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Airline Considers Charging For Toilets 5

Ryanair airline's chief executive, Michael O'Leary, has said that the airline might start charging passengers for using the toilet while flying. "One thing we have looked at in the past and are looking at again is the possibility of maybe putting a coin slot on the toilet door so that people might actually have to spend a pound ($1.43) to spend a penny in future," O'Leary told BBC television. It won't be long before airlines will start charging for air. Why should they eat the entire cost of pressurizing the cabin?


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Airline Considers Charging For Toilets

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  • Hey (Score:3, Funny)

    by Dunbal ( 464142 ) on Monday March 02, 2009 @05:46PM (#27044989)

    Don't forget the following fees, coming soon to an airline near you:

    Successful landing fee: $25 per passenger for every non lethal landing - payable in advance and refundable to your next of kin on receipt of your remains (parts obtained seperately).

    Luggage delivery fee - $10 per article of checked luggage successfully delivered to your destination. Breakable items in checked bags that actually break in transit will occur an additional $20 per item. Spilled liquids are still free.

    Window shade operation fee: $0.50 per opening/closing of the window shades ($1.75 if sitting on the sunny side of the aircraft).

    Noxious fume fee: $5 for breathing a selection of digestive smells from your fellow passengers.


    • You missed a fee which is the counter of the Successful landing fee, called the unsuccessful landing fee. This fee of $30 includes the collection and collation of body parts payable by next of kin upon receipt of said body parts - note that extra handling fees may apply

  • What will they charge if I pee in my seat? Will they arrest me for theft of services if I don't have the money on me?

  • Aren't all public places required to have restrooms accessible? I'd hate to be sitting next to the guy on a 4-hour flight who ate Taco Bell before takeoff and doesn't have any cash on him.

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