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Vatican Launches Its Own YouTube Channel 5

Rog-Mahal writes "Pope Benedict XVI will launch his own YouTube channel says an AP story snagged from MSNBC. The Pope "joined U.S. President Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II on Friday by launching his own YouTube channel, the latest Vatican effort to reach out to the digital generation." The article goes on to state that Pope Benedict was inspired by social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. In addition to reaching a larger audience, the Vatican also hopes to control the use of papal images and content. Additionally, "Google's managing director for media solutions, Henrique de Castro, said Google was working out details to ensure the site was available in China, where authorities occasionally block foreign news sites."" I look forward to watching his holiness play practical jokes on the cardinals and jump various things on his skateboard.


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Vatican Launches Its Own YouTube Channel

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
