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Corporation Breeds Hybrid Animals For New Cell Phone Technology 2

The wolf-pigeon is doing a great job.

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Corporation Breeds Hybrid Animals For New Cell Phone Technology

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  • I don't want a phone that needs to be walked twice a day.
  • Skinner: ahh, but as it turns out the lizards where a god send since they've eaten all the pigeons.
    Lisa: Isn't that a little short sighted, what happens when where up to our ears with lizards?
    Skinner: Ah, well we shall simply release wave after wave of Chinese needles snakes.
    Lisa: then what about the snakes?
    Skinner: We simply import gorillas who will eat all the snakes.
    Lisa: Well what happens when where up to our ears in gorilla's!
    Skinner: Ah that's the beauty of the thing, come winter the gorillas will freeze to death.

"No job too big; no fee too big!" -- Dr. Peter Venkman, "Ghost-busters"
