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Britain Training Mine-Sniffing Rats 2

Kofi, a Gambian pouched rat, is being trained to sniff out explosive devices. Gambian pouched rats have one of the best senses of smell in the animal kingdom and are used to hunt for land mines in Africa. Kofi spends 20 minutes a day training by staff at the Porfell Wildlife Park and Sanctuary near Liskeard, Cornwall. His handler Wendy Winstanley now plans to contact the Army and the police anti-terror unit to offer her rats' services for use both home and abroad. She said, "Kofi is amazing, his sniff ability is really incredible. People think of rats as vermin but they are highly intelligent creatures. They have a more heightened sense of smell than dogs and because they are so much lighter they have less chance of setting off an explosive." Isn't this how NIMH started?


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Britain Training Mine-Sniffing Rats

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