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8-Year-Old Boy Sets A-Level Maths Record 16

krou writes "The BBC is reporting that an 8-year-old boy, Zohaib Ahmed, from Hampshire, UK, has set a new record for the youngest person to ever sit and pass A-level maths with an A level grade. He scored 90% for the exam, and claimed his success was down to his parents. "My parents helped me out a lot. My dad taught me some maths and my mum sorted everything out. I couldn't have done it without them." More importantly for the /. community, the mother firmly believed in good planning, and gave them plenty of leisure time — to play computer games (and watch television)."


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8-Year-Old Boy Sets A-Level Maths Record

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  • I always see these child prodigies that can do amazing things at a very young age, like recite every state and capitol, identify every US president, or solve crazy math problems.
    I want to know, what are they doing now?
    Is there some loser 30 yr old guy out there who can't hold a job, living with his parents, but can still recite every state and capitol, or do these kids actually go on and do amazing things?

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