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Pirates and Ninjas — Emacs Or Vi? 2

Sherri Davidoff writes "In the great debates of Pirates vs. Ninjas and Emacs vs. Vi, there is one overarching question: Do Pirates and Ninjas use Emacs or Vi? Philosecurity has conducted countless hours of research, interviewed real ninjas and pirates in their natural environs, and launched intensive laboratory studies involving monkeys in order to bring you, our readers, the scientifically proven answers you demand. After thousands of hours and monkey brains, our scientists have reached the following conclusions: Pirates use Emacs and Ninjas Use Vi. Laboratory results showed that 92% of ninjas preferred vi, while fully 96% of pirates used emacs. In the wild, these numbers were even higher (94% and 97.5%, respectively)."


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Pirates and Ninjas — Emacs Or Vi?

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  • Duh (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Emacs is big and slow, just like a pirate ship.
    Vi is fast like ninjas.

Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later. -- F. Brooks, "The Mythical Man-Month"
