus."
  • We canâ(TM)t deny the fact that war canâ(TM)t be stopped even during holiday season, because of the issue between Christmas and Festivus holidays, people have different opinions regarding to this, but in spite of this yet, we still absorb the happiness of this holiday season. Happy Festivus, everyone! One of the biggest reasons why a lot of people need to get payday loans during the holiday season is because the holidays have become so much about buying stuff, and a lot of people get fed up with i
  • but the thumbnail [slashdot.org] of the article's picture, when scaled to width="50" height="37", looks an awful lot like an airliner flying towards an very skinny skyscraper.

    I also want to know why the thumbnail wasn't scaled to the standard slashdot size to begin with.

The Tao is like a glob pattern: used but never used up. It is like the extern void: filled with infinite possibilities.
