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Move Over, Vandelay Industries 2

An anonymous reader writes "Remember that Seinfeld episode where George was unemployed and made up Vandelay Industries to be his former employer and work reference? Well, a new website is taking that idea to the Web 2.0 level, complete with faux stock options, salary and other benefits. 'Wurkers' who join are offered a variety of benefits seen at real companies, including free business cards, desktop software, a virtual desk at Starbucks, t-shirts, and even a 'subsidized' lunch program."


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Move Over, Vandelay Industries

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  • I think employers and the unemployment office will get wise when they see the front page say: "If you are unemployed and want to pretend to have a job, click here, but if you are an employer wanting references on one of our "employees" click here. And when they do a google search, they will see ads and reviews that say "fake out potential employers! Pretend to work at!"

    Also, you got the Seinfeld episode wrong. George did not use Vandelay Industries as his employer or reference. He lied to his work

  • Slashdot isn't free advertising space... we see though your flimsy disguise

A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
