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Black Hole House 2

Who says carpentry can't be cool?


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Black Hole House

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  • Wow... (Score:4, Informative)

    by ShadowBlasko ( 597519 ) <.shadowblasko. .at.> on Monday January 12, 2009 @03:25PM (#26421287)
    It looked so very much cooler before some asshat "Urban Street Artist" decided it would look better with their garbage sprawled all over it.

    If not done with the owners permission, said "artist" should be arrested and charged with destroying public art works, or just shot... that works for me too. (original)
    • Troll? Really?

      Did you look at the pic at the link I posted?

      It looks like hell with graffiti on it, it looked like art before.

      That makes me a troll? I've never been a troll before.

news: gotcha
